Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1291 The first sword kills Asuma

Shisui thought for a while and said he wanted to discuss it with the patriarch. Who told him that someone with a special status and the Sandaime would not necessarily let Uchiha leave Konoha like this.

Orochimaru expressed his understanding and told him that if Shisui was willing to leave, the Sandaime side would not stop him, as long as the Uchiha clan agreed.

After Shisui returned home, he found Fugaku and told him about Orochimaru's preparations to leave the village.

Fugaku nodded and said that if you want to leave, the clan will not give you any hindrance, and it is good to go out.

You can tell Lord Orochimaru that Uchiha can donate some internal resources, including some information.

Shisui didn't expect such a reply, and then he frowned. Will the situation continue to deteriorate?

Fugaku felt bitter, staying in the village might not be a good thing.

The Uchiha clan cannot leave now even if they want to. Konoha will not allow them to leave and will not allow them to live. Their way of life is being cut off one by one.

He had already prepared for the worst, and he didn't even care about the rising rebel faction within the clan, and let everything take its course.

After Shisui retreated later, he went to find Itachi.

In the Uchiha training ground.

Brother Shisui, are you saying that you are ready to leave Konoha?


I will definitely come back. The village and Uchiha need me. And I will leave you a gift before I leave.

The two chatted for a while and Shisui returned to his room and started copying the Will of Fire.

This book is very profound and profound, even more profound and penetrating than what Hokage-sama said in his speech, explaining the essence of many things.

This added a lot of doubts to him, because sometimes the behavior in the village was different from what was described in the book.

It seems that there is a big distance between the will of fire in reality and the will of fire in his imagination.

Teacher Orochimaru said that he would find an expert who truly understood these questions to help him solve his doubts during his further training, and Shisui expressed his expectation for this.

Maybe to save Uchiha, we need to find the answer from here.

As for why he copied this book, of course it was to leave it to his most favored younger brother.

Every day after that, there were undercurrents surging in the village. Uchiha, Orochimaru, vague rumors of the demon fox, and the news of the impending war made the people in the village feel restless.

But for a certain passionate and rebellious boy, none of this had anything to do with his duel. Three days later, Asuma showed up at Training Ground No. 3 on time, waiting for the white-haired old enemy to appear.

What was waiting for him was a short blade already stuck in the back of his head.

You lost Asuma.

When did it appear! He didn't even notice it at all.

The young man was very angry about this sneak attack, saying that this was not the way a duel should be done at all.

He didn't even approve of the duel ending like this without the Seal of Opposition and the Seal of Reconciliation being tied.

Kakashi put away the short blade and said calmly.

I'm sorry, I thought you were abandoned in the ninja school after going to the battlefield. It's okay. It's good for you to be like this, after all, the Sandaime.

The one who says half and half is the most irritating. Are you mocking me for being a ninja school student?

Asuma started to form seals like crazy, he wanted to give this white hair a good look, and then the short knife was pressed against his throat again.

It's just a transformation technique plus a clone technique. What just left was just my clone. I'm too vigilant.

Asuma began to feel lucky that he didn't call the Red Goddess over to show off his prowess, it was really embarrassing.

I wasn't serious just now. Let's have a serious fight this time.


Simply put the knife away and wait for the opponent's preparation.

Kakashi had already thought about how to establish a connection with Asuma before he came, that is, to leave an indelible impression on the other party.

For example, an extremely brutal battle.

Asuma finally began to explode in anger, and his strength was not weak at the same time.

The resources of the Sarutobi clan are behind him, from combat experience to ninjutsu skills. Even if he is put in a duel with the original Kakashi, he can survive a few moves before losing.

It's just that Kakashi is really strong now.

Asma used several advanced techniques to stun the opponent's attention, and then began to form seals crazily.

The Sarutobi clan is also best at fire escape, which can be said to be second only to Uchiha.


Fire Escape·Ashes Burning!

A ball of high-temperature soot is ejected from the mouth, which is a ninjutsu that attacks a large area.

The ninjutsu that resembles volcanic ash sprays out directly with high temperature, and even has an explosion effect after landing.

It is rare for a B-level fire escape to appear in a duel, because ordinary ninjas would not do such a bad thing on such occasions.

The one who uses S-level ninjutsu to fight against is called Twelve Xiaoqiang.

Ninjutsu is not more powerful for young ninjas as the level is higher, but mastery is achieved by being able to use it freely.

The reason why Asuma is so confident is this. According to analysis, it is impossible for the opponent to use Chidori, so.

But Kakashi felt a little... nothing more.

This kid is mentally very energetic, but his strength is not terrible, but he can still be rated as so-so.

After fighting with Noah's swordsman vest for so long, Kakashi's vision has reached an unimaginable level.

Of course, even in the past, he would not have paid much attention to Ninjutsu attacks of this level.

Forget it, he is still a future teammate after all, so let’s draw his sword.


The blade of the sword swept away all the dust with a shock, and then with a casual slash, the son of the Hokage was swept away into a rolling gourd.

Looking at Asuma Kakashi rolling on the ground, he felt a little happy in his heart. Wait, did the teacher look at him the same way?

Kakashi, who seemed to understand something, struck harder next.

The fancy show of swordsmanship made Asma's older-looking face look even more aged.

Even children can't do it. Is this the strength of a Jonin?

Rise up, fall down. Rise up, fall down.

The stubborn boy was sweating, and it was the limit of his self-esteem to not cry.

The last time he teleported behind Asma, he nailed him to the tree with another knife.

If that's your talent then I'm disappointed.

Asuma was indeed hit rock bottom by this battle. He didn't expect that he was so weak.

When fighting against the tutor, it was clear that the fight was back and forth and all the routines and moves were very ninja-like. Why did the style of Kakashi suddenly change? Not to mention three moves and two moves, only half a move and one move. Victory or defeat, is this kind of strength really what a young ninja should have?

Maybe I'm really not suitable to be a ninja. This world belongs to geniuses.

Seeing that he was about to become autistic when he wanted to develop his goals, Kakashi remembered the teacher's words. This was the time to give him a glimmer of hope.

Do you think this is a talent?


That's because you haven't seen my efforts behind the scenes and my understanding of the will of fire.


Asuma's effort is understandable, but Will of Fire? He didn't learn anything from guarding his old father.

But you are very courageous. Not everyone can bear so many failures.

The recognition from the strong man who crushed her made Asma obviously angry, but there was still a trace of happiness in her heart. What was going on?

If you have a chance to fight again, I, Kakashi, approve of you.

Hmph! Do I, Asuma-sama, still need you to prove my courage? Just wait, I will learn another powerful technique to defeat you.

Looking at the back of Asma who was running away in embarrassment, Kakashi showed a smile under his mask.

The first sword in Shuangyue Kendo!

I read the comment section, and I will find ways to satisfy some readers' ideas if possible.

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