Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1433 I want to survive

What am I afraid of?

The questioning rushed into the depths of my heart unbridled, recklessly ignoring any obstacles.

The cautious obedience and final herd mentality in the ninja's bones were shattered to pieces.

As if through time and space, the boy's hand grabbed Kakashi's collar and punched him in the head.

Terrible mental storms began to crash in the brain, like waves in the ocean.

In the wave, he had nothing to rely on but drifted with the current and was about to be swept into the deep sea.

The previous scene in the Hokage Tower came to mind again.

Lord Kakashi.

For peace, for the wood industry.

The world is not black and white.

We don't want to fight

Bloody thunder, nothing more.

These people grabbed Kakashi with their arms under the waves to prevent him from rising to the surface.

He couldn't exert any strength and could only be dragged down by these people. It seemed that sinking into the abyss was the fate of everyone. Ninjas were such corrupt creatures.

But I am not willing to give in.

He saw the towering trees burning above the sea, and the young man who was so weak that he had no strength but a will that could change the color of the world.

I saw that it was not only the girl who was protected by the boy, but also the persistence in her heart, and the persistence of justice, fairness and truth.

What's this? This is courage!

The courage to not be bound by the so-called adult world, not to be bound by conventions, not to be bound by traditions, and not to be bound by various definitions.

The red light was waiting for him just above the sea.

Kakashi is going to find that boy to stand with him, where he has his own place.

I want to go out! Even if it is crawling out in the ugliest posture.

The roar from the heart made him regain his strength, and the burning will emerged on the surface of his body. The giant hands of the adults who dragged him into the deep sea were burned until they were corrupted and made a harsh sound.

The people who were gradually sinking could only curse continuously in the sea.

Kakashi never looked back and still rushed upwards resolutely. He finally broke through the sea and climbed to the shore. He walked towards the boy step by step and stood side by side with him facing the invincible enemy.

Since it's not me who's wrong, then it's the whole village who's wrong.

There was a loud bang.

In the world of will, the white-haired boy's flame was ignited, and the red aura began to spread in all directions.

The earth is trembling, the sea water is receding, the sky is shrouded in dark clouds, and endless black lightning is swimming among the clouds.

The air is as solid as an iron plate, and the power of will to interfere with matter is clearly demonstrated.

The boy said to Kakashi.

Perhaps we will fail, but the outcome of this world has been determined from the moment of birth.

The two lights looked at each other, Kakashi nodded and was about to disappear from this world. He had nothing to fear.



The young Noah showed a mysterious smile and stabbed Kakashi in the chest.

Idiot, what's so scary about those old guys? There aren't enough street lights in Konoha!!! Shame on you!!

After kicking Bai Mao out of his mental space, he got a little breathless.

Time in the real world continues to pass.

Kakashi felt a little helpless as he touched his chest, it was such a familiar touch.

Then the figure stopped on the road.

Hizashi, I won't go.

Hizashi, who was chattering about the funeral arrangements, suddenly stopped. When he arrived at the door of his house, he suddenly changed his mind and was a little confused.

I'm looking after my boss on my deathbed

What is even more incomprehensible is the captain's sudden change. You can feel the majestic spiritual power flowing out without opening your eyes.

The huge pressure made my body feel a little stiff, my brain was buzzing, I was a little dizzy, and I almost couldn't stand still.

Is this, is this still Yin chakra?

The power that is so hot that it explodes is incompatible with the term Yin attribute. If you insist on describing it, it is like a burning towering tree.

The moment that palpitating feeling appeared, Sarutobi Hiruzen in the Hokage Tower felt his heart skip a beat, as if some super-normal power had appeared in Konoha.

He was so suspicious that he tried his best to find out but could only think that he had a nervous breakdown caused by the cloud ninja.

team leader?

Hizashi, do you want to survive?

A simple sentence, but with the special power bonus, it hit his heart directly, making this strong man unable to tell adult lies countless times.

This world has its own bonds, its own family, its own ideals, and its own desire for life.

Behind the door is the most beloved child and family, and outside the door is an old father who has no choice but to accept the reality.

I want to survive.

The pain and helplessness revealed in just a few words is heartbreaking.

A hand patted his shoulder.

Leave it to me. I don't want to face a sad child.

Growing up without a father was painful, really painful.

For some reason, Kakashi's current state is a bit strange. His words can easily penetrate the heart and make people feel unreservedly sincere.

A scorching power was radiating from his body, and his eyes were radiating golden fire.

In the firelight were blazing flames and a lone figure.

Even if he is criticized by thousands of people, even if the whole village is against him, so what?

The path to take is destined to be the enemy of the old world at the beginning, and Konoha is decayed.

Hizashi grabbed Kakashi's clothes in panic after sensing the captain's thoughts.

Captain, the sacrifice is...

No! Your sacrifice has been left on the battlefield.

Now I can just go home and stay with Neji. When I come back, I will accept him as my disciple.

remember! To live, to live no matter what others say, is also a will of fire.

Hizashi, who was so shocked that he couldn't speak, just walked back home. It wasn't until the door behind him was closed that he realized what had just happened.

Something big is going to happen!

Just as he was about to turn around and chase after him, a voice caught him.

Yes, catch it.

It was as if the legs were rooted in the earth and could not be pulled up even with all the strength.


Neji happily ran forward and saluted, and Hizashi also carried the little person into his arms like a ghost.

In the past, he had always maintained his father's dignity and Hinata's strict rules, but he had never shown such an explicit behavior since Neji could remember.

It's just that at this time, there aren't many rules to restrain yourself.

Feeling Neji's body temperature in her arms stirred up emotions to a point that outsiders could not understand.

Family, village, peace, family.

I didn't have a choice, but the captain did.

I believe in him!

Neji, I found a very, very powerful teacher for you.

Although Neji was surprised by his father's change today, he was also more curious about becoming a disciple.

More powerful than father?

Better than me, better than the head of the family, better than Hinata, and better than the village.

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