Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1438 Konoha Collapse Plan

Special patterns in the pupils announced the appearance of another pair of kaleidoscopes in the world, and the scorching temperature began to heat up the battlefield.

Then what is that?!!

Susanoo, the incarnation of Fugaku, took two steps back unconsciously. The eyes opposite him were something he couldn't understand.

It's a kaleidoscope

Shisui didn't care about the surprise on the other side and continued to focus his power to display the so-called power of God.

The gods are just powerful life forms. What we have to do is not to respect them, but to control or destroy them.

The Uchiha clan leader was forced to slowly raise his head and look at the Uchiha junior who was standing taller than him.

“What a great speech”

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The battle ended one night later, and the morning light fell from the sky.

The secret training ground disappeared, leaving only endless gravel and crystals.

Shisui poured new nutrients into the clan leader to make up for the opponent's deficit. He was okay in this battle, but Fugaku almost lost his life.

Faced with the doubts of his juniors, Fugaku had no choice but to tell the truth.

After seeing your Susanoo, I knew that your power was no longer something that the Uchiha clan or Konoha could limit.

Orochimaru is probably doing some terrible things in the outside world with you. Don't take out that potion again.

As for desperate efforts, what do you know?

I have been an Uchiha genius since I was a child, and after taking over as clan leader, I absorbed various resources within the clan to grow to where I am today.

Even though he was still trapped between the village and his tribe after awakening the Kaleidoscope on the night of the Nine Tails, he still had some arrogant thoughts.

However, he was defeated by a teenage boy. The will that was confused by the kaleidoscope re-examined himself, but he was just mediocre.

It's just that although the ambition in my heart has been severely hit by you, a little bastard, how can I be willing to do it if I don't try my best once?

For his own ambition, but also for Uchiha.

Fugaku sat among the ruins with mixed feelings, the tide of the times was too turbulent.

He didn't even want to say anything when the other party was blatantly trying to change Uchiha. If he couldn't beat him, he just couldn't beat him.

Zhisui nodded. At this time, the patriarch's emotions were indeed complicated and difficult to understand.

It's just that there was really no winner in the battle just now. If I have to say it, I relied on the highest scientific crystallization of the Rain Country to defeat the Fugaku clan leader through a war of attrition.

The pressure and damage caused by the orthodox kaleidoscope to the eyes is unimaginable. The patriarch's vision is probably a lot blurred at the moment.

Lord Fugaku, don't use your eyes too much, or you will go blind.

I know, but this is the curse that comes from destroying the balance.

The disappearance of pupil power does not mean that it cannot be replenished. It should be no problem until the Konoha Revolution successfully applies for a potion from the headquarters.

After a while.

Is Kakashi really stronger than you?

Fugaku thought that Shisui was so perverted, so the boss of the new youth was so awesome.

Kakashi-senpai has experienced dozens of times more misfortune than me. From strength to thought, he is a monster who has gone through countless tests.

In the village, only the Third Hokage in his prime can fight with him.

Moreover, the person standing behind him was also a terrifying figure who surpassed all previous Hokages in Konoha. Shisui really couldn't see any possibility that Kakashi would lose.

Of course, there is no need to say this. From the perspective of the patriarch, it may be impossible to understand the existence of Teacher Noah.

Just like I have been in the Country of Rain for two years and have not yet seen what the upper limit of a teacher is.

Okay, let's go back.

Fugaku stood up with Shisui's help, and then put on his solemn appearance again. The patriarch still needs dignity to support him.

On the way home, he looked a little lonely but a little relaxed.

Finally, this family is no longer supported by me alone.

A younger, more energetic, more powerful, and more open-minded newcomer emerged.

Hopefully that guy really deserves the Uchiha's kindness.

Don't worry, what Kakashi-senpai wants to do will definitely succeed. If he doesn't succeed, the entire Konoha will be overturned, in a physical sense.

