When you think about the fact that there is only this one slug in the entire wet bone forest, and the other slugs are all divided bodies, the cell activity of this person is exaggerated to an unimaginable level.

Senju Hashirama is nothing compared to him.

Hello, Slug Immortal~~~

Seeing such a giant creature, Noah couldn't help shouting loudly, for fear that the stupid big head wouldn't hear him.

Actually, I can hear it, Mr. Noah.

A little slug split from its mother's body and crawled in front of Noah.

The gentle female voice came from the slug. Forget about the organ, I couldn't think about it. It was full of contrast.

Little Tsunade told me that you want to come to Shigu Forest. Do you need fairy magic to cure your illness?

What else did Tsunade say?

He also said that I would regret signing a contract with you. He also said that you are the most terrifying person among human beings. But he is a good person.

This immortal is really abnormal. Why is he so stupid? Why did Tsunade agree to the contract after all she said?

And why would the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization issue me a good guy card?

Ahem, Immortal, aren't you worried that something bad will happen if I learn Immortal Arts?

It's okay, I don't care.

There are very few people who can choke Noah with a word. What is it about Slug that makes him so stubborn?

Sage, why don't we talk first?

Noah decided to use the charm of his language to explore the depths of the wet bone forest before making preparations for the next step.


The Great Sennin simply hasn't chatted with anyone for a long time. Even though he likes silence, he doesn't like long periods of silence. Tsunade, a little girl, rarely talks to him.

There is only one slug in the entire holy land, and if it splits up to chat, isn't it completely insane?

Noah also had strong goodwill toward this communicative immortal.

Sage, I want to ask about what happened a thousand years ago, Six Paths and Princess Kaguya.

As a result, the other party said that among the Three Holy Lands, only the guy named Gamamaru ran away to participate in the surface war, and the Shiggou Forest and Ryūchi Cave had always been in a state of death.

The boss of the Holy Land cannot easily leave the Holy Land. There is too little natural energy in the outside world for them to survive.

The Toad Kingdom is different. Their inheritance method involves growth. Plus it was normal for Gamamaru to travel when he was young at that time.

As for the Immortal of Six Paths, I only met him a few times, and also came to Shigu Forest to exchange some content.

Basically, they asked about the position of the Holy Land and whether to interfere too much with the spread of chakra in the ninja world.

A glimpse into history, Hagoromo is really a somewhat contradictory person.

Is this because he hopes that his mother's chakra will be broken down into countless parts and lose the chance to unblock it, and at the same time, he also wants to ensure that Kaguya will not die completely?

The Great Immortal was very good at talking. He talked about a lot of things and even tried to recommend his favorite leaves to eat, but he was declined politely.

Noah obtained a lot of information from the exchange and also saw the immortal's temperament. He was a creature who stayed at home all year round and occasionally wanted to go out.

It took a long time before the topic returned to the main topic.

Xianjutsu, little Tsunade's talent is not very good. The other paths she took are not much different, so there is no inheritance.

It's great that Mr. Noah is willing to learn, but he needs to check his qualifications first.

Immortal magic is very dangerous, in general.

boom! ! !

There was a soft sound, leaving only a pool of slime on the spot.

The immortal exploded? ! ! !

Just now, the little slug touched Noah with the tentacles on its head, and then a few question marks seemed to appear on the expressionless little face.

Expansion, disorderly distortion, explosion.

Ahem, this is the Immortal.

Oh, I just wanted to test whether you have the potential to practice the Immortal Technique of the Shiky Bone Forest, but you were directly decomposed by the invisible layer of energy on the surface of your body. It's really a terrifying power.

Slug was a little confused. The way this clone died was really magical. All structures were directly destroyed without giving any chance for life force to intervene.

Noah apologized profusely, which was quite embarrassing.

Don't worry, I won't die.

The Slug Immortal accidentally said something shocking in a soft and cute tone.

Won't die? ! That’s why it doesn’t matter, why is it so Buddhist?

Noah pretended not to hear, and let go of the defense on his body to let the other slug that split off sense it.

What a powerful body, even the White Snake doesn't have the body surface of yours. Eh? Eh!!!!


Then the ground began to shake, and the entire wet bone forest was shaking violently.

The huge mountain of meat in sight was retreating rapidly, and the immortal was shocked.

Slug Immortal said that this was the first human body he saw? ! !

Following the life force and natural energy, he walked into the other party's body, and then saw the burning stars!

It was the radiance of human will, and the immortals who wore this radiance felt warmth and destruction.

The shocked slug saw a power that made it panic, an attribute it had never seen in the long years it had experienced.

And this power is powerful enough to hurt yourself.

As for the breath of death that was about to overflow from his body, it also made him panic. Such an injury could only be repaired if the whole self was filled in.

Slug Immortal now finally feels that he has been sloppy.

Sorry Mr. Noah, your body cannot practice magic, at least not until it is repaired.

Noah nodded and knew his physical condition, so he was not the one who practiced immortality in the first place.

So Immortal. Do you think it can practice immortality?

He pulled out a cute little fox from his belly and placed it in front of the slug.


The usually soft and soft voice was distorted.

Immediately there was another tremor, and Immortal Slug was so frightened that he backed away.

Despite its size, its natural energy and vitality are as huge as the ocean, but it has almost no attack power.

Even the ability of acid liquid evolved from the need to replace organs such as the mouth when eating some leaves on a daily basis.

When encountering a violent tailed beast that specializes in fighting, just a few shots of tailed beast jade can knock it off its feet.

This is Kyuubi. Even if the slug can't be killed, he doesn't want his hometown to be disgraced.

Tsunade-chan hasn't said anything about this before.

This is all a small problem. It's just that a little fox living alone in the ninja world needs fairy magic to defend himself. This request shouldn't be too much.

Kyuubi. Are you lonely and helpless?

Slug Sento was rarely worried, and he somewhat understood Tsunade's statement that this man was scary.

Senjutsu that tailed beasts cannot do requires physical energy, mental energy, and natural energy. Huh.

Tailed beasts are pure chakra creatures, which are a combination of mental energy and physical energy.

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