Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1334 Zabuza feels like he’s earned it

On the way back.

Noah sat in the cabin reading a book and giving guidance to Shisui.

It is very difficult to initially get in touch with a huge system.

Shisui only learned a little bit about it, and with the foundation of Sharingan and Will of Fire, he could barely hold on to the fire.

It is too difficult to digest now. The catalog of books that need to be supplemented is as thick as a book.

So I could only read books seriously while taking care of my children.

Taking care of children is also one of Shisui's responsibilities. Teacher Noah said that how to pass on one's knowledge to others is also a knowledge.

Every time you pass it on, you can review the past and learn something new, which can deepen the impression in your heart.

So becoming a good teacher is also the only way to become a strong person.

Shisui always felt that this was the reason why the teacher was too lazy to help the children come up with it, but he still worked diligently to complete the task.

So why does Noah like to take such a mature ninja out with him, who is well-behaved and obedient.

Now that the Sharingan has entered a very fairy-like stage of fetal movement, there is no need to worry about going to extremes. Who needs to shout out to such a ninja?

At the same time, Kyuubi, who was very noisy on the way here, is also studying at this time.

Nine Lamas will never despise human wisdom again after being educated by Noah several times.

They don't look at ninjutsu with disdain. Being able to be sealed by humans has proven their strength.

Only the purely destructive ninjutsu is still despised.

What's so powerful about steaming danger? It's a clone, it's oil and water, etc. Even if it can have pseudo-infinite explosions, so what? Can it have a Tailed Beast Jade Power?

Only many ninjutsu with special functions should be studied seriously by Kyuubi. After all, the one that suits you is the best.

The characteristic of Kyuubi is unlimited chakra, which can bring many seemingly inconspicuous techniques to incredible levels.

For example, Yagura's Water Mirror Jutsu is very interesting. Let him think about whether he doesn't have to do it himself when hitting those 1 to 8 tails in the future?

In terms of the amount of chakra and his understanding of tailed beasts, he is absolutely second to none.

They are all products of chakra, but they are easier to copy. This is not the case for two perverts like Uchiha and Senju.

The upper limit has exceeded the range that it can be reproduced.

The rest are the sealing techniques unique to the Kingdom of Water. These are the nutrients that Nine-Tails draws from.

Sooner or later, the Nine Lamas will perform a scene of punching Uchiha Madara and kicking Senju Hashirama.

The fox with dreams is studying and practicing hard.

This learning ship is loaded with a large amount of materials and sails towards the shore of the Country of Waves.

When he came to the Land of Waves to meet up with Zabuza, he felt like the demon had almost lost weight. It seemed that raising a child was very tiring for him.

It was true that Kirigakure, who was really tired and was good at killing people, might not be so good at taking care of children.

Cooking, going to the bathroom, and getting dressed turned out to be problems.

First of all, it's okay to cook. These brats can eat it. After all, they are not people who live a good life.

But the hygiene manual left by Noah was useless, and Zabuza himself was not that particular about hygiene.

Ninjas are people who can endure anything, and all kinds of physical discomforts have long been erased during their genin career.

The most glamorous ones in the picture are the powerful ninjas, while most of the people with weak combat abilities have to do some very complicated tasks that require restraint.

Generally speaking, in the eyes of outstanding Kirigakure graduates, this manual is incompatible with ninjas, and it seems that the people they cultivate are not serious ninjas.

It was completely different from the previous idea of ​​secretly training dead soldiers and ANBU.

It’s just a pain for myself that even though I am such a grown-up, I still have to set an example and strictly implement the standards in the book.

Every kid has to be cleaned up every day, which makes it very awkward.

And not all little ghosts can observe words and emotions. The pressure of survival will make some people's edges smooth, and it will also make some people become sharper.

It's a headache and paranoia of being destroyed is the norm in the ninja world.

I don’t want to think that with my ferocious face and revealing clothes, I must be the bad guy who persecutes you, so please be honest for a while, okay?

Sometimes I'm really afraid that if I get too strong, I might accidentally crush a few kids to death, and that would be very disastrous when I come back.

To this day, he still can't tell what the functions of the nine seals on his body are. He didn't dare to ask Kyuubi.

You are finally back! Why are there still so many children?!

Zabuza's first sentence was normal, just a tone of relief.

The second sentence is about a feeling of fear.

He admitted that he felt extremely bad about raising children. Sympathy for the weak and pity for the cubs were emotions that he had lost a long time ago, and the process of rediscovering them now was naturally painful.

Okay, okay, we're heading back now, let's go together.

The sound of nature, no matter what kind of hell Noah wants to take him to now, it is better than taking a kid.

When to set off?

We'll set out after a night's rest. You can get a few vehicles to form a convoy. There are also some supplies that need to be transported back together.

So Zabuza went to the town to buy a carriage in a happy mood. The short period of freedom was like a break from prison.

There are also several mood-changing gift packages on the way.

Hey, Momochi Zabuza? The legendary ghost?

Why do you look so haggard?

I want eight million taels of head!

Several gold exchange killers with bare breasts and a more unrestrained style than Zabuza set their sights on this dangerous beast.

Then they saw the real ghost man.

With just a small kunai, no one here could escape.

Zabuza was intoxicated with the blood flying, and the enemy's wailing before death was the most beautiful music.

Only then did he realize that he was still the feared ghost Zabuza.

Haha, I won't change.

The shaping in the Blood Mist includes everything from body to soul. No one can change his own nature, no one!

Okay, now that I'm done venting, it's time to get to work.

Zabuza arranged everything properly on the second day and was impeccable in terms of task completion.

So Noah appreciated it and gave him an A-level simplified version of the water dragon bomb.

Mysterious meaning. Water dragon bullet!!!

Zabuza, who was holding the scroll, was startled at first and then became unusually silent.

This is a secret-level water dragon bullet from the Kingdom of Water that has been simplified to fourteen seals. It is far from comparable to the forty-four seals of my own.

It can be said that this is one of the wisdom crystallizations of the entire Kirigakure Village over the years. Every ninja village is working tirelessly on the simplification of the technique and the enhancement of its power.

The emergence of a second-generation Hokage in Konoha was really too perverted, and he single-handedly raised the foundation of the entire village.

Ninja villages in other countries can achieve this level by relying on the inheritance of many kage and jounin from generation to generation.

In a regular ninja battle, every extra 0.1 seconds can make the difference between life and death. It can be said that after learning the secret of thirty seals, it can be regarded as a great achievement.

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