In the formation of four red suns.

An unprecedented civil war began with the ruins of the Hokage Tower as the central boundary.

The huge thunder unicorn and the dragons of five colors are strangulating crazily, and the violent chakra reaction makes people feel like they have returned to the main battlefield of the third war.

The two generals are the first to start the battle, so the remaining people cannot be idle.

Under the impact of many strong men in the west of Kaka, the battlefield was quickly cut open.

All the strong men tacitly left the main battlefield between the two old and new leaders. In the end, Ninja Continent’s fists were not strong enough and it was useless to say anything.

The clan leaders outside the Four Red Sun Formation also stood on high ground to observe the battle.

Everyone is waiting to find out the winner and meet the new shadow.

It is estimated that this time will be very fast, because the battle has been almost one-sided since the beginning of the war.

The strength of the three ninjas in their prime has reached a very terrifying level. Their chakra, physical fitness, and use of techniques are all hopelessly strong.

As for Tsunade's hemophobia?

What's the big deal here with a master of mind correction like Noah? Back then, the Black Saber was completely contaminated and was hammered out with an iron fist.

So the Goddess of War came online again, and the high-end technology of the Kingdom of Rain had a better reinforcing effect on the strong.

Orochimaru and Tsunade are increasing their knowledge almost at a speed that others cannot understand.

Now the gap with Jiraiya has been slightly highlighted, and there is a certain difference in the intensity and scope of the technique.

The lustful immortal looked at it with great confusion. Can Orochimaru understand that Tsunade has grown three times?

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't use Wood Escape, he would actually believe that this woman had awakened the power of the First Generation Master.

The surging vitality and endless chakra are truly abnormal.

This little fist will kill you if you touch it.

Orochimaru is a bitch with a lot of tricks. Where did he learn so many forbidden techniques?

While maintaining a strong position, he used clearing skills one after another, and even the range of Huangquan Marsh was larger than his own.

Damn it, he was forced to have no choice but to turn on the sage mode in order to maintain that the three ninjas were ninjas of the same level in front of outsiders.

As the saying goes, whether you are strong or not is temporary, but whether you are handsome or not is lifelong.

This ugly look caused countless exclamations as soon as it came out, why is it even more ugly?

Although the ninja does not rely on his face to make a living, but... alas... his heart is as sharp as a knife.

The two immortals, Fukasaku Sesame, squatted on Jiraiya's shoulders and looked a little panicked at the chaotic battlefield and the exploding chakra fluctuations everywhere.

Especially the Four Red Sun Formation above the sky is like a huge mountain range weighing on my heart.

Because they knew who could do this.

There is deep malice hidden in the magical chakra, and the endless meaning is a great move that only the fourth immortal can pull off.

Miaomu Mountain has also been in an extremely dangerous situation recently, and the Great Toad Immortal has been suffering from insomnia recently.

Little Jiraiya. You.

What's wrong, Immortal?

It's okay, you made the right choice.

The two immortals put in a lot of effort in this battle. This life-threatening work attitude moved Jiraiya very much. Myobokuyama loved him.

The three ninjas attacked with all their strength, and the giant psychic beast they summoned was also extremely violent.

Its huge size can easily modify the terrain, causing buildings to collapse wherever it passes.

The idea of ​​​​some ninjas who wanted to rely on complex terrain to deal with it went bankrupt. At the same time, the ninjas outside were heartbroken.

One-third of the core area was destroyed at the beginning, and the rest may not be saved.

The slug's acid, the giant snake's tail, and the toad's bubble bomb are three large-scale AOE skills that have a unique effect in clearing the field.

Under the order of the contractor, there is no possibility of holding back in this battle.

Even though they are all ninjas from the same village, the three ninjas understand that once they start taking action, they must have the mentality of eliminating evil as Kakashi said.

Since they have enjoyed the convenience and resources provided by the family over the past decades, and are willing to fight to the death in this battle, they are enemies.

Moreover, if we use more force to beat them as soon as possible, they will still have some chance of surrendering.

If the fight continues, it will give the other side unrealistic illusions, which will cause greater casualties in time.

The Sannin who knew this well had to kill in order to preserve Konoha's vitality.

In a short period of time, the elders' ninja army was completely defeated.

Without the assistance of the staff led by the Nara family or the battlefield commander, this group of people and their combined ninjutsu would not be able to fight against such a top powerhouse.

Seeing such a scene, the two brothers Nizu and Hizashi were quite helpless. This was really a fight between gods.

I always thought that I and Uchiha were competing to be the best ninja clan, but what happened?

They could only hit the edge and blast a few ninjas who had escaped, leaving no room for intervention.

Feeling the eyes of everyone outside the barrier, they could only smile bitterly.

By the way, I comforted myself that the Sannin were the Sannin and lived up to their reputation.

Look at the two Uchiha people over there.

What?! ! !

The four white eyes of the two of them almost rolled to the sky. What is the raging Yin Chakra over there?

Susano'o just filled up from the skeleton to the flesh and blood and then slowly crawled out of the ground, and finally stood on the battlefield, shocking countless people inside and outside the field.

The Sandaime and Danzo and several old guys even looked at each other several times in the fierce battlefield.

The evil Uchiha found his true power,

Uchiha Yae and other senior security team officials almost burst into tears when they saw it.

This is the Kaleidoscope, the Uchiha's strongest power. The patriarch is so powerful.

Fugaku didn't hide his thoughts and just opened his mouth.

No matter what is hidden deeper and more mysterious, the more unsettling it will be, now bring it out openly.

Several super-violent fire escapes stopped the two elders and told them not to disturb the final battle, and then the bloody cruelty began.

Elder Xiaochun and Elder Menyan, let's talk.

With a cruel smile on his face, Fugaku had long wanted to slap these two old guys.

They were there every time they beat the drum, and they were there every time they weakened the Uchiha. Why are they so angry now?

Chief Fugaku, we think

Recognize you ***!

The giant attacked, hammering at the two old guys and the ANBU behind him.

Although the mental pollution of Kaleidoscope was severely repaired by Shisui, the remaining parts would still make a clan leader who strictly abides by the dignity of the rich family swear.

In front of the clan members, Fugaku let out a fierce breath.

Now, it's only a matter of time before the ninja army of the Elders, which has lost even its commander, is defeated. Now some people have begun to run to the edge and prepare to surrender.

Letting the clan leader show off his power there, Shisui focused on Elder Danzo and Genbu.

Shunshen Shisui held a knife and continued to harvest those things that had lost themselves in the afterimages.

After being brainwashed, these people have lost the value of persuading them to surrender, and the curse marks in their bodies have also made them lose the ability to return.

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