Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1405 It’s not a crisis, it’s a stage!

The cold eyes from all directions stared at him, without any further action, but they were already scratching the hearts of those who had returned from the battlefield.

The white-haired boy no longer had the heroic posture when he rode the unicorn and fell from the sky on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Clouds.

Countless plans and plans came to mind and then were crossed out. What can he do when facing the defenseless villagers?

The death of loved ones and one's own difficulties are all real life encounters in reality.

Under the guidance of a caring person, this resentment will definitely be vented towards a set goal.

War is the culprit, and those who participate in the war will also be affected.

Even if he is extremely wronged, how can he express it?

When his father faced such a situation, he relied on his strong heart to persevere, but in the end his ideas were shattered and he committed suicide.

When he faced this person, he felt cold all over.

His hands and feet were numb for a moment, and the thoughts in his mind were getting slower and slower, and finally went blank.

But the invisible flame between the eyebrows began to beat. The more this scene happened, the more instinctive excitement became.

The enemy will not do nothing, so every counterattack must be fierce and decisive.

The special power drove the young man's thoughts forward until the figure of the man appeared in his mind.

Noah's figure on the seaside seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and the blond boy on the side was looking at him with a smile.

Kakashi, humans are very complex creatures.


“Go ahead and light everyone up in a crisis.”

In just a short moment, the words the teacher said appeared in his mind, and the solutions were actually given in the daily principles and stories.

That's it, I suddenly found a breakthrough inspiration.

Good brother, I'm sorry.

Kakashi silently muttered something in his mind and returned to the field.

Raise your hand!

This move made everyone nervous. Everyone's eyes followed the movement of this hand. Could it be that he was drawing a sword?

Then he held his good brother's shoulders.

Asuma was a little confused.

He was feeling troubled and helpless because of the incomprehensible looks and actions of these villagers, so what was going on?


A secret Lei Qianbon flowed into his body under the control of extremely high chakra control. Asuma, who had no resistance to his friend, was even more confused.

Then Lei Qianben stimulated a certain acupuncture point and tore some hidden wounds.

puff! ! ! !

A large mouthful of blood couldn't help but spurt out, and the blood flowing out looked extremely terrifying.

Captain Kakashi took advantage of the situation and supported him with his back, and asked anxiously what's wrong with you.

At the same time, the Sharingan was raised a little, and a flash of red light brought Asuma's mind into the illusion space.

Time is limited. Listen Asuma, you are going to do this and then again. Do you understand?

After hearing this, Asma's face fell. She never expected that there was such a solution, but

Why do you ask me to do such a thing? It's really a bit embarrassing.

Even though he had let himself fly on the battlefield, it was a bit embarrassing to do this at home.

Think about the ninjas who followed us back. Is it fair for them to face such a situation when they come back?

As for Kai, do you think his acting and speaking skills can help everyone get out of this difficult situation?

It's okay for Hong, as long as you are willing to let her do this, it's not impossible.

Just like his teacher, Kakashi also saw through one of Asuma's biggest flaws.

Sure enough, the young man immediately agreed with a resolute expression, saying that he was willing to make some sacrifices for his comrades in the same trench.

In an instant, they returned to the outside world from the mental space. When they recovered from the illusion space in a very short time, Hong and Kai happened to support Asuma. Let's see what's wrong with this little friend?

Although he was often injured on the battlefield, it was not to this extent on the way back.

Asuma enjoyed Kurenai's concern but was a little worried about what would happen next.

The child was seriously injured and vomited blood, which caused shock and panic among everyone present.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth and shut up about my stupid son, and often punished him with solitary confinement and beatings, but who dares not to take the son of the current Hokage seriously?

Especially the youngest son, the youngest son after Lord Biwako died in the Night of the Nine Tails.

With all the buff points filled, this kid can leave Konoha and join the ranks of the daimyo's guardian nin for so many years, and still be able to join the top ranks of Konoha when he comes back. Is there any need to talk about his identity and background?

Even in the original work, Tsunade and Jiraiya wandered around the outside world for so long without joining another organization.

What's more, the guardian ninja is an armed organization whose functions overlap or even conflict with the Konoha ninja organization. If an ordinary ninja were to play like this, he would have been thrown into the ANBU prison for experimentation.

So others also took a second look, and the civilians gathered nearby also became slightly stagnant.

They may not know who the ninja vomiting blood in front of them is, but the visual impact of watching a teenage child vomiting blood in front of them is still very strong.

Once this united aura is interrupted, it will be difficult to get it back together.

Danzo Shimura felt a pang of remorse behind the crowd. This brat of the Sarutobi family really succeeded more than failed.

The mess he did to bring glory to the Sarutobi clan on the battlefield was almost a laughing stock among the elders' families.

Are you still doing this kind of thing now that you're back?

snort! Sure enough, Konoha cannot be left in the hands of such a person.

But even if he vomits blood, only he can escape from here, and Kakashi will have to continue to suffer the pain he deserves.

Danzo gave a signal to keep the roots of the crowd at a level where ordinary people would not disperse.

But this is just the beginning. The acting skills of Sarutobi's Glory are recognized on the cloud ninja battlefield. Maybe everyone with the word ape in their name is a good actor.

I'm fine! Don't worry. It's just a little painful from being angry.

Sarutobi Asuma clenched his fists in anger, and the veins on his arms popped out.

The blood vessels on his forehead were constantly squirming, and his eyes were all bloodshot.

The pain in his eyes mixed with the ferocity of choosing others to devour was unsettling, because he was looking in all directions.

“You just gathered here without knowing anything.

Wouldn’t I feel bad if my comrades died on the front line? Isn't Konoha my home?

Do they know?

Snapped! ! !

The clear and loud voice echoed in everyone's hearts.

A hearty blow slapped Asma's face, and every tooth in his deformed mouth was pulled out.

The beaten child's face was filled with confusion, followed by extreme anger about to burst out.

This is the son of the Third Hokage! Or a slap in the face of everyone. Not to mention the injuries, but his dignity was beaten to pieces.

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