Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1444: An unexpected start but a tail end

But the advantage of the perfect Jinchuuriki lies in the perfect combination of two in one. Kirabi, who was about to lose consciousness, was saved by the Eight-Tails.

The Niu Gui, who was beaten several times, was also angry. Following this kid, he was either beaten or beaten by others.

As a legendary nigiri with a near-god status, he has a strong self-esteem.

It wants to restore the glory of the tailed beast!

Ouch! ! ! !

A giant bull with an octopus tentacle tail is venting its anger on the earth.

Although it has never won in its life, it is such a vicious curse that the Jinchuuriki has never won either.

Black chakra began to gather, and several energy balls simultaneously emitted an extremely dangerous aura.

Even the Third Raikage wouldn't dare to take the eight-shot tailed beast jade at once.

The moment the tailed beast chakra was exposed, it attracted the attention of the Kumo ninja troops, and the previous fluctuations had already caused the reconnaissance troops to be dispatched.

Now it seems that the seriousness of the situation has been underestimated. There is a certain risk that Kirabi-sama will go berserk when he completely transforms into a tailed beast.

The swarming cloud ninja began to rush towards the battle site.

Kakashi didn't waver at all as he watched the tailed beast jade above his head was about to take shape.

This was a scene that had been anticipated for a long time. How could it be possible to defeat a jinchuriki without defeating a tailed beast?

Just in time to change places with this takoyaki, the large army of Kumo ninja is approaching.

Then the second battle begins.

Kakashi took out two reagents from the scroll and pierced himself.

Positive reagent type IV and negative type I reagent.

There are not a few Yin-type ones developed at all, because not many people can control the violent state of the mental body.

Shisui and Kakashi were the only experimental subjects. The madness of the Sharingan and the negative emotions caused by the potion were purified by the two of them with their firm will and became pure power.

Both of them have reached the state of Kaleidoscope. The function of the medicine is to slow down the side effects of blood inheritance and break through to a higher level.

After rotating several times, the three-magatama appears with a unique pattern.

The eyes of the soul that come from that sad night, the heart that does not want to face everything in the world has produced the fruit that can be called invincible.

Kakashi always feels the deepest sadness every time he uses Kaleidoscope, and this sadness is still connected to distant and unknown places.

Eight terrifying chakra tailed beast jade bombarded down, and the waves that destroyed the world could not move the man's face.

He used the pupil technique that belonged to this eye.


The space in front of him began to distort, and the divine power propelled by pupil power that was unknown many times beyond that in the original work can be said to be the strongest defensive forbidden technique in the space system.

Light, shadow, energy, and matter are all distorted and transferred into different spaces.

The endless stream of black chakra light pillars were swallowed up in this way.

The Eight-Tails are confused, humans are becoming more and more perverted.

Obito, who was far away in the land of water, was also confused. People at home were in trouble from the sky. It seems like something extraordinary has come into the Kamui space, so do you want to open it and take a look?

Only Kakashi didn't hesitate at all. A quick decision was the purpose of this operation.

The pupil power, which was even greater than the one that had just opened the Kamui Space, performed Uchiha's most iconic Blood Succession Technique.


A blue giant as tall as the Eight-Tails just stepped on the ground under the dumbfounded eyes of Kirabi and the Eight-Tails.


The giant sword, which was dozens of meters long, was in the starting position of Shuangyue Kendo. The sharp sword power made people and beasts feel uneasy.

Ushiuki was shocked, he must have known the Susanoo tailed beast.

It's just that even Hatake Kakashi's one-eyed Susan cannot understand it. Is this a new version?

You are so perverted at such a young age, you Uchiha Madara! ! !

Before he could think of how to deal with this giant, Kakashi took action first, grabbing Ushiki's octopus tentacle with one hand with his violent force.

Just like a myth, he swung it forcefully with the posture of holding Mount Tai to the North Sea, and violently threw the giant beast away.

Sorry, Kumo ninja is too powerful. So let's change places.

Niugui in the sky. Liar%¥ # %¥ # %

The Sharingan illusion, the giant's violent swordsmanship, and the endless power made the Eight-Tails once again return to the period when the two heroes of the ninja world were still there.

At that time, the nine tailed beasts were no different from ordinary beasts, because there were two perverts who could beat them at will.

The tailed beast, which had resentment and fear in its heart, was exposed to the flaw in its soul by the Sharingan, and its rationality faded under the unique mental stimulation.

The ferocious tailed beast was aroused and went completely berserk. He lost his mind and fought with Susano'o deep in the mountains.

After a fierce battle, the eight tails were defeated, and the sword of dozens of meters performed a perfect dismemberment of the aquatic products.

