Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1336 Returning Thunder

After that, you can seamlessly connect to fire escape or water escape, and you can also use thunder escape to launch a wild lightning storm internally.

To complete this technique requires multiple elite ninjas who are proficient in Thunder Release and Earth Release, as well as the cooperation of a very powerful barrier class.

Those who can participate are all elites among the chuunin, with at least one old nin as the core commander.

It is a very exaggerated behavior to capture a person or a team. This raised Hizashi's inner vigilance to a new level.

Then everyone felt a little relieved after safely passing through the main battlefield area.

During the second break, Kakashi said something very scary in a joking tone.

“Just now, if I had appeared on the battlefield, any of the cloud ninjas would have pounced on me.

According to the information Raikage gave me, the value of the secret technique scroll was the 1st and 2nd stages of the Armored Ninja Technique of Thunder Release.

Hizashi instantly understood Kakashi's status in the Land of Thunder.

The Thunder Chakra mode has always been the top ninjutsu foundation in the Cloud Ninja Village. By concentrating the Thunder Chakra on the whole body, the whole body is covered with chakra and lightning. It can activate the body and use the lightning teleportation body. And the defense capability will be greatly improved.

At the same time, the lightning that bursts out in the body can increase the conduction speed of nerves. As the Thunder Release Chakra increases, the defense and speed will also increase.

Kakashi's lightning escape mode was developed by himself based on Raikiri. It focuses on speed, and he is well-deserved for his reputation as a genius.

This model of the Cloud Ninja Village was discovered by the second generation Raikage and established his own system, and then passed on to the third generation Raikage.

On this basis, the Third Raikage developed the Strongest Spear's Hell Thrusting Ippon Hand and the Strongest Shield's Thunder Release Armor advanced training, which he used to dominate the ninja world.

It is a super powerful ninjutsu that can be used to forcibly capture the tail beast jade and the eight tails physically. Before the Eight Gates Dungeon Technique became famous, this was recognized as the most powerful physical technique in the ninja world.

Having brought out all these undisclosed secrets, the 4th Raikage threw out his father's coffin.

Except that the Raikage and the Jinchuuriki didn't come, it can be said to be the highest standard. It can't even be ruled out that this is the prelude to the Raikage's attack.

Hizashi became even more low-key as he thought about it. He didn't need to be reminded by his teammates when it was time to turn on his Byakugan. As long as he had enough physical strength and chakra, he could wait to turn it on 24 hours a day.

He doesn't think his value is comparable to that of the captain, but in case others want to surround him, he should first remove the passersby teammates around him.

Following this, they returned to the Kingdom of Thunder.

Looking at the familiar terrain, Kakashi's eyes were very calm. The teacher said that you should be calm before killing.

Hizashi felt the change in the captain, which was an inexplicable change in temperament.

It was the calm expression of a top hunter, full of the confidence of a strong man.

The comrades around him became more cautious. The ninja named Mandrill added some special protective gear to his body in an exaggerated manner.

Maybe because he felt a little embarrassed in front of the newcomer, Mandrill also pretended to be calm.

Targets like us in general siege plans will appear on the first wave of targeted elimination lists. If we don't make more preparations, we may not be able to wait for the captain's rescue.

Hizashi silently accepted the kindness of his teammates and began to add more equipment to his body. He was not stubborn.

But all of a sudden, I was wondering what my family’s intention was in sending him out?

The information he learned along the way and the preparations he made before starting the hunt made him feel that his visit was not a meritorious service.

Hizashi, your mission is to keep an eye on the pursuer behind us after our first attack on the transport unit.


The target was locked, and then Kakashi stood on the hillside very arrogantly.

With his Sharingan open, he looked at the enemy convoy on alert in the distance with a meaningful look.

Downhill, it's suitable for accelerating.

Thunder escape chakra mode, activated.


The whole body was covered with blue arcs of electricity, and the long knife in his hand was unsheathed and pointed directly at the target. A one-man charge was launched from the top towards the enemy's transport troops.

The blue electric arc left the afterglow in the retina, and the bombardment of long-range ninjutsu became slower and slower under the dynamic vision of Sharingan.

A stunningly perfect disguise evaded the first obstacle.

A thousand birds chirp, and blood is about to bloom.

It's Bloody Thunder! How dare he come back? Everyone, don't be afraid!

A squeaking sound.

This was the sound of blood blooming, followed by the deafening sound of thunder.

The commander who had just been organizing the resistance had been separated from his body.

Chidori flow surrounds the body, and the long sword transforms into a nodachi that is more than two meters long after the form of thunder attribute chakra changes.

I'll just give you despair.

When imitating the teacher, I always say something like this unconsciously. I don’t know why, but it doesn’t matter anymore!

Fake. Eight swords flash!

The blue sword light is blooming around him like a flower. To be precise, this move should be eight swords in one flash!

The electric arc swept through the space, and the sharp sword light directly cleared all the surrounding guard members.

The intertwining of blue and blood is so gorgeous that it makes people feel intoxicated.

Then disappeared in place.

Prison Gate!

A heavy slash hit the weapon of a certain Kumo ninja Jonin who was planning a sneak attack.


The powerful force forced the opponent to leave the convoy abruptly, followed by a set of continuous slashes.

Combined with various C-level ninjutsu, the opponent will suffer terribly.

The Konoha ANBU team from behind also rushed forward and started destroying the supplies.

Hinata Hizashi did not appear. As a secret weapon, he hid after pointing out the defensive loopholes for his teammates.

Then there is the special session of powerful fireballs and detonating talismans. The people in the convoy were instantly blown away.

When the battle reaches this level, there is actually not much meaning anymore. It is difficult for Yun Nin to organize a decent counterattack without command.

When he saw that the supplies were almost burned, Kakashi struck several times in a row to get rid of the opponent's entanglement and began to retreat.

After casually taking a few lives, he led Mandrill and the others away, his back looking so wanton.

The Konoha team was like thunder falling from the sky, retreating without stopping, leaving only a mess on the ground.

The Kumo ninja Jonin accompanying the team felt scared as he touched the sword wound on his body. Fortunately, he never looked into his eyes, otherwise he would have been caught in it this time.

Why do you feel that this guy is a little stronger than the intelligence? Is this because he concealed his combat power before or has he improved again?

Then he punched the rock wall hard.

Looking at the miserable material remnants and the rows of corpses on the ground, the expressions were not to mention how ugly they were.

In the village, they had ridiculed the Bloody Thunder, but it was nothing more than that. The jounin who had taken advantage of the thunder escape armor began to accept the reality.

This time, he was unlucky. His mission as escorting Jonin failed completely. Not to mention the punishment, the shame alone was too much for him to accept.

Notify the special strangulation unit immediately, the bloody thunder is back.


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