Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1449 Blow up the Fire Studio

At this time, the pressure coming from the other party is getting stronger and stronger, and even if you want to interrupt, you don't know how to open your mouth.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also felt troubled. This inexplicable power that shocked the soul had special properties and there was no other way to crack it for the time being.

Moreover, the other party said that he rejected the position of the Fifth Hokage, but what is the difference between what he said and did and his speech on succession?

It seems that the only option is to take action by force.

And Kakashi also seized the last moment to say something like a message to the Hokage.

Anyone who breaks the rules of the ninja world is called a loser...but a person who doesn't know how to value his companions is worse than a loser!

In front of all the ninjas present, I swear by the will of fire that I will protect all my companions in Konoha.

Finally, if the village becomes decayed, I will take the initiative to destroy it and rebuild a new Konoha on top of the corpse!

That's my answer, ape! fly! day! cut!

The last four words of Sarutobi Hiruzen completely broke his face.

And the growing sense of oppression reached its peak, and red light lit up on Kakashi's body. The power from the snowy mountains broke through the rules and broke through the ground in the center of the world.

This place that entwines the entire storyline is being infected, and the power of the outside world is being truly inspired.


The power of the soul returns to the world.

The Hokage Tower is trembling, and the people in the Hokage Tower are trembling.

The invisible force was not satisfied with just being covered here, and worked harder to help this young man spread his will.

Special fluctuations spread across space and spread throughout the village, and there was distant thunder in the sky.

Countless unsuspecting ninjas and civilians looked towards the center of the village and seemed to see fire rising into the sky.

The three people on the Hokage Rock stood up suddenly, feeling the power and were speechless.

What's this?

This is the new will of fire.

The white-haired man could not have imagined that the will of fire could sometimes manifest itself, and was this warm and fiery power really the effect of chakra?

A black figure in the root laboratory screamed and fled quickly.

Damn it, is it Noah? No! It's not Noah! Damn it, damn it, damn it~~ Why does this kind of power spread in the world, mother~~~

The Kumo ninja envoys who had not yet gone far looked back at the village with lingering fear, unable to defend against the oppression in their hearts.

Azabu sighed after feeling it.

It's Kakashi. The Fourth Raikage-sama once described the other party as having an unformed secret technique of will.

A certain source of evil who was consuming Ichiraku Ramen suddenly laughed out loud.

Boss, have another bowl.

Everyone in the conference room felt the heaviness and torture in their hearts.

The Third Hokage, who was the first to bear the brunt, suddenly saw the First Hokage, the Second Hokage, standing in front of him.

That look of hatred and contempt made him feel sad, angry, fearful, aggrieved, and even slightly apologetic.

Monkey, you disappoint me so much.

Sir, please listen to me.

Monkey, maybe I misjudged the person who gave you the position of Hokage.

Teacher, I am not

Illusion! This is illusion! This must be an illusion!

Sarutobi Hiruzen used three techniques to dispel illusions in an instant. But why are you still looking at me? I'm not wrong.

He didn't come out until the figure in front of him automatically dissipated, and then his murderous intent surged.

Unforgivable! ! ! He can't be wrong!

Several members of the elders were also baptized by the mental shock, and at this moment they were in a daze.

The power of red feels differently to everyone.

Fugaku and Hizu, standing in front of Kakashi, were even more excited, as if they were infused with courage by an inexplicable force.

Forming an alliance with such a person to change Konoha is indeed something to look forward to. No wonder Shisui admires this senior so much.

Uchiha Fugaku now saw the hope of his family, the hope of reintegrating into the village and becoming an Uchiha of Konoha.

Hizu even had the bold idea of ​​following Kakashi to change Hinata's internal affairs.

The tragedy of the clan and branch families may be able to end in this generation, as long as there is a strong and skillful leader.

The inner impact of these two people was not as great as the psychological shadow of the Third Hokage.

After getting rid of the illusion just now, I realized that the situation had developed to an unmanageable point.

He really didn't expect that Kakashi would completely disclose his thoughts and political ambitions in front of everyone.

And he spoke very sincerely and passionately.

The countless rebuttals I had prepared in my heart would seem even paler when spoken.

After all, I am too sentimental, and the other party does not understand the sacrifices I have made for Konoha.

Danzo also walked out, his expression already like that of a demon.

The Third Hokage relied on his perseverance to get through. Danzo could only become angry after his self-deception was exposed in his heart.

What are Hiruzen waiting for? Hatake Kakashi has completely fallen.

He openly rebelled against the village during the Jonin meeting, and joined forces with Uchiha Fugaku and Hyuga Hizatsu to split Konoha. He must be taken down and sentenced to death!

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded.

At this point, I can only use thunder to suppress the chaos in the village. No one can harm my village!

Koharu and Mito Menen, who were transferred to the dormitory, agreed with this, and their unknown secrets and darkness were revealed by Kakashi.

But if we cannot lose power, we can only trace the origin back to the source and return the village to its previous stable period.

At some point, the ANBU had appeared in the corner of the conference room, and the sealing squad was already in place.

Even the seriously injured Hatake Kakashi made them feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

The Third Hokage was also ready to take action. Of course, he had to clear out Kakashi's henchmen first.

Please step aside, Chief Hyuga and Chief Uchiha, and do not cause conflict with the village over a sinner.

As the leader of a clan, you have to think about your clan members. No one in the village except you will have anything to do with such a sinner.

The two of them didn't move a step, and Fugaku was even a little eager to give it a try.

Could it be that today is the time for me, Uchiha, to reestablish my prestige!

Suddenly Kakashi and the Third Hokage looked upward.

Boom! ! ! ! !

A huge force hit the top of the Hokage Tower directly, and the violent shaking of the material plane surprised everyone.

Cracking cracks spread across the walls.

Boom! ! ! !

There was another impact, and the roof was already shaking.

What everyone was thinking at the moment was that Kakashi had indeed ambushed his troops in the outside world. It was really decisive to take the lead in attacking the Hokage Tower now!

Boom! ! !

The last impact finally shattered the upper half of the Hokage Tower, sending smoke, dust and rubble flying everywhere.

The ninjas on the battlefield used their own methods to evacuate here.


The roof of the building that had been a symbol of the Hokage and Konoha's highest power for more than sixty years after the village was founded was hammered off, leaving only half of the crumbling low-rise building.

Kakashi!! You are awesome! You!!!

The Third Hokage blew away the smoke with a gust of wind, and pointed at Kakashi, who looked innocent and couldn't even speak, while trembling.

The hatred in his eyes could not be washed away even by all the water from all over the world.

I don't know how many times I will be recorded in the history of Konoha's shame.

Kakashi was also speechless, but he accepted it happily.

.It's not wrong for you to blame me for this matter.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's brain was congested, and he was ready to activate his weapon to directly kill this rebellious nin who had brought disgrace to the village.


It has nothing to do with this brat, I have wanted to do this for a long time!!!

Psychic art! ! ! *3

Slugs, toads, snakes.

This part of the plot is broken wherever it stops, and there is a long chapter to follow.

So I just ignored it and continued at my normal pace.

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