Kirabi was also transformed into a tailed beast and was controlled. What awaited him was the sealing technique passed down from the fourth generation.

At this point, the plan to capture the tailed beast is completed.

The price Kakashi paid was multiple serious injuries all over his body, and a huge hole in his chest that was pushed out by a bull's horn.

If it was just one-on-one, it wouldn't be so tragic, but under the pursuit of the Kumo ninja, the Kumo-killing Chuuriki was destined to pay the heaviest price.

Kakashi, who returned to Konoha and sat in the conference room, felt that the trip was worth it.

The village must have its own dignity and backbone.

No one can harm his comrades before his life is burned out.

At this time, Konoha F4 changed its attitude of compromising and pointed fingers at the Kumo ninja envoy.

It could be seen that Yun Ren was also very panicked.

Konoha must pay a price for this matter. The surprise attack on Lord Kirabi seriously violated the terms of the peace agreement.


Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression was no longer so amiable at this time, and he casually interrupted this useless speech.

We in Konoha deeply regret the disappearance of the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki in your village.

However, there is no definite evidence yet about who the murderer is, so we must treat this issue calmly.

Is it possible for Iwa Ninja? Is it possible for Mist Ninja? The Suna ninja had it. They couldn't.

It is normal for a ninja to be targeted by unknown enemies. Who has not been assassinated several times in his life?

And the Jonin Hatake Kakashi who casually framed our Ninja Village was because he had a good temper?

The final question was delivered loudly and righteously by Ling Ran. The Sandaime immediately became energetic when he came to the familiar stage of telling lies with his eyes open.

Since the war can no longer be fought, his attitude will naturally become tough. Even if the Fourth Raikage wants to go crazy, he will be stopped by the people in the village.

Then all kinds of strange sounds came from the corners of the conference room, and the situation changed.

There are many Yin-Yang language masters among the top brass in Konoha, and ninjas can do anything to complete their missions.

As for sneak attacks and moral sense such as martial ethics, there is no mention. The real ninja world does not talk about these things.

At this moment, Mabuyi felt that the situation was out of control again, but the most important problem now was the safety of Lord Kirabi.

Tailed beasts are one of the most fundamental elements of a village, and the eight-tailed beasts are very powerful among the tailed beasts.

Even Kirabi-sama has established a very good connection with the Eight-Tails and has become the perfect Jinchuuriki.

What's more, she knows the relationship between Master Hidden and Master Raikage, which is really no different from that of biological brothers.

I am afraid that the village has already been aroused by the wrath of thunder. Lord Raikage is now trying to find a way to break through the obstacles of the elders and rush to the front line.

But the ending can almost be seen, that is, this matter is completely passive. Even if the fourth generation Raikage rushed to the front line, it would not change the outcome.

The life of the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki has completely grasped the change in the situation of the battle.

This long-planned plan to plunder the blood was finally shattered by a young man with a fearless attitude and reckless way.

Mabuyi couldn't see any benefit to Kakashi personally from this matter.

Taking the risk of destroying the peace between the two countries to carry out this mission, and it seems that there is a high probability that he will not get the approval of the Third Hokage.

If a ninja leaves the village alone to do something shocking, he will be sentenced to death regardless of the outcome. It is completely tearing apart the system of one country and one existence.

It's really unreasonable.

As for continuing to ask the Hinata family to hand over the murderer, it has become a joke, and Nurui's death was in vain.

Kakashi watched as the mission unilaterally started peaceful exchanges.

I'll give you a piece of advice. If you return to Kumo Ninja with the peace agreement now, you might be able to pick up the missing Kirabi.

If you think about it for too long, I heard that Kirabi was seriously injured when he was kidnapped and did not receive good medical treatment.

Mabuyi decisively admitted that the two countries of Thunder and Fire completed the signing of the peace agreement three days ago, and that the death of the team leader was a misunderstanding.

If you didn't get the eye roll, you and the others would be guilty. If Kirabi died, it would be better for you to die outside the village.

The plan that Yun Ren had planned for a long time went bankrupt, and he lost everything.

Seeing the dust settle, everyone's hearts lifted.

The Nara clan sighed. Senior Tofu never said that the other party not only looked like the Nidaime-sama, but also looked like Uchiha Madara.

I have modified the ending. It originally ended with Looking at the dust settling, everyone's hearts were lifted. But it looked like it was broken, so I added a few more lines. The last is has also been deleted.

This shouldn't look like it's out of context. At the end, you can go to the book circle to read the posts proving your innocence. It is really not out of context. At the end, I will change it as you say.

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