Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1420 The envoy is coming

Somewhere in the Land of Fire.

Have the people who went to Konoha come back?

We're back. We've already conveyed the message to Konoha that we will arrive tomorrow.


Mabuyi calmly threw a few pieces of paper into the fire and destroyed them.

This kind of notification is a courtesy thing. Konoha's ANBU had been following the mission since they crossed the Thunderfire border.

Everything done on the way forward will be continuously presented on the desks of the Third Hokage and others.

Perhaps everyone's information has been collected now, and Konoha's staff will conduct targeted analysis.

That's what negotiation is all about. It’s possible to look for flaws and then push against the rules, slap the table, stare, or even get into a fight.

Home court advantage is also a key point. Signing an agreement in the enemy's home base is a bit of a suicide in itself.

Of course, being able to sign a peace agreement in Konoha is not the worst option.

It would be unsafe for ninjas to hold talks with each other outdoors in a third party.

Unexpected changes will never stop, and methods such as assassinations and sieges will never go out of style.

It is absolutely impossible for the third generation Hokage to go to the outside world to negotiate with the Kingdom of Thunder. The blood debt of the second generation has not yet been repaid.

Let the Fourth Raikage come to Konoha and now you have to be careful even if you leave the village, you will be beaten.

Therefore, Kumo Ninja, who had a bigger plan, took the initiative to choose Konoha Village. That is to say, the Third Generation and others were eager to end the war, so they forced themselves and others to ignore this uncoordinated move.

What is now before Mabuyi is to consider Bloody Thunder's early return to the village.

The other party actually returned to Konoha two or three days earlier than them. This change disrupted a lot of plans.

'I'm sorry, although we won, it did not end the war. We can only rely on the negotiation table to continue fighting the Kumo ninja. I, Hatake Kakashi, am willing to bear all this. ’

It's really giving me a headache to chew on these words.

She also obtained the detailed dialogue and preliminary analysis of the content of Cunou's performance.

People like Bloody Thunder are really difficult to deal with. Too young, too impulsive, too shameless.

Konoha won? Victory with the front completely suppressed?

He just opens his mouth to confuse right and wrong, which shows no sign of a strong person.

He is the kind of ruthless person who dares to kill someone if he says something wrong. In the end, he will package himself as an innocent and righteous person.

Who is a righteous person who knows how to use poison and flash bombs? He is so good at lightning escape and sword skills, but he never rejects small tricks.

According to the analysis of the village, this guy may be an evil spirit who escaped from the most evil hell.

At the same time, it also shows that the third generation Hokage's control over the village is not as perfect as rumored.

This scene, which was completely inconsistent with the external performance of Konoha's top management, triggered too many changes.

Fortunately, the mission's actions were not big on the surface, and the bottom line of the peace agreement was in the interests of both parties.

Not much thought was put into this aspect of the peace agreement, which basically met the criteria for a quick ceasefire and the conditions for a slight advantage.

After all, the bottom line of the war for the Kumo ninja is only approaching rather than reaching the critical point, and it belongs to the side that wins through expenditure.

How can I explain to my village if I don't get some benefits? In order to persist in the war, the top leaders of Kumo ninja are promoting internally that it is okay to always win.

What Mabuyi is worried about is the secret plan to seize the blood inheritance boundary.

This was originally intended to take advantage of Konoha's eagerness to cease the war, but what if a powerful figure appeared on the threatened side who didn't want to cease the war so much.

The darker part is that Kakashi started his career through war, and who knows how much he desires to end the war.

The real leader of the Kumo ninja team found it extremely difficult.

In his heart, he scolded the commander of the front line of the Cloud Ninjas so much that he couldn't hold back even this little pressure and let him run back. It was simply embarrassing.

At the same time, he looked at the false leader with a little worry.

What if Nurui performed his task perfectly, but Xuejie didn't get it back?

He looked at that guy with a slightly strange look in his eyes.

What's wrong, Azabuyi-sama?

It's okay, I just feel sorry for your dedication. We Cloud Ninjas also have people who don't belong to the Bloody Thunder.

Hahahaha, sir, you are just joking. It's because of Yun Ren that I am.

Azalea nodded and smiled, listening but saying nothing.

He conveniently handed over some of his requests to the Cloud Ninja Anbu to pass on the information through covert means.

She needed to use some special means to get in touch with a high-ranking figure within Konoha, at least to restore previous communications.

The five major countries have been at war with each other for many years, and there has always been a lot of trade and secret exchanges.

At this time, Mabuyi will use all the authority and intelligence capabilities provided by the Kingdom of Thunder to protect this plan.

It wasn't until dawn on the second day that all mental operations were completed.

He stood up and asked the envoys to tidy up their appearance. He was about to officially step into the gate of Konoha this morning and he couldn't let the people of this human village look down upon him.

Everyone remembers that we are the victors of the war and must maintain the attitude of victors. At the same time, we are also the messengers who bring peace between the two countries!

Konoha's battle front has been broken by us several times, and even Bloody Thunder was seriously injured and dying under the hands of Lord Raikage.

There are currently two jinchūriki on the front line, ensuring the pressure from the rear for our mission this time.

The war between Konoha and us has been going on for a long time, and there is irresolvable hatred between the two sides, so you may face various situations after entering the village.

This time we must walk into Konoha with our heads held high, and we must walk out of Konoha with our heads held high. It should be as tall and straight as the mountains in Yunlei Gorge.

The people in the envoy were in high spirits, not because the speech was great, but because it was too late to go back at the gate of Konoha.

And everyone really didn't panic. Most of the members didn't know the secret plan. Only two, three or five people cooperate with the deputy leader to implement the plan.

In this way, the group of people started walking towards the main entrance of Konoha.

Today, the main entrance of Konoha was rarely controlled by crowd control, and both sides were also blocked.

Not only to protect Konoha, but also to protect Kumo ninja.

The news that the Kumo ninja's peace mission was about to enter Konoha spread like the wind to all corners.

There may be hatred and unwillingness, but most ordinary families who have not had direct contact with the war are very happy.

A few good days after the third war, it was the Night of the Nine Tails, followed immediately by the Thunder and Fire War.

Everyone is really numb and exhausted.

Too much has been sacrificed for the war. The relatives of the ninjas who died in the three wars are relieved, and the ordinary people whose families are still on the front lines of Thunder and Fire also just want peace.

Coupled with the fact that Sandai and others deliberately guided public opinion in the village, peace is now the general trend.

After the peace agreement is signed this time, the war will officially end, everyone can return to normal life, and all ninjas on the front line will be withdrawn.

People who have never lived through war will not understand the desire for peace.

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