On top of the ruins of the Hokage Tower.

There is no wandering thunder unicorn or five flying dragons.

Except for the S-level ninjutsu battle at the beginning, the Sandaime Hokage and Kakashi started the normal ninja fighting mode at the same time.

The confrontation between the new era and the old era has officially begun.

Sarutobi Hiruzen showed off a wave of simple throwing ninjutsu.

Just kicking up a few pieces of gravel and tiles from the ground is the shuriken technique, without even forming a seal.

I caught the kunai that flew out of nowhere and threw it out. It was a shuriken shadow clone technique in an understatement.

There was also a giant shuriken jutsu that was as tall as two people and was thrown out with the roar of the wind.

This instant overwhelming attack almost reached the state of one man becoming an army.

This is the fighting style of the Third Hokage.

As long as his chakra and physical conditions allow, he can display ninjutsu and tactics that many people will never see in their lifetime.

Facing the explosive attack of throwing ninja tools, the Uchiha clan looked pale.

The ninja tool throwing skills they had always been proud of were a joke in the face of such an overwhelming attack.

No matter how exquisite your five or six small kunai are, they will pale in comparison to this kind of throwing ninja tool that washes the ground with direct firepower, and you will be poked like a hedgehog.

What's more, this overwhelming ninja tool is still a focused attack method in batches.

The sky was full of whistling sounds cutting through the airflow, and even the sky became dark.

Kakashi's Sharingan was so dizzy just looking at it, it was no different from a national war.

Even though he has insight and copying abilities, he is still unable to use them in time when faced with such extremely fast attacks.

Since this is the main battlefield, let's use some battlefield-level ninjutsu.

He separated his hands to form seals, leaving several afterimages, and then pressed them to the ground.

Earth escape, dirt road return!

Earth escape. Earth flow and great river!

Earth escape, multiple earth flow walls!

Lifting the table directly changed the terrain, and the triple earth escape instantly rose from the ground. The huge rock and earth continent rushed into the sky and blocked all throwing ninja tools.

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

Smoke, dust and rocks were flying everywhere, and the fire and shock waves were particularly dazzling.

It is not an ordinary throwing ninja tool attack, but also has a detonating talisman inserted into it as a secret hand.

Anyone who relies on his superb swordsmanship to fight head-on will be disgraced and even have a fatal flaw. This is Shinobu's sophistication.

Just a simple confrontation made the onlookers break out in cold sweat. This was the battlefield for the top experts.

If you form an army, I will launch joint ninjutsu alone.

Many things that the family is proud of will be wiped out in this short battle. At the same time, they also understand the deterrent power of the dominant Hokage's combat power.

The two people who were fighting didn't take it seriously and were simply testing it.

Now the war officially begins!

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath to swell up his slightly rickety and thin figure, and the obvious undulations of his muscle lines could be seen under his combat uniform.

He picked up the Vajra Ruyi Rod that the ape demon had transformed into and started to kill towards the front. The overwhelming power on his body was like a crazy giant ape.

Then on the way, his arm suddenly exerted force and smashed the weapon out.

The wishful stick hit Xuan and flew over. At the same time, its size also changed, like a city wall hitting it.

The huge force caused everything it passed to be destroyed by the strong wind.

This strength?!!!

Kakashi was not to be outdone and showed off his swordsmanship.

Holding the sword with both hands, veins popped out on his arms, and abundant chakra gathered on the slender sword to slash hard.

clang! ! !

The air exploded, and the powerful collision made a deafening metallic sound. The wishful stick was thrown back by the powerful impact.

Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his hand to take the stick, but was knocked several times by the force before he could stabilize himself.

Kakashi was also pushed several meters away by the impact, leaving several deep cracks in the ground.

He retracted his hand from holding the sword and shook his hand. This numb feeling was really sour.

Why is this old guy so strong?

Strange power is just a simple chakra control technique. The more refined it is, the greater the power it can unleash.

In the past, Kakashi was the one who showed off to others, but he didn't expect to be lectured by the Third Hokage this time.

It’s really infuriating!


The two of them started a tacit understanding of the close physical battle, and the danger level was immediately reached.

All the moves of the two men within a small distance were aimed at the vital points. Either I'll blow your dog's head off or cut off your neck. The ninjas watching will break out in cold sweat.

The elderly have no scruples in taking action, and they have never stopped using various insidious and cruel tricks.

Young people don't even care about martial ethics, and Shuangyue Kendo doesn't have such a thing.

The Vajra Wishbone can be long or short and the Vajra is indestructible. Hiruzen Sarutobi is flexible and powerful in wielding it, and he can use a variety of changes in the hands of this ninja who was once known as the monkey.

Combined with the fact that the ape demon can switch between the wishful stick and the ape form at will, the threat of biological weapons rises sharply.

During the first confrontation between the sword and the stick, a monkey demon's hand suddenly stretched out from the stick, which was not scary, and almost caught Kakashi's body.

This special combination of humans and animals was really a headache at first.

Thanks to the ultimate bonus of the kaleidoscope-level Sharingan's dynamic capture and prediction, you may have to lose at the beginning.

Moreover, the old Hokage's physical skills, which had just slipped from his peak body, were still extremely brave in physical skills, and the fists and kicks mixed in were very powerful.

If it weren't for the Yang attribute-enhanced body, Kakashi would really be unable to withstand the opponent's strength.

The two people's sticks, shadows and swords became more and more violent, and they unleashed a chakra storm with just their physical skills.

The sound of metal clashing and the sparks flashing across the square were like a curtain of light. Anyone with a slight hesitation would be killed in an instant.

The confrontation between strength and strength, and the confrontation between skill and skill is so cruel. Kakashi can feel that the third generation of Hokage has a slight upper hand only in the weapon battle.

After all, his own swordsmanship lacked some foundation when it came to such a hard-tempered Kage, which made his fighting spirit even higher.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was greatly amazed.

We know how difficult it is to gain the title on the battlefield, but the shock brought by the bloody thunder is too exaggerated.

It can be accepted that Kakashi is gifted so his body develops ahead of schedule, or that his bloodline's chakra volume has soared, and furthermore, he can be thought of as talented as Minato, who is rampant in the world with special ninjutsu.

But what is unacceptable is that the breadth and depth of Kakashi's experience in physical arts is the same as that of the veteran strong men, and even most of the strong men of his generation are not as good as him.

The ability to fight at close quarters is a physical instinct that really requires countless escapes from death and countless bloody battles to develop.

It can be said that Minato was not Kakashi's opponent before he learned to fly Thunder God.

Only in a real fight can we understand that this child has somehow possessed such terrifying swordsmanship across decades of time.

The overwhelming aura of swordsmanship puzzled him. There should never have been such a domineering swordsman in the history of the ninja world, except for the one in the Night of the Nine-Tails.

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