Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1400 Heading to the final battlefield

Asuma was so excited that she seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

Kakashi saw that the effect was very good and also gave him all his money. He himself was stared at by the Kumo ninja and was unable to obtain the big Sengoku. It would not be impossible if he could hide behind and operate.

Asma, listen to me.

In the days to come, the glory of the Sarutobi clan began to appear frequently on the battlefield.

Even the identity of the Third Hokage's son has been exposed to the extent that everyone knows about it. With all kinds of despicable and insidious tactics emerging one after another, it can be regarded as a small prestige.

In the later stage, you will receive special care as soon as you enter the battlefield. Not only the physical but also the mental look of contempt made his heart pricked with holes, and he could be considered a war hero.

In the end, if things hadn't gotten to the point where Kakashi, who was hiding behind the three of them, had to take action, I'm afraid the trio could have continued their promiscuity.

Of course, in the most dangerous battle, it took the lives of three jounin to put an end to the disaster.

The controversy over the reputation of Asuma Sarutobi, the son of the third generation, has finally come to an end.

The disdain and disgust in the eyes of the Kumo ninjas were never hidden when they mentioned this ninja.

Don't underestimate this second-generation Kage. The third-generation Hokage's method of educating children is terrifying.

I thought that the Fourth Raikage-sama would inherit the reputation of the Third Hokage, but I didn't expect that there are capable people in Konoha who can inherit the despicability of the Third Hokage.

Although Bloody Thunder is also a master tactician, his strength and courage are still worthy of admiration. This one is awesome.

By the way, he single-handedly defeated the reputation of the Sarutobi clan and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Things are fine here in Konoha.

The most I can say is that the Third Hokage has a rigorous family style and does not care about personal gains and losses in battle.

The next three were marked together as a team that often followed Kakashi's actions. If you pretend to be powerless later on, no one will be fooled.

Asuma, I heard that the cloud ninja has put a bounty of 35 million taels on your head at the bounty house. The more the enemy hates you, the more valuable you are. Congratulations.

What does this mean? My glory has just begun.

The glory of the Sarutobi clan has unparalleled confidence.

Everything was going on in a mess until Kumogakure sent a letter.

Temporary truce.

The headquarters was very nervous to analyze whether there was any conspiracy in this, and whether it was a delaying tactic before launching a general attack.

After comprehensively considering all aspects of information, it was determined that it was not false.

And this time the truce between Thunder and Fire is likely to be the end of the war, because Kumogakure also sent a letter to Konoha Village.

It was sent to the village with great fanfare, and the content was not shy, which was to end this misunderstanding through negotiation.

Yes, even after so many people died, they still thought it was a misunderstanding.

Regardless of the original intention of the Kingdom of Thunder, the ending is what everyone wants to see.

Even Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief. No matter how strong he was, he did not deviate from the boundaries of a regular ninja.

A lot of fatigue accumulated from the long-term battle. In addition to fighting, you also have to rescue your comrades around you. Even the strongest can't withstand such devastation.

Among the many ninjas, only the general, Akimichi Tōfū, was much more nervous.

Akimichi Tofū, who had experienced the first, second, and third Ninja War and had seen more ups and downs, felt a chill to his bones.

The so-called peace negotiation is another battlefield, and it is a battlefield that these soldiers who are fighting bravely on the front line do not understand.

If the superior person casually takes a step forward or takes a step back, it will be followed by the bloodshed of the people below.

And what peace negotiations bring is not necessarily peace. No one will forget how the first ninja war started, especially him who experienced it personally.

The Kumo ninja had little to no credibility in this regard.

What's even worse is that the person in the village now is not the hot-blooded monkey, but the powerful Third Hokage.

There is a fundamental difference in the starting point of thinking about the problem.

He wouldn't be surprised if Danzo encouraged him to do any unbelievable things.

After thinking about it he called Kakashi in.

During this time, the hero among the new generation of the village has gained all his trust. He is a Konoha man with a passionate heart like Mr. Tobirama.

So Qifeng plans to make his own choice at the most critical moment.

Kakashi, the war is not over yet. It may even be the most difficult time yet.

It is wrong to fight or not to fight at this time. The initiative is not in our hands.

The so-called peace also comes with a price. The loser of the psychological game will pay a heavy price.

Konoha is at a psychological disadvantage and is also at a material disadvantage.

This is a period of weakness unprecedented since the founding of the village, and the Will of Fire will face its greatest test.

The answerers in the village are not worthy of trust, because the strongest will of fire is on the front lines.

Kakashi heard the experience imparted by Tifeng and understood that after all, his vision was not far-sighted enough. I relaxed my vigilance at such a critical moment.

Then what should I do, Lord Fengfeng?

After a long silence, Akimichi Touteng finally turned to the new fire in his heart.

Past friendships and interest groups are important but the future of the village is even more important.

Order Hatake Kakashi to be the leader of the rotation team to escort the wounded back to Konoha Village and set off immediately.

Lord Fengfeng!

Kakashi was quite shocked. This decision was very inappropriate for a commander-in-chief.

Although it is not good to say this, as the strongest combat force, he left the front line. The Kumo ninja could tear up the peace agreement at any time, and this front line would probably be destroyed by the two tailed beasts.

Needless to say, our team has been fighting on the front line for a long time.

It's shameful to say that the reason why you have to deal with the two jinchūriki and wear the Hyakuso now is because of the lack of strength of our generation.

With his merits and fighting time, he has fully met the conditions to return to the village to rest. Don't forget that some things are more important.

As for the tailed beast Akimichi clan, they also have their own methods.

Akimichi Tifeng was already prepared. If Kumo Ninja really took the opportunity to invade in large numbers, he would eat meatballs to transform into butterflies.

He is too old to actively perform secret techniques, but under the stimulation of drugs, he can completely release the energy accumulated for decades, even if he uses eight tails and two tails at the same time, there will be no benefit.

What was sent back to Kakashi to save was not the war of just a few years, but the direction of Konoha in the next few decades.

This realization was gained from studying with Senju Tobirama.

The will of fire is to burn itself to illuminate the darkness and give the new generation of the village a chance to grow.

If fate leaves him with no choice, then do what you won't regret.

A light transfer order was handed to Kakashi.

“Remember that the decision you make must be worthy of the village and the people in the village.

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