It's almost dawn.

Many of the powerful bosses in the village gathered in the conference room with sad faces.

It would have been quite sad and angry to have an elder in the family assassinated, but now there is only fear.

Sarutobi Hiruzen actually rebelled against the village? Sarutobi Hiruzen actually rebelled against the village!

No one believed it when they said it. They believed that the Sandaime Hokage would die on the battlefield a few days ago, and they also believed that the other party would face his ending calmly. However, they did not expect that the other party would defect to Konoha in a very disgraceful way.

This was a hero that countless people in the village once worshiped, and no one could accept it for a while.

I don't have much doubt that the other party can break free from the seal and escape from the prison.

After all, he was the former Hokage, so it would be understandable if he had any loyal subordinates or special methods.

And after analysis by the big guys, they also figured out the reason for the chaos at night.

After Hiruzen Sarutobi escaped from the dungeon, he did not leave immediately but first assassinated the powerful elders of various major families.

These people are almost all the people who had the closest contact with him during his lifetime. They may be venting their anger or they may not want their secrets to be exposed. In short, this revenge is very fierce and decisive.

The Nara, Inuzuka, and Aburame families were all very close to the Hokage family in the past, and they were so heartbroken.

There are one or two people who are not dead but are now frightened. A large number of guards have been arranged to protect them, and they are still talking about reporting and exposing them.

Only the dead can no longer speak.

These families were very excited and felt that they were all blind to support the old man back then.

Hinata and Hinata were even more furious. This was the second time that Hinata's house had been invaded.

What I'm more worried about is what if I attack Hinata or Hizashi? !

The two of them can be said to be the main reasons for Sarutobi Hiruzen's downfall.

Only the patriarch of one family didn't have much inner anger even though someone died, he was just acting on the surface.

The Nara family was the second to discover the elder's body. They fell silent at that time and remained silent all night.

At the moment of death, Yoshitomo Nara still left a little hint of information, but it was not directed at the so-called ninja who rebelled against the village.

A few smart people didn't dare to think deeply about the meaning behind this, especially the scene where the body fell under the new Hokage's information.

I simply cleaned up the scene before meeting up with other families to communicate the situation.

It was once again confirmed that this revenge incident was not simple, and there seemed to be an invisible figure hanging behind it.

It's just that smart people also know that some guesses cannot be spoken, so they also participated in this 'accidental' commotion.

At that time, everyone gathered together. In addition to looking for the Sannin who could call the shots, they also called the security team to come over quickly to deal with emergencies.

Originally, this kind of matter should be left to the professionals in the ANBU to handle it, but they are still in jail now.

The release of the ANBU, which only belongs to the Hokage, would only add to the chaos, and would only cause the Uchiha group who are not afraid of death to get involved.

At the same time, the Sannin who were still happy in the tavern were also found and sat in the center.

When he learned that the teacher ran out of wine, Jiraiya woke up instantly.

No matter how many secrets Kakashi hides behind him, the people of Konoha are innocent and cannot allow more troubles to occur in the village.

He immediately took the initiative to stand up to improve morale and stabilize the morale of the army. This is the courage of Toad Immortal.

Orochimaru and Tsunade roughly knew that there might be another man's handiwork in this, so they tightened on the outside and relaxed on the inside to appease the current situation.

Don't panic. Nara Shikaku came out to form a temporary staff. Chief Fugaku temporarily used ANBU authority to search the entire village.

The Hyuga clan is prepared. The ban on opening the Byakugan in the village may be lifted at any time.

The Jonin present have temporarily formed a wartime team mode, and be careful to guard against any strangers or unusual acquaintances.

This is the deterrent power of top-level ninja invasions. The existence of transformation techniques and illusions allows ninjas' espionage and assassination capabilities to achieve various incredible effects.

One person can put Konoha Village, the leader of the five major countries, into panic.

After having the commander, the situation temporarily stabilized.

The search force that was quickly formed under Tsunade's command swished around on the roof, waking up many people.

Immediately, a new piece of bad news came that the prison where Shimura Danzo was imprisoned was breached, and the Dark Ninja World was also rescued.

Everyone's hearts sank, and the situation became more serious.

These two people know all the secrets of Konoha. If they deliberately want revenge, the situation will get out of control to a very terrible extent.

It's impossible for the other party to want to stir up troubles when the new Hokage is not around, but does that seriously injured and disabled body really have a chance to do such a thing?

Or were both of them blinded by anger and hatred?

Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen was knocked unconscious, Danzo is worthy?

After a while, all the Jonin in the village had temporarily formed a team and began to search the area divided by the temporary staff center.

Track found! To the west!

In an instant, the hard-core pursuit team headed by three elite jounin headed straight to the west. At the same time, Lord Jiraiya was notified to come for support. Ordinary ninjas were not qualified to capture Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As there are more and more traces, it can be seen that the other party's escape speed is getting slower and slower.

On the contrary, the pursuing troops began to be cautious. No one wanted to encounter a beast that was about to fight back.

Suddenly, a black shadow in the distance was running wildly to the side. Through the extraordinary power of eyes, someone shouted that they saw it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is running south with Danzo on his back!

Wuyangyang's group of people rushed away, and when they got closer, they discovered that these two were indeed good friends who shared life and death. Even at this stage, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not give up on his completely disabled good brother.

Alas, if the Third Generation didn't say anything anymore.

Why is Danzo shaking his head? And what are you talking about?

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

The most common method to prevent the enemy from escaping is to throw ninja tools and release ninjutsu, but in order not to cause panic among the residents, everyone started throwing ninja tools in a tacit understanding.

Kunai and darts hit like raindrops, and the figure in front really began to slow down.

By the time they were stopped, the two sides had been dealing with each other for a while.

As expected of a former Shinobu hero, he almost escaped our pursuit even though his body was severely damaged.

The elite jounin maintained a highly cautious posture in a swastika shape, with sweat all over their heads due to nervousness.

Facing the broken arm of Shinobu, they did not dare to make any mistakes, and all their attention was focused on the opponent's eyes or hands and feet.

After watching the battle of the Four Red Yang Formation, they understood that if there was even the slightest hesitation, they would be killed on the spot.

In addition to forming an encirclement, the other ninjas were also conducting psychological warfare.

Master Hiruzen, please stop resisting. No matter how powerful you are, you will never be a match for the village.

Master Hiruzen, Master Jiraiya will be here soon. Please don't act rashly.

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