Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1476 Special undercover skills

If Noah hadn't signed an agreement with them and promised to help collect the tailed beasts, he would have turned the table over.

Forget it, whatever plans you have behind the scenes to weaken the five major nations and collect tailed beasts, I've done it.

But! I can only do it myself in Konoha Village, it is my village!!!

Sarutobi Hiruzen's character at this time is not a rebellious ninja who wants to retaliate against the village indiscriminately. As a villain, it would be too low if he was only in this level.

Isn't a paranoid man who is ambitious and wants to take back the village even more advanced?

Come on, Obito sneered from behind the mask, and he still thought he was the Third Hokage?

At this time Sarutobi Hiruzen finally looked at Obito-kun, but his eyes were full of contempt.

Also, it's not okay to leave this organization to this masked bastard. I think I'm more suitable!!!

The plan given by Noah was to go undercover, but Hiruzen Sarutobi was a great ninja and a legend among ninjas.

He has his own unique way of going undercover.

Instead of interfering and passing on information, wouldn't it be nice to directly guide the actions of the mastermind behind the scenes?

He would not allow anything that could really harm Konoha.

What's more, he doesn't completely believe in Noah and Kakashi. Hiruzen needs his own power to supervise and check and balance these two people.

If they can really make Konoha live a good life as they promised, then continue to implement the plan. If they dare to deceive him, then fight to the death.

As for the Villain Alliance, the three companies are confused. Good guys, good guys, they directly seize power and become the leader! This is great! ! !

Kuro Zetsu was shocked. The Sandaime's lust for power was no longer hidden at all after becoming Kuro.

What does Obito mean when he threw the table in anger? ! ! ! Do you understand the value of being Uchiha Madara’s only designated heir?

Even if I promise Hei Jue, I won’t agree!

What? Isn't it possible? Does this kind of miscellaneous fish know how to build an organization? Does it know how to divide the relationship between the five major countries? Does it know how to train new people?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's three consecutive questions confused Black Zetsu. He was disgusted at first, why were both of them trying to get out of control.

But after getting over the shock period, it seems to make sense.

It is true that Obito had his work cut to pieces after his blackening. Would it have been different if he had been replaced by a professional?

Besides, the original plan was that Obito was also a small figure hiding in the dark, and the leader on the surface was to be given to Nagato.


Huh? ! !

Obito quits, is it pointless for you to remain silent at this time?

In an instant, he decided to defeat this old guy in front of Hei Jue to restore his respect. He couldn't do this just because he happened to see his downtrodden side.

Even if he could endure it, he still couldn't accept that Sarutobi Hiruzen could step on his head.


Disappear, sneak attack, miss.

There was only one empty chair left there, and Obito was a little dazed with his kunai, looking like an idiot.

That's it?

Sarutobi Hiruzen had been on guard against this move for a long time and immediately left the place in an instant. It happened that the new arm had not yet been tested in actual combat.

Hei Zetsu doesn't stop him, there will only be problems if the villain alliance is a harmonious group.

The two chased and fled to the open sea and began to confront each other.

Sarutobi Hiruzen. Without the leaf village, you are just a lost dog. You are too arrogant to have never seen the peak power of the ninja world.

The masked man lowered his voice and tried his best to maintain his strong character.

At this moment, the Sandaime began to recall the information given by Noah, and thought about how he could pretend to slowly discover these weaknesses.

Obito didn't care so much and just turned into a blur and started a crazy attack. He was so fierce that he couldn't be beaten to death.

It seemed that the Sandaime took a long time after being shocked and tested before he found out the flaw of becoming physical just before taking action, and then came the ninjutsu show.

As long as Obito gets close, there will be all kinds of unexpected counterattacks, and the sharp and oppressive combos will kill him.

Thanks to Minato and Noah's ball combos, Obito was not so panicked this time, and he just rolled and crawled to avoid subsequent attacks.

In the end, they didn't even dare to continue to maintain the offensive rhythm.

Because he was afraid, fearing that the information about the weakness of the second virtualization time limit would be spread out, and then he would face a large-scale ninjutsu attack.

No one would think that a ninjutsu doctor couldn't do such an attack.

It has been said that Obito's strongest point is the particularity of time and space. When the information is leaked, he will be at the level of a Tokage.

Yes, he alone created the term special shadow.

Imitating the settings of a special jounin, there are several shadow-level skills that reach the limit and are unsolvable.

There are so many super-standard skills such as Kaleidoscope, Wood Release, Chakra level, and time and space, but there is no invincible system. It can only be said that talent is really limited.

Of course, he has surpassed 99.99% of ninjas, but he always encounters the 0.01% of masters.

Kaleidoscope, was that your ability just now? What a pity.

This pity means that everyone knows which aspect it refers to.

Black Zetsu who was watching the battle also thought it was a pity. The other Sharingan owner was really too powerful.

Seeing the calm and composed Sarutobi Hiruzen Obito's reason still not being suppressed, he felt that he had reserved too much and had not even shown the true power of God.

Haha, the Third Hokage. I wonder if you will feel scared when you see a god!!!

Huge chakra surged out of the body, and the power in the Sharingan's eyes was spinning crazily.

This is the pupil power back-up left by Madara to Obito, otherwise he would not be able to open Susana with one eye with his talent.


Susano'o is far worse than Kakashi.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has seen three Susanoos in the past few days. He really can't be shocked again, and the masked man is only one level better than Uchiha Fugaku.

Although he is very powerful, he is afraid of comparison in everything.

Such a light sentence instantly ignited the battle situation. Black Zetsu knew that Obito's sanity was burned by the taboo words at this moment.

The giant rushed over like crazy, and then began to be beaten.

If you only use the power of space and Wood Release Obito, you can still draw a tie with the Sandaime. The time and space bug is difficult to crack even if you know this thing.

I just used Susan Kakashi to drive a Gundam and he was taught how to be a good person, okay?

Hiruzen Sarutobi at his peak was really not used to young people, and his second-generation forbidden technique shone in the sea.

After a while, Obito was forced to regain his senses, and the scene was awkward for a while.

beat? Will lose.

Do not hit? Still lose.

Black Zetsu also made up his mind at this time, no matter what Sarutobi Hiruzen's ambitions were.

As long as the opponent's curse seal is still within his control, it is not a bad thing to let such an experienced ninja lead the organization.

He would do anything to confront Noah and maintain equal cooperation. As long as his mother comes out, the world can be rewritten at will.

From today on, Hiruzen Sarutobi is the leader of the organization!

For the sake of peace, don't be impulsive. Ah Fei.

A Fei was born.

Black Zetsu doesn't mind Obito's dissatisfaction. He will tolerate anything as long as he can create a world with Lin.

He turned to look at the new leader.

Chief, what are you going to do as the first step?

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt very relaxed after letting himself go. As for what to do next?

A man provided him with various alternative plans ABCD. The one suitable for the current situation is plan F.

I want...the kingdom of water!

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