Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1381 The black-skinned big-tongue loses

Seeing Kumogakure's commotion, Kakashi also thought it was a God-given opportunity, and was ready to use one or two trump cards, but the opponent actually gave up the most troublesome ninjutsu to clean the ground.


He walked faster and faster, then walked faster, then trotted, then suddenly picked up speed and started sprinting.


The blue electric arc began to flash, and the thousand-year chime sounded. The lightning flashed and went straight to Yunyin's position.

Charge alone!

The teacher said that in order to boost morale, the most handsome thing besides touching people's words is of course to rush into the battle alone.

If opening Wushuang does not result in defeating the boss, the speed ninja is at his strongest when he is alone.

Before the two Jinchuuriki came over, Kakashi almost crossed the entire Land of Thunder front, causing blood to fly everywhere he passed.

The shadow of death accompanied by bursts of thunder spread to the outermost periphery, and those genin and chunin were like nothing in his eyes.

The main thing is fast.

Illusions, sword skills, and various displacement tactics are almost impossible to solve in a short period of time at super high speeds.

Commander Kumogakure was furious. In order to capture this great achievement, he gave up the combined ninjutsu, but what resulted in this situation is really a sad story.

In the end, Kakashi randomly selected a lucky Kumogakure jonin and pulled him to the center of the field to behead him directly.

Then calmly retreat back to Konoha headquarters.

He shook off the blood on the knife and put the knife back into its sheath very pretentiously.

Kumo Ninja. Not bad.

Long live Kakashi-sama!

Hahahahaha, it's worthy of the Bloody Thunder, it's so powerful.

Konoha's morale immediately rose.

It is rare to see such a bold and fast fighting style in the ninja battlefield.

Just like the fourth generation of adults back then, if he said he wanted to hack you to death, he would chop you to death. He was so handsome.

Hizashi told his comrades around him, Let's see. I told him that Captain Kakashi's strength was terrifying.

In fact, Hizashi himself was frightened. From the moment he saw Kakashi burst out, he saw an exaggerated humanoid monster with his white eyes.

The amount of chakra has increased several times compared to a year ago, and the strength has also increased several times. It is really unbelievably powerful.

It turns out that a year for a genius and a year for an ordinary person are not the same unit.

If Kakashi goes one step further, the Fifth Hokage will be fine.

Following a boss like this is the best investment. By virtue of your relationship with him after going on missions, you can provide better resources to Neji.

Qiudao Qifeng also showed a rare smile. He had been very worried for more than a year.

Isn't it good for such a good boy to inherit Konoha?

The three Zhuludie families won't take sides, but as a frontline commander, it's not too much for him to arrange some suitable tasks to build reputation for the other party.

Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life.

Well, good. Next, be prepared to deal with Kumogakure's revenge. The enemy will not leave us much time.

Konoha's side was rejoicing, but Kumogakure's side was unlucky.

The commander felt very uneasy when he saw the casualty report. He was carried away by desire and suffered heavy casualties. A person with bad command cannot escape.

But who would have thought that someone would be so reckless? How could anyone besides Raikage do this? It's unreasonable.

Fight back, you must fight back!

Master Kirabi and Master Yuzuki, please.

Kirabi raised his sunglasses, and there was a solemn murderous look in his little eyes that had not rapped easily for a year.

It is my duty to help big brother win this war. Leave the bloody thunder to me. Only the Eight-Tails can completely suppress the opponent.


The next day, Kumogakure launched his revenge. The revenge of this group of people could give Kakashi enough face overnight.

The information about the team led by Eight-Tail and Two-Tail in person was immediately passed to the headquarters by the Sensing Ninja.

Kakashi also immediately led his direct subordinates and squadron to meet the enemy.

Ha, are you the Bloody Thunder? The guy who was beaten up by my elder brother and ran away. Rabbi Yatsubi Sunabiki is me! Yeah! Ah! The battle has begun!

The excited Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki prepared a gorgeous performance.

