Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1462 Trouble after victory

What would you do if the ghoul ban was successful?

It's not like the God of Death can't kill you. That guy was a little afraid of me when you were sealed.

Noah sat on the Hokage Rock and played with a special kunai and said relaxedly, it is a big question whether touching the God of Death, which belongs to the Pure Land, will lead to the Six Paths.

Kyuubi's face was full of disdain. You were not so confident just now.

A man-made canyon was almost going to appear in Konoha. The Third Hokage finally saved his village.

Looking at the deserted Konoha Village in the core area, no one would have thought that it had the highest GDP among the five great ninja villages before. The other four countries laughed their brains out when they found out.

This sudden civil war in Konoha was really confusing.

All external and internal factors exploded at this moment. Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't expect that his move to take advantage of others would drag him into the abyss.

If we did not rely on force and relied solely on the village's political methods and reputation health bars, the two of them would still have to fight for a while.

Even if Noah were to plot against the Third Hokage, it wouldn't be that simple. This old guy's basic plan is quite good.

It was suppressed by force.

One person and one fox pointed at the bottom as if nothing was wrong.

The core area was in chaos, with bustling crowds of people walking around like headless flies.

When watching the excitement from across the Four Red Yang Formation, everyone would just marvel at how powerful this move is. Why have they never seen this ninjutsu before?

Only after the battle was over did I suddenly realize, where is my family? Where did my huge yard go?

If you are lucky, you can see half of your home, but if you are unlucky, you can only try to distinguish which big pit looks like your home.

Everyone began to rush in the direction of their families and began to rummage through the houses in an attempt to save some belongings or hidden secrets.

The retreat was too hasty and nothing could be taken away except the top secrets.

Tsunade-sama, stop, stop them.

Kakashi leaned on the slug and felt a double image appeared in front of his eyes, but he still made the right decision.

The injuries caused by the original capture of the Eight-Tails have not recovered, and the final victory relied on strong willpower and the replenishment of potions.

At this moment, he could no longer hold on. He decisively entrusted everything to him before falling down.

The influx of people at this time will cause many unknown hidden dangers, and the surrendered elders family members, ANBU members, and several important war criminals may trigger a second chaos.

Who knows how many hidden careerists there are.

Among her group, only Tsunade-sama has such prestige to suppress the overall situation at critical moments.

So he held on to his strength and begged Tsunade to help him stabilize his heart.

The special status of the Senju clan and her integration into the village put her in an invincible position.

In the original work, the ability to smoothly take over Konoha after the death of the Sandaime is also based on this. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for a ninja who had left the village for more than ten years to come back and become Hokage.

Tsunade didn't want to agree at first, but she had to give some face to Kakashi, and she also had to give some face to the bastard in a certain corner of Konoha.

Heaven-reaching feet!!!

boom! ! ! !

The full force of the explosion poured into the ground and caused a small earthquake.

Sister Tsunade, who was at the highest point, pointed at everyone majestically and issued orders.

Everyone, please get out! Follow the wartime orders!

Wartime? .this?

Don't accept it? Come and make a few gestures if you don't accept it?

In the new generation team, only Kakashi is not good enough, and the others are almost at full status.

The two Uchiha and the two Hinata were the first to pose for action, followed by Orochimaru and Jiraiya, which instantly calmed everyone down.

Being in large numbers is of no use in front of this group of strong men, and because everyone is a ninja, they don't even get any preferential treatment.

There are almost no civilians in the core area, and there is not even the slightest thought of making people worry.

Zhuludie was the first to respond and immediately restrained his tribesmen from exiting the core area.

The three families have always been direct descendants of the Hokage, and this identity is usually very useful.

But after changing the boss, it is better to keep a low profile and be obedient, otherwise it will be really uncomfortable to settle the accounts after the fall.

What's more, after Shikaku knew the conditions for the activation of the Four Red Sun Formation, he unilaterally believed that Kakashi must have contacted certain forces secretly to be able to activate such a large barrier.

His scheming skills are not inferior to those of the Third Hokage, but he cannot be regarded as a purely enthusiastic young man.

The other families originally complained a lot, but when they saw the Nara family being the first to withdraw, they followed suit.

The families that have survived to this day know very well that by following smart people, no matter how much you take advantage of, at least you won't suffer a loss.

Occasionally, a stubborn person is knocked down by the people around him without waiting for Tsunade and others to take action. Isn't this a huge amount of wealth that comes to his door?

Soon everyone evacuated the core area, and Kakashi continued to work hard to arrange the most urgent tasks.

Uchiha Clan Leader, I will leave the security of the village to you.

Ordinary people, who make up the vast majority of the population, are the top priority and have few means of coping with the crisis.

Fugaku pondered for a moment.


.Hmm. Extraordinary things are done in extraordinary times.

Fugaku immediately and respectfully left the place and started to maintain order in the village with his men. Extreme things meant taking a heavy blow.

The Uchiha security team also accepted this task without any hesitation.

Their arrogance was completely shattered by this battle. Although the Sharingan was terrifyingly powerful,

Even the kaleidoscope has two pairs, but the power in the village is much stronger than the Uchiha clan.

Before starting the fight, some martial arts factions thought their families were quite powerful, but when they started fighting, they discovered that they were not as powerful as the legends said.

Under Fugaku's suppression, everyone went to work honestly without complaining, and some disturbances in the civilian and commercial areas outside the core area were completely suppressed.

Shikaku, can I trust you?

The Nara clan's white hair sweated when asked this question, and they immediately began to express their loyalty.

To know that Shikaku had planned a small plan against Kakashi, it really makes people think more about it.

Kakashi-sama and us

Okay, I believe in you. Can you lead the Jonin class to plan the temporary resettlement of the Ninja clan?

no problem.

After the core area is destroyed, the ninja families who lived here will definitely be greatly affected. How to let them survive these few days is not a big problem.

Of course, with the assets and financial resources of this group of people, they can completely solve the problem on their own, but they still need to have an attitude.

You have to be polite to the extent that you upset someone.

Moreover, the Hyuga family has devoted almost all their energy to disaster relief operations and is willing to pay a high price to help restore order in Konoha.

After all, the apparent starting point of this incident was the birthday of a three-year-old child of the Hinata family. No one would believe that the third Hokage was killed by a birthday.

The most sensitive issue of prisoners of war was left to Orochimaru.

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