Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1453: Defeating Naruto

Yang Jiuwei said seriously, not to mention that the gap in the iron door was so big, but it blocked almost all possibilities except communication with the host.

After Minato's double reinforcement, the zombie sealing and Bagua sealing techniques are very advanced and are a special superposition that acts on the soul.

It can be said that at that moment, Minato's technology had broken through the path of the Uzumaki clan, and his talent was amazing.

Naruto could only exchange information with Kyuubi after opening all the seals.

Ah, I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me.

Then, in Yang Jiuwei's confused eyes, he saw the crazy seals starting to form on the opposite side, and various sealing spells began to invade the chakra iron gate.

The invisible seal authority is being unlocked one by one, but the gate structure has not been destroyed. The operation of turning decay into magic is like a sealing master wearing a tailed animal skin.

Tailed beasts must have their own sealing techniques. If they fall behind, they will be beaten. I understood this three years ago.

Behind the iron gate, Yang Jiuwei had nothing to say, and suddenly wanted to call himself crazy.

With the weakening of the seal, chakra from the outside world can now enter the space inside the door. This is a new method jointly developed by Nine Lamas and Kushina.

As a mother, she definitely doesn't want her child to inherit the tragic identity of Chuuriki. As for the consequences of Konoha's lack of Kyuubi, Kushina doesn't care at all.

The future of the entire ninja world is unknown. If the tailed beasts don't keep up with the times, they will be like walking power banks.

It's just that this unscrupulous behavior finally triggered the final safety mechanism of the seal.

Golden light flashed, and a figure suddenly appeared in the sealed space.

Golden hair, a discerning face, and blue eyes full of wisdom.

Even though Noah intervened at the beginning, he still left his own backup plan and would never allow anything to go wrong with Naruto's seal.

Kyuubi, I won't allow it, right?

The Fourth Hokage came forward, and then the Fourth Hokage was dumbfounded.

Can the transformation technique be used in the sealed space? Who is so bored and looks like Kyuubi?

No matter what the situation is, even if it is really Kyuubi who is unsealing Kyuubi, it will never be allowed.


In an instant, he came to Yin Jiuwei's side and condensed the Rasengan.

The scene in the sealed space is about to happen again. As long as the will is strong enough, even the tailed beast jade can...

Then Yin Jiuwei showed a sinister smile and hit a blue ball of light with his backhand.

Noah said that if you want revenge, you must defeat the enemy where he is best.

The power of the Rasengan mixed with Senjutsu Chakra skyrocketed, and the collision of the two chakra polymers, one large and one small, did not result in a stalemate.

With such great force, the Yondaime was whipped away in a swirling motion. If he hadn't used his inhuman reflexes to perform the Flying Thunder God Technique at the last moment, he would have been smashed into pieces.

Namikaze Minato, who was far away, was dumbfounded. Even with his fighting ability, he couldn't bear the fact that Kyuubi used Rasengan to beat him.

Rasengan, damn magic!

Before he could react, Kyuubi struck again.

There will be no problem if you play casually in the sealed space, unless you have Noah's super strength to break through it.

Hand seals were flying, and the Yondaime was exhausted from fighting various Konoha's signature forbidden techniques.


Blah blah blah

Several chains suddenly sprang out of the void and flew towards the enemy like long dragons. If you look closely, you can notice that every inch of the chain is engraved with sealing runes.

Imitation.King Kong blockade!

Finally, Namikaze Minato, who was unaware for a moment, was captured and hung in the air unable to move.

Don't struggle, Fourth Generation brat, even if Nine-Tails is trapped by King Kong's blockade, you won't be able to break free!

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

This scene allowed Yang Kyuubi and the Yondaime behind the door to break through the defense at the same time.

Both of them were confused at the moment. They couldn't figure out what this half of their body was doing.

The Fourth Hokage is nothing more than that.

The Ninth Lama who said this now felt very happy, because this kid was so arrogant at the beginning.

It is also used to fight against the Tailed Beast Jade and to strengthen the seal, haha.

Throughout my life, I, the Nine Lamas, have never been weaker than others.

Finally, with elegant steps, he came to the dumbfounded Yang Jiuwei and stretched out his fist.

Yang Jiuwei swallowed nervously for some reason, always feeling that what he was going to see next was a scene that could overturn Husheng.


The two fists collided, and Yang Jiuwei was instantly overwhelmed by the huge flow of information.

Fighting, kendo, secret confrontation, wood escape, sharingan, Susano'o, samsara eye, ten-tailed body, six paths sage.

My mind was shocked to the point of being completely unacceptable.

Pictures of destruction of heaven and earth, inhumanly powerful men, power systems from other worlds, conspiracies across the entire continent, imagined wars that burn the world, and the final extraterrestrial

Let it feel that the outside world may no longer be the ninja continent.

Even the strongest tailed beast can only act like a fox with its tail between its legs in such a majestic world. It's so miserable.

Just the impact of external information makes it somewhat unbearable.

Then the impact on my mind was even more explosive.

The thoughts of the man he was following were also transferred to his mind, and the red power began to declare his existence arrogantly.

The power of the flame spread silently.

Overthrow the existing political and military system, break the existence of inherent interest classes, let the people, the tailed beasts and the holy land undergo the baptism of freedom and fairness, and finally form a self-rescue community of intelligent life to face the fate of the planet in disaster.

When receiving this information, Yang Jiuwei actually felt exhausted, and the pressure on his mind doubled exponentially.

In the later period, the tidal wave of ninjutsu learning experience, senjutsu summary and fusion test data, and massive sealing spells and combinations were even more exaggerated.

The Nine Lamas have been using the characteristics of the sealed space for deep learning almost all day long. Only Noah can easily receive the results. Even the half body of the same origin is a bit shaky at the moment and finally cuts off the connection on his own initiative.

A hoarse and tired voice sounded from behind the iron door.

It's hard on you.

The wonderful life experienced in three years is countless times more than that of the previous thousand years, and there will be more and more tragic battles and stories in the future that can be seen with the naked eye.

Even eternal life is no longer safe, and there is a serious lack of security.

It makes sense to study ninjutsu crazily, practice senjutsu seriously, and study sealing techniques with all your strength.

Suddenly it felt like being trapped in this kid's body wasn't such a bad thing, the outside world was too dangerous.

If he gets involved in the historical process of the outside world, the benefits of continuous learning in the sealed space every day will become what he has to do, which is really unbearable.

How can any fox be willing to learn?

The Nine Lamas outside the door naturally knew what he was thinking, so he cruelly broke the other party's happiness.

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