Even the eldest brother can beat this man up, and the difference in strength between me and the eldest brother is not that big, so it should be no problem.

Just use this guy's head to defeat Konoha's confidence.

Kakashi looked at the rhythm opposite him quite speechlessly, and said to the ninja behind him.

You guys go and stop the others in Yunyin. Leave this black-skinned man with a big tongue to me.

Big, big tongue. OMG!

Clang Clang Clang.!

Seven ninja swords radiating cold light were thrown into the air.

Upcoming is A-level taijutsu, which uses various parts of the body and taijutsu to flexibly use seven swords. Its unpredictable and fast knife skills are hard to guard against and cannot be seen clearly!

Sasuke once held the Kusanagi sword and was chopped into two idiots by seven swords.

Just facing Kakashi who was trained by the great swordsman...


There was a crisp sound and eight rays of sword light flashed away, and Kirabi had disappeared in place. Only seven weapons rolled down from above.


Because there are too many weapons, the setting that needs to be thrown first and then caught is too stupid. If the Eight-Tails hadn't pulled away the big tongue at the critical moment, the battle would have been over in an instant.

No one can reveal such a tempting flaw before Shuangyue Kendo without paying the price.

Kirabi's body wrapped in the tailed beast's coat had begun to bleed, and the remaining thunder chakra made his body twitch unnaturally.

Bi, there's something wrong with this guy.

Ah, I know. This guy only attacks sneakily

No, the opponent is a very powerful ninja. Be prepared to transform into a half-tailed beast. You may have to fight hard this time.

Ushiki noticed the uneasiness, because it felt a very familiar smell from the ninja opposite him, or to be precise, there were several familiar smells.

Aura that can be remembered by a tailed beast is not a good thing.

Kirabi also became serious. It was the first time he saw Niu Gui in such an abnormal mood.

Huh? Have you communicated with the tailed beast?

When it comes to hard power, it will take a lot of effort for Kakashi to take down Kirabi, but the tailed beasts

Kirabi, who is still young, is not like the one who can freely control the seal of the tailed beast more than ten years later. In the eyes of some people, this kind of thing is the best prey.

Pushing open his forehead protector, three magatama were spinning in a bloody eye.

Three days later a message spread throughout the shinobi world.

Bloody Thunder reappears on the battlefield of thunder and fire, defeating the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki alone.

If it weren't for Kumogakure's desperate resistance, I'm afraid Kumogakure would have to choose jinchuriki and capture the tailed beast again.

The Fourth Raikage was furious and prepared to go to the main battlefield for revenge but was stopped by all the elders.

The shadow of a village can no longer leave the village easily. The last time he was beaten to death by an unknown person has not been investigated clearly. What if he is beaten again when he goes out?

The face of the cloud ninja was completely lost, and the impact on morale was also huge.

After having sacrificed countless old men's legs and feet, the fourth generation Raikage returned to the training ground bitterly and began to hone himself.

Strength, strength!

Even in this tug of war, the war still never stopped. After the bloody thunder in Konoha, this front was finally stabilized.

Kumogakure, on the other hand, was determined to fight and decided to defeat Konoha through a war of attrition. Even if he lost 800 to himself, he would still lose 1,000 to Konoha.

The Third Hokage was a little anxious looking at the battle reports from the front line.

He didn't expect that Kakashi's strength would increase to this extent. He could even defeat the Eight-Tails?

Can foreigners really control the Sharingan?

And the hateful Kumo ninja actually took advantage of Konoha's biggest weakness.

What to do now.

In the land of rain.

The contract is here. Once you've agreed, don't mess around!

Don't worry, don't you know who I am?

Noah signed his name on a huge psychic scroll.

Many readers started watching Naruto or the Holy Grail. I would like to recommend the previous Pirates chapter to everyone. Apart from the initial stage where it was almost boring, from the middle stage onwards it is really good to watch. I would be moved even if I read it.

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