Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1394: This is what external medical methods are like

The outside world feels really bad.

The weak White Snake Immortal stumbled and collapsed to the ground just as he channeled his spirit to the outside world.

The thin natural energy in the air caused its absorption speed to drop directly to a state close to being disconnected.

It has not been born for thousands of years and has already become accustomed to the primitive living environment. The outside air is the greatest continuous harm to it.

Ben was beaten almost to death. If it hadn't been for its immortal characteristics that ensured that it could absorb natural energy to maintain the most basic ability to move, it would have gone to the west.

If possible, it would never want to leave its nest, but it can't be helped. There is a saying in the ninja world that those who understand the current affairs are heroes.

The arrogant Akatsuki organization will really bring peace to Ryūchi Cave.

I hope that its fate will be better in the future. As long as it can survive, there is hope for a comeback.

Not to mention that the characteristics and abilities of immortals are unique to Longdi Cave and can relieve various constraints.

The Toad Kingdom has a spell that can bring people back to life. Will the Snake Kingdom be any worse?

The forced hibernation is just to endure the humiliation in order to take off in the future. The White Snake Immortal will come back one day.

Before he could continue to swear in his heart, Noah was politely taken to the medical room filled with equipment.

Don't be nervous. It's just a simple blood test. In our human country, treatment always starts with this step.

Right, Tsunade.

No one responded, but the White Snake Immortal gave a bleak smile.


Yeah, yeah, that's right, we humans are all like that.

Tsunade rubbed her eyes. She hadn't seen Noah for a day and actually brought back the White Snake Sage. This was the Lord of the Holy Land at the same level as the Slug Sage.

The matter of going to Longdi Cave to discuss cooperation has finally come to this point.

She originally thought that Orochimaru took people back to use force to intimidate them in exchange for certain cooperation, but as a result...

Judging from the tattered condition of the other party's body and the unconcealed bloodstains, we knew that this method of inviting treatment would not be very harmonious.

Fortunately, the Great Slug Immortal took the initiative to invite Noah to sign a contract before, and the three holy places were at odds with each other regarding the rank of the helmsman.

Although the development of the situation is a bit weird, what does this have to do with the number one medical sage in the ninja world?

It's not such a good material. If such a good patient is sent here, he must be treated well.

A lot of items were randomly pulled in and started to be inspected. There was a long list of things that needed to be inspected.

The White Snake Immortal is not isolated from the world. He can sit in the holy place and listen to any information from the world.

When did the so-called medical ninjutsu become like this?

For example, one of the random inspections requires pricking all over the patient's body. What patient can withstand such a medical accident?

Immortal, please cooperate in order to maintain long-term cooperation.

After all, early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment.

The Three Immortals in my hometown are still waiting for you to return and lead them.

Immortal White Snake's initial resistance disappeared.

Although the other party was a threat, he also expressed goodwill, that is, he would let him go as soon as possible.

Cooperate, definitely cooperate.

It's a good thing to check your body. Most people don't have the chance to check Tsunade-hime. Hahahahahaha.

Immortal White Snake forced out a smile.

The physical examination is just the simplest step, and the subsequent steps are troublesome.

Sealing Technique. An alternative system created by humans.

Although Dragon's Cave has something similar, it always believes that humans are the most evil.

Ahem, Tsunade, do you need an assistant?

Orochimaru asked as he joined in and pretended to help Tsunade perform a medical examination on the respected White Snake Sage.


What's wrong with this patient?


It's okay, please lie down.

Orochimaru smiled and began to collect first-hand data. Both he and Tsunade marveled at the body structure and vitality of the Lord of the Holy Land.

The muttering was disturbing.

When these people were checking their bodies here, there was a different look in Longdi Cave.

Xiao organized the few people who stayed here to gather all the famous snakes to the deepest part of the holy land for a meeting.

Yahiko stood on the stage with a smile on his face and started introducing himself in various ways.

We went through the entire process from the organization's philosophy to its working style, and all the Snakes listened very carefully.

It was definitely not related to the Kyuubi sitting nearby who was frantically absorbing the natural energy of Ryūchi Cave.

White Snake Immortal is not here, I want to say a few heartfelt words to everyone.

Jiu Lama's eyelids twitched, this little yellow guy knew Noah well.

“Why are the natural energy resources of holy places always allocated to immortals?

Because it's the most powerful, that's how your original kingdom was built, but I'd say that's wrong.

Accentuate this with a strong fist pump.

Our Akatsuki organization is here, and justice will come to your Ryūchi Cave!

Sanxian Ji instinctively felt that this disgusting guy was not holding back anything good.

Yahiko seemed to point at a green snake in the audience.

If you were given the same time, the same natural energy and magical skills, do you think your future achievements would be lower than those of the White Snake Immortal?

That's not necessarily the case.

It seemed like he had said nothing but this unsteady attitude made the other snakes a little shaken.

There is something wrong with this green snake~~~

After Zabuza's testing, he found out that this guy was the more flexible bottom line in Ryūchi Cave and didn't have so many stubborn thoughts.

So the first one to target was this guy. Sure enough, I started to live up to expectations.

Sanxian Ji’s eyebrows stood up, she was so brave! The Immortal has just left the Holy Land and are you shaken?

Yahiko continued to ask calmly at this time.

“If Ryūji Cave”

After a long time, not only the green snake was answering, but occasionally other snakes also said a few words.

Even the Three Immortals found that the absence of the White Snake Immortal was not a bad thing.

Without the boss, the three of them are the leaders, and the tasks of the Akatsuki organization are also distributed through them.

His status was passively raised by half a level, and his authority was also much greater.

Besides, even if the White Snake Immortal comes back, nothing will change. They were defeated on all fronts and lost a lot of autonomy.

That old guy...

etc! Sanxianji found out how she and others had lost their respect for the immortals so quickly.

Maybe it was after seeing it being pressed to the ground and rubbed by people from the Akatsuki organization.

This place no longer operates according to the will of the immortals. After the initial panic, it will be interesting.

Noah expressed approval of Yahiko's handling of the matter, developing more direct lineage snakes belonging to the Akatsuki organization and remaking new psychic scrolls.

After all, the Kingdom of Rain needs its own holy land.

Because he was far away from his old nest, White Snake Immortal was not aware of the new changes that had taken place in his family.

After three days and hundreds of tests, the two doctors finally gave a diagnosis.

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