Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1403 Keep calm after returning to the village

His current identity and status were temporarily promoted for a special mission, a mission that meant no life or death.

No one thinks that sneaking into Konoha and taking away a Byakugan blood successor without paying the price, then they have to die calmly.

The fourth Raikage patted him on the shoulder and said that his family would be treated like the descendants of heroes in the Kumo ninja.

Of course, the premise is that the mission is successfully completed, otherwise your death will be in vain.

The signing and decision-making of the formal peace agreement was handed over to the deputy of the mission, Mabuyi.

Her true identity is the secretary of the Fourth Raikage. He is calm, full of wisdom and talent, and is good at judging and analyzing battle situations and handling matters competently.

He was even one of the initiators of the Cloud Ninja secret art, the Heavenly Sending Technique.

Because of the changes in the war situation, this member of the Cloud Ninja core decision-making team had to take action personally in order to escort this mission in the chaotic situation.

Mabuyi, this mission is very dangerous, so be careful in Konoha Village.

Don't worry. Everything is under control.

Mabuyi is very confident, and this time she brings the hope of the whole village.


For some reason, the Fourth Raikage felt a little uneasy after hearing Mabuyi say these words.

But the arrow was on the string, and it was time for the envoy to set off.

So this envoy with a secret mission set off directly, entrusting the thoughts of the senior leaders of Yunren Village and leaving with the goodwill of peace on the surface.

Two days later, the Fourth Raikage received bad news and returned to the village with bloody thunder.


Why did you receive this information now! Is the information from the front line so slow?

Report to the Fourth Raikage-sama that Akimichi Tifeng concealed the information about Bloody Thunder leaving the front line. This information came back from within the Leaf Village.

Qiudao Qifeng is so brave, he is really not afraid. Damn it!

The Fourth Raikage knew that he really couldn't give the order to attack, and now he was in trouble.

The variable Hatake Kakashi was considered before the peace mission went out. As the first combat force on the front line, it should not have any impact if it has been locked there by two jinchūriki.

But there are always people who make reckless decisions. Isn't this Akimichi Takafou a comrade-in-arms of the Third Hokage and others? Why are the acting styles so different?

The situation Mabuyi has to face now will be too complicated, and that Sharingan kid is not easy to deal with.

The Fourth Raikage's impression of Kakashi was not only that he was powerful, but he was also frightened by the opponent's shameless fighting methods that did not care about battle honor.

He didn't have the consciousness of a master, and even said that if he could win by using a monkey to steal peaches, if the other party hesitated for a second, he had misjudged the person.

There is also the will that has never wavered even in the face of death. The young man with all his bones broken uses puppet strings to control himself until he dies. He is really powerful.

Some people can transcend life and death as long as they make up their mind.

It would be a headache if Kakashi Hatake had really been thwarting the mission's plans.

I hope the Third Hokage can suppress this brat and still maintain the persistence of the top management on such a major matter.

In a rare move, he began to pray that the Third Hokage would be more reliable and that both parties could cooperate to complete the peace process.

It is really ironic that despite being a hero of Konoha, the fact that he returned to the village made the top management of both parties nervous.

In fact, not only people on both sides are paying attention to Kakashi, but there is someone in the Country of Rain who is also watching everything in the Country of Fire at all times.

Anko, Shisui, it's time for you to return to the village.

Yes, Teacher Noah.

The two young men prepared to return to the Land of Fire with the mission given by Noah.

Shisui's face was solemn, and his eyes were slightly lit with fire.

He deliberately said goodbye to other leaders within the Akatsuki organization and took away a lot of special materials and sealed them in scrolls. The main thing he did was to be watertight.

This time I go back to do something big.

Anko, on the other hand, said a naive farewell to the boys from the Land of Rain and couldn't wait to go home.

I plan to show off my return of the king's dominance to the friends in the village this time.

Orochimaru was a little confused when he saw his two disciples being ordered back by Noah.

Do you think there will be problems with Konoha and Kumogakure signing a peace agreement?

There is a high probability that there will be. The people in the Kingdom of Thunder are very fond of pushing the envelope. How could they take the initiative to cease the war when they have the upper hand?

Noah already has a rough plan for the signing of this peace agreement.

There will be the first and most important conflict between Kakashi's branch and the third generation's interest group. At this time, the other party needs help.

Those old men and women can be said to be unaccustomed in non-combat areas and need serious education.

Shisui's eyes have completely recovered and have produced the fruits he wanted.

The Uchiha needed to be reborn from the ashes, and he was the destroyer and rebuilder who returned with the fire.

Although Anko's senjutsu stretched her crotch, her overall strength reached a usable standard, and it wouldn't be bad for a small or medium-sized ninja to have a standard of recklessness.

The return of these two people is a huge support and supplement to the Konoha branch.

We'll see how it develops. This is just the initial support, and it might even include you in the end.

Orochimaru was a little surprised, he didn't expect so many changes.

Then we need to contact Jiraiya?

Yes, but writing a letter may not work.

I understand, you have figured out that idiot's weakness now.

Noah smiled kindly and said that these were Orochimaru's slanders.

He wouldn't use Jiraiya to do bad things, this was all a good thing.

The place where the storms gathered on the other side was outside the gate of Konoha Village.

Kakashi and his party have arrived, and everyone's moods are a little ups and downs when they see the somewhat familiar and unfamiliar village.

He walked in without much emotion. The feeling of returning home has made it difficult for many ninjas who came back alive to maintain their emotions.

The two goalkeepers were away, and the two men were brought to the front line by Kakashi to experience the real battlefield atmosphere.

They are the ones lying on the stretchers in the back now.

Today, the gate was guarded by two unknown ninjas, and they were allowed to enter only after handing over orders.

Kakashi smelled a familiar scent from the two people just now, ANBU?

A lot of people gathered at the door, they seemed to be villagers who came to welcome the soldiers home.

Only Kakashi, Hizashi and the others who led the team frowned a little.

This time, it was not just returning from a victorious battle, it was nominally a simple return to the village for rotation and rest.

Logically speaking, there should not be such treatment, and from what channels did these people get the information.

Kakashi, the leader of the team, gave the order after just thinking for a second.

Everyone should stay quiet after entering the village to avoid conflicts.

Although Asuma and the others didn't understand what was going on, they were still vigilant. This was a tacit understanding honed on the battlefield.

There were no cheers from the crowd upon entering, and there were no touching scenes of reunion.

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