Sarutobi Hiruzen was furious!

The elders are furious!

Many ninja clan leaders in Konoha were furious!

How selfish this is! For unknown reasons, he dared to destroy the peace of Konoha.

Even Bloody Thunder has to die to apologize. There is a bottom line for our tolerance.

Hinata and Uchiha straightened their backs, and what they had to face next was the violent storm.

Before the Third Hokage could scold the other party for his crimes, the Kumo Ninja Envoy also rushed in.

The envoy headed by Mabui glared at the culprit who was leaning against the door and then looked at the Third Hokage.

Konoha will pay the price for unilaterally tearing up the peace agreement! If you want war, I'll give you war!

The Kumo ninja army has made plans to launch a general attack at any time, and will completely destroy this place with just one order!

! ! !

Everyone was shocked, what happened?

Only Kakashi Hatake dismissed the Kumo ninja's words very calmly.

The peace agreement is valid! Let the Fourth Raikage think clearly about this matter before speaking!

The Sharingan lit up again, and the terrifying murderous intent directly dispersed the arrogance of the envoys.

Yun Ren was so angry with his extremely tough words that he wanted to tear the culprit in front of him into pieces.

But the content of the intelligence that had just been transmitted did not allow them to even give a strong rebuttal.

A cold sweat broke out on Mabuyi's head at this moment. This was a scene that the village staff had exhausted all possibilities and failed to observe before coming to the Land of Fire.

The only option is to take a preemptive strike and try to use threats to save the situation.

But Kakashi's merciless scolding made her understand that it was over.

He had no choice but to look at the Third Hokage, hoping that this village would still be an era where this old man kept his word.

It's much easier to pick a Hokage than a horrible war criminal.

Everyone was silent, as if something terrible had happened. At this time, the ANBU also sent information in time.

The Anbu chief who took the blame last time has not resigned yet. The opportunity to retire will be after the Thunder Fire War, so this time he has to take the blame for the second time.

When I got this information, I had to confirm it many times before I dared to report it at this time.

The ANBU minister looked at Kakashi with fear in his eyes.

How could there be such a monster?

Sarutobi Hiruzen calmly took it and made several mental preparations before opening the scroll.

There are two copies in total, one is ANBU's highest level S-class intelligence. One is wartime intelligence from the front line.

The urgent information that can be sent at this time is also Kakashi's ultimate return. I am afraid that something happened that he, the Hokage, is not aware of.

It is also closely related to the peace conference agreement.

He felt strangely uncomfortable when he thought that the village was outside his control. This was not okay, you know.


Even Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had prepared himself mentally, exclaimed, which aroused the curiosity of others.

After reading the information, I briefly scanned my mind, and it felt like I had been baptized by the art of continuous bombs.

Then he read the two pieces of intelligence from different sources carefully, his eyes moving back and forth between the intelligence and Kakashi.

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.

Why can a jounin without any position be able to do this to the extent of being the Will of Fire?

After reading it, he closed his eyes and meditated, as if there were thousands of words brewing in his chest. The battle between thunder and fire was really no longer the most dangerous issue.

The most dangerous thing now is a Konoha ninja who acts without regard to the overall situation.

If he dares today, wouldn’t he dare tomorrow?

His brain began to think rapidly. He was a qualified Hokage. At this time, he even wanted to cut that white-haired brat into pieces. But we must also do things that are in Konoha's interests.

.still alive?


With Kakashi's words, he was completely relieved about the thunder and fire battle.

Now that the unlucky guy is still alive, we can really talk about it again, and maybe Konoha can get a perfect ending.

This information was then passed on to the remaining three elders.

What! How is it possible! This

What a mess!

The other three people also had shocked faces as passers-by, without any dignity of the elders.

Both reports said the same thing.

Two days ago, there was a riot behind the Kumo ninja lines, and an unknown strong man brazenly attacked the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

From time to time, there are thousands of thunderous sounds in the sky, which is suspected to be the super S-class thunder attribute ninjutsu that appeared in Yunlei Gorge, Kirin!

Others saw the sky-blue giant standing among the mountains, fighting with the Eight-Tails, and walking all the way into the mountains.

After a day and night of fierce fighting, the two sides disappeared. One thing that is certain is that the Eight-Tails helped Kirabi disappear, and all the Kumo ninja accompanying him were killed.

For various reasons, Akimichi Tofaze from the frontline command finally gave the possibility that he might be an Uchiha.

The ANBU was different, they had to pay a lot of money to determine whether this was Bloody Thunder's doing.

Finally, it was deduced from various signs, the terrifying thunder escape, and the swordsmanship that cut through the mountains.

The attacker, bloody thunder.

In his heart, Danzo hated that he had not done such a thing, and his hazy heart was almost sour to death.

It was really audacious to rush to the front line alone and capture the Eight-Tails.

The young man who did not care about the consequences did not consider the impact if he failed and fell into the Land of Thunder. Did he not know that the bloody thunder was the village's valuable property and one of the bargaining chips?

After confirming the intelligence and the conversation just now, several elderly people learned that the Eight-Tails was already under control, so...

Konoha F4's face immediately changed.

We'll talk about Kakashi later, he won't end well anyway.

But can the current peace agreement with the Kumo ninja be revised?

At first, Sand Ninja Village was manipulated by a few old gangsters, but now it's no longer so. At least they would look at it with a blank stare in front of the envoys. Do they dare to pick it?

The four people leaned back in their chairs and ordered the ANBU to make several copies of this information and pass it on to all the jounin below.

Then exclamations sounded in the conference room one after another. After everyone saw the information, they were first in disbelief and then shocked. Finally, they looked at the God of War at the door.

After Nara Shikaku saw this, he glanced at Hatake Kakashi with inhuman eyes, completely out of the predictable actions of the staff.

Countless consequences and developments unfold in my mind like a chess game.

In the end, I just said one thing: Why bother.

Smart people cannot understand the idea of ​​setting themselves on fire, nor can they understand the practice of drawing the center of the vortex to themselves.

Crisis will follow peace.

Senior Feng Feng did not misjudge the person, but Zhu Lu Die could only follow the winner.

Hinata Hizu was quite relieved after seeing the information and almost shed tears.

The crisis belonging to my younger brother has basically passed.

In the past three days, he imagined countless times how the other party could save Hizashi, but the result was such an explosive method.

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