Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1411 Think about it for a moment?

Shisui? I didn't expect you to come back today. When I received the letter before, I thought it would take some time.

Fugaku really didn't expect that this clan genius would come back by such a coincidence.

Yesterday Kakashi showed off at the entrance of the village, and today the pride of the Uchiha family returned again. There is always an uneasy feeling.

Shisui also bowed to the clan leader very humbly, and he felt the slight sense of oppression in the other person's eyes.

So the Fugaku clan leader has already.

Mr. Orochimaru once came to a particularly incredible conclusion based on the study of the Sharingan and the fragments of the Heretic Golem, as well as the blunt words he typed from Mr. Noah.

Whether the blood inheritance limit is strong depends on the degree of its bloodline's return to the ancestors, but it also depends on the particularity of an era.

The previous era was the era of Senju and Uchiha. Because of Senju Hashirama, there was Uchiha Madara.

And according to reasoning, there must have been more than one pair of kaleidoscopes in that era.

In special times, the upper limit of the Sharingan will be constantly broken to deal with crises, including the blood family that can also be traced back to the Six Paths Sage.

The bloodline from the source has all kinds of incredible power, and the Yin-type chakra inherited from emotions has more intense changes and is easy to understand.

In the end, this topic was no longer scientific in Shisui's eyes, it was too metaphysical.

But Orochimaru thinks this is science, a scientific system of dual transmission of chakra and blood.

Recently, the laboratory in the Land of Rain has become more and more incomprehensible. Teacher Noah said that the final crisis of the ninja world needs to be saved by scientists.

Every ninja who has received modern education needs basic scientific knowledge to keep up with the pace of future wars.

The Ninja Continent is just the starting point, our journey is the stars and the sea!

The conversation in the laboratory made people excited, although he still didn't understand why he was so afraid of Mr. Starry Sky Noah.

Shisui, who knew part of the inside story, was no longer surprised when he felt the aura from the eyes of the Fugaku clan leader.

The opponent is more or less one of the best individuals in Uchiha. It is expected that there will be several pairs of kaleidoscopes in the clan in the future.

The two sides began to sit together and communicate seriously. As Orochimaru's disciple, Shisui's identity was no longer just a junior in the clan.

Fugaku wanted to get some information from the direct descendants of the Hokage, including how the other party viewed Uchiha was also very important.

But what he didn't know was that this Hokage's direct descendant was not very direct.

Shisui, how do you feel about traveling to the outside world this time?

There is not much difference. There is basically no difference between the Fire Country and other major countries.

Fugaku nodded. He had also been to the outside world, so he naturally understood that the entire ninja world was the same.

It's just that the way he understands it and the way Shisui understands it are two different things.

Then the two casually exchanged some unimportant things, including the boy's experiences in the Kingdom of Waves and the Kingdom of Water, etc.

Orochimaru took you to the Kingdom of Water. Is the persecution of the blood family there really serious?

The patriarch really doesn’t understand why he wants to persecute the blood heirs in the village. Aren’t they all part of the village?

At the same time, there is also a sense of sadness that the rabbit is dead and the fox is dead. The Kingdom of Water can really achieve this level.

The status of the Yuki Clan and the Kaguya Clan in Kirigakure Village is almost the same as that of Uchiha in Konoha Village.

Then can Konoha not care about the so-called first family?

Yes, the Kaguya clan behaves in a very high-profile manner in Kirigakure Village, and they have never truly integrated into the clan's rules.

They follow their own rules within their own tribe and have very little contact with the outside world.

The existence of such a family in the Kingdom of Water is only meaningful during wartime. When the war is over, anything can happen.

Shisui held the tea cup and simply talked about his views on the Kaguya clan without even raising his head.

He knew that the clan leader opposite him might not be able to calm down anymore. How could he continue to hesitate after all the actual cases were thrown at him?

He who wavers cannot lead this broken ship forward.

As for why I talked so much just after I came back.

Time is limited and you can only protect your family and friends by grabbing the upper hand and seizing Kakashi-senpai's strength.

The envoys from the Kingdom of Thunder will arrive in the next few days, and the curtain has already begun.

The battle for the discourse group started from the moment he entered Konoha.

You must actively participate in activities within the clan and show your attitude that you are one of Uchiha's own. It's not resistance, let alone speaking the truth with righteous words.

The complex relationship between the family and the Ninja Village is far from a simple problem to solve.

Teacher Noah’s courses are very interesting, but unfortunately not many people are willing to study them seriously.

It seems that you have indeed grown a lot following Orochimaru, and you have even begun to consider these issues.

Fugaku said in a deep voice.

He didn't think that Shisui was really talking about the story of going out to experience unintentionally, and maybe it also contained a certain amount of caution.

This child is considered an anomaly within the clan, so it's not surprising that he can see problems beneath his bright appearance.

It's just like the Kaguya clan has no choice but to launch an armed coup.

Uchiha also had no choice. The martial arts faction within the clan was now starting to raise its head again.

One day he will follow in Kaguya's footsteps and fight against the myth of the strongest ninja village on his own, which is not what the current Uchiha can do.

After hearing the ending of the Kaguya clan, Fugaku felt a little older, and he didn't want to face it.

Actively changed the topic.

Shisui, how long will you stay when you come back this time?

The clan leader still didn't want Shisui to stay in the village for a long time, as that would be too dangerous. Following Orochimaru in the outside world was at least a possibility.

If I come back now, I will probably be involved in a storm.

Clan leader, are you referring to the dispute between Kakashi and the Third Hokage?

Yes, does this guy know about it?

Fugaku was surprised, where did this child know about the fight between the third generation and Kakashi.

To the outside world, it seems to be just a misunderstanding between the villagers and the frontline ninjas.

When I returned to the village, I collected certain information as soon as possible. After inquiring about what happened at the entrance of the village yesterday, I figured it out after a little thought.

People always have to make progress. As a ninja who is about to become an adult in the Uchiha clan, how can he not have this awareness?

The clan leader's face froze.

Do you know that it took me almost half a night to think about what you said about a little thinking?

Fugaku felt the deep malice coming from the kid in front of him.

Yes, the Uchiha clan must have this kind of awareness. You said it very well, Shisui.

Before Fugaku could change the topic, the kid across from him started his performance.

The boy imitated Teacher Noah's attitude in class and became very confident, giving advice in front of the patriarch.

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