Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1440 Hinata and Uchiha are here

Tsunade nodded repeatedly, Konoha was too small to withstand the visits of so many powerful people.

It's appropriate. Only with him can we find the child. Sarutobi Hiruzen is really very talented. Maybe the invasion of the Nine-Tailed Night scared him.

That child?

Well, sometimes people don't face their own ugliness until the last moment. After all, we need to take more precautions. Konoha Village is too dangerous.

The compassionate Mr. Noah went online again, completely unaware that Konoha's transformation into a powder keg was entirely his own fault.

Seeing that the two masters were still a little resistant, I could only vouch for my own character.

I made an agreement with it that I will never act rashly when I go back to visit my relatives this time.

And I can also provide you with the latest progress report on fusion magic and some chakra for research afterwards.

And Kushina also has this need.

The two were silent, but finally agreed.

Even if they didn't agree, they couldn't stop the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization who had lived in Konoha for decades from returning. The other party's degree of freedom was so high that outsiders couldn't understand it.

Kakashi is already very good at tormenting this teacher, which is even more terrifying. Is it really good to subvert Konoha with physics?

The morning after three days.

Konoha's jounin meeting was held again.

The Third Hokage sat on the main seat early, as did the Konoha Elders.

It's just that Danzo's face has a lot more bruises, and his expression is indignant.

Hinata's affairs cannot be investigated too deeply, and betraying the village would be considered trivial.

Just relying on a beating to survive this calamity means that Konoha did not lose anything that it could not bear in this accident, so it was lifted high and dropped gently.

It's just that the Darkness of the Ninja World has recorded this matter in the small notebook in his heart. He has recorded a lot of dirty information and unknown plans of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

I don’t know if I will have a chance to see the light of day in my lifetime.

The jounin and ninja clan chiefs came here one after another and stood with their hands tied.

Everyone knows the purpose of today's meeting. Everyone is here to witness the surrender of the Hyuga clan and the final chapter of the Thunderfire War.

As more and more ninjas gathered, the atmosphere became more and more solemn.

No matter what happened today, it can be regarded as one of the few humiliations in Konoha's history.

Trading the village's ninjas for peace will inevitably cause everyone to feel sad, even if they don't have top-notch blood successors, they will be targeted by outsiders because they are worthless and worthless.

You can convince yourself to make a decision for the sake of peace, but if you vaguely know that doing so is wrong, your emotions will still arise uncontrollably.

As the staunch Hokage clan, the Nara clan can only help with some comfort work, and we cannot let Lord Sandaime handle such trivial matters.

Well, as long as we pass this level, Konoha will be better in the future.

Shikaku comforted himself like this among the crowd.

But why hasn't anyone come yet?

The Kumo ninja envoys had been waiting outside the conference room early. They were here to receive the Byakugan today.

The nights are long and the dreams are many, and the white eyes that rely on peace agreements and retreats will not be stable for a day until they are in hand.

Mabuyi sitting here always has sweaty palms for some reason.

Maybe it’s because the complacency in my heart has cooled down after three days of procrastination, or maybe it’s because nothing has happened in three days and it’s too smooth to worry about gains and losses.

I always feel like something bad will happen today.

He turned to ask the special jounin responsible for maintaining the connection with Kumogakure.

Is there any news from the village?

As a powerful country among the five major countries, not only Konoha has the ability of psychic beasts to transmit messages, but the development of Kumo ninja is also very comprehensive.

The strategic thinking of this ninja village that has such development ideas as the God-sent Technique and Chakra Cannon is very remarkable.

Any skills and technology related to war are developing rapidly.

Maintaining daily communication with the village is also essential.

No, the communication that was supposed to be sent once a day didn't arrive for some reason today.

The Jonin behind him was a little worried, but after thinking about it, it was normal.

Transmitting information across such a long distance is not very stable, and even psychic techniques are not that reliable.

Hearing this, Mabuyi could only calm down her heart slowly. It didn't matter, she had completed all the tasks in just half a day.


In the conference room, Sarutobi Hiruzen's energy-raising skills were not very good today.

The other elders are also a little uncomfortable, so logically they should all be present at this time.

Especially the protagonists.

When he went to bed, Xiaochun knew what he should say, so he asked Shikaku Mingming.

Shikaku, is everyone here?

We still need the Uchiha clan leader, the Hyuga clan leader, and the Jounin Hatake Kakashi.

Hinata can understand, after all, the grievances they have to bear give them some willful qualifications. This incident will also become an indelible scar in everyone's heart.

Uchiha can also understand that this family has a brain disease, and it is not impossible for them to suddenly become crazy at this time when they are already extremely arrogant.

Just Hatake Kakashi?

Young people still hold grudges a bit. After all, becoming a war hero at such a young age is bound to make you a little complacent.

Maybe I was hit before. Fighting a war and governing Konoha are completely different things.

There were some whispers among the attendees.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care either. It would be a good thing if Kakashi really had some changes through this incident.

Even if it fails like Sakumo, it's not surprising. The number of people who can't overcome this level is always limited.

Keep waiting, don't be in a hurry.

The Hokage spoke and everyone continued to wait.

At this time, the Uchiha clan leader was already standing outside the Hokage Tower. He never thought that one day he would be afraid of coming here.

The old habit of being unsteady has returned. Without the mental pollution of Kaleidoscope, Fugaku's character is a very twisted kind of person, so he will go to the other extreme after opening his eyes.

But what happened next was a route that I had never thought of in my life, and that little bastard Shisui actually ran away in the morning.

He said that he had an important task to complete, and he also said that he believed that the clan leader could restore the glory of Uchiha and show the power of the Hokage family.

Is this what people say?

Give the Hokage series a little bit of power? If a big incident really happens today, it will be an internal fight among the Hokage family.

I hope everything goes well, there are not many opportunities left for Uchiha to take sides.

Strange. Why hasn't Kakashi shown up yet? Fugaku's claws are a little numb now.

Can’t today’s young people be more cautious when doing things? The general didn't see him, but he started waving flags and shouting that this was not just seeking death.

Fugaku stood at the door of the Hokage Building for a long time with the guard looking at him strangely.

Looking eagerly, the two brothers Hinata Hizashi and Hinata Hizashi arrived.

The atmosphere when the three of them met at the door of the Hokage Tower was also very delicate. The two great ninjas who had never had any personal relationship felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

This time, with the help of someone, he actually became a temporary comrade-in-arms. It was really a twist of fate.

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