After returning home, Fugaku said a few words to Mikoto as if nothing was wrong, saying that the clan's tasks had been taken care of and he would not go out for the next few days.

An embarrassing thing happened when two-year-old Sasuke accidentally bumped into his father's leg.

The great Uchiha clan leader was unprepared and was hit on the wound by Nizi, and his family members saw him gasping for air.

Itachi, Sasuke is two years old and is no longer a child. Go and train him.

What can a two-year-old do? Fortunately, Itachi was also a precocious child and didn't ask directly.

Instead, he decisively left here with his younger brother. Next, Fugaku planned to sleep separately from his wife.

Because it really hurts

As for the battle between Uchiha and Konoha's top management two days later, it was left to Shisui to do the preparation work. The confidence in the child's words made him very reassured.

Shisui said that he was very good at this kind of work, so he just wanted to practice with Uchiha.

In the past two days, some small tricks have been secretly arranged with the authority of the clan leader.

Just a few simple nudges and small stories made the atmosphere within the clan become heated, leading all issues to the higher-ups of Konoha.

Uchiha has been suppressed by Konoha. The clan leader, as the strongest person in the clan, has been fighting against the Third Hokage. It is really touching.

In several short stories, Fugaku is portrayed as a hero who secretly confronts the higher-ups for the sake of the village and Uchiha.

Because I love the village so much, I restrain myself. Konoha is the Konoha of Uchiha, and Uchiha is also the Uchiha of Konoha. No one can separate the two.

Because of this kind of mind, everything the patriarch did before has a more reasonable explanation.

The actual case of Shisui absorbing the once again great Sanshou Hanzo was modified to great effect.

The Uchiha clan itself is indeed very easy to incite, and it can cause such huge fluctuations in emotions in just a day or two.

Shisui's actions were fruitful and he perfectly completed the tasks assigned by Kakashi.

Noah was also thinking after receiving the letter from his apprentice.

The leader of this matter is Kakashi, not him, and the direction of the story should be controlled by the disciple himself.

This shameless boy actually made a lot of lists for him, which was a bit excessive. He even mentioned the idea of ​​needing a certain great swordsman to visit Konoha.

Isn’t this the broken windows theory? A bunch of inappropriate requests were made, and the rest always had to be agreed to.

Even though he was careful, the stab was too light.

After reading Kakashi's plan, Noah scratched his head a little. According to this plan, moving towards peace between thunder and fire is already a small problem.

How to face the Third Hokage in the future is the big problem. Everything he did during this period was completely unacceptable to those in power.

After the Hyuga incident, Konoha Village would either split directly, or Kakashi would be suppressed, and the third option was almost unthinkable.

If you want to get through this safely, you really need some help.

What a nonsense. Do you really think Hinata and Uchiha can make those old guys give in?

For the sake of power, interests, and the right to interpret their thoughts, they will do anything. Even if they sacrifice half of Konoha, this group of people will not retreat.

My children are still young and have not experienced many scenes of large-scale political struggles. It is normal for them to make some mistakes.

Noah himself has experienced what happened in Magic Valley Town, and he understands how much harm a sudden unplanned change can cause to the entire plan.

In this case, Konoha should be saved by the people of Konoha.

So he came to the laboratory building and found Orochimaru and Tsunade.

Now Konoha has reached a critical point of life and death. Hatake Kakashi, together with Uchiha and Hinata, are about to destroy the home you have lived in!

The two of them continued the experiment and ignored him. There was not a word of truth in the birdman's mouth. The more he talks about fearing people, the more conspiracies he hides.

What I said is true, Kakashi will launch the Konoha Collapse Plan in three days!

The two Konoha ninjas who were busy finally looked up.

Just tell me how to do it.

I'd better write some more changes to the clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku, otherwise it would always feel a bit weird to join Kakashi's plan so casually. Recently, I have written a lot about Konoha's changing ideas, so I often add content at short notice and often get stuck. The update time is sometimes a little late, which affects everyone's reading. I'm very sorry.

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