Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1268 Kakashi, be prepared to face hell

Kakashi is a special person who has been marked within the organization, so he did not deliberately stop him at the border. He just needed to delay the registration.

The reason for coming was to cross the border to bear country. But I will first go to Daming Castle to look for the author Adam and pay him a visit.

Oops! This guy Kakashi actually came to find him.

Noah couldn't have come here to listen to the story if he was puzzled.

Didn't you join ANBU? ANBU so free? The third generation old man is not such a nice person.

But no matter what, he rushed to Daming City immediately and returned to the half-dead author's posture, waiting for Kakashi's arrival.

One day later, this genius ninja came to the author's door and politely brought a gift.

Both parties were very happy to meet again. Noah did not expect that Kakashi would change so much after the death of the fourth generation. His spirit and will were somewhat similar to that of his eldest disciple Rocinante.

What's wrong with this kid? Konoha is so good at training ninjas?

Kakashi was happy to see that although Mr. Adam was half dead, his breathing was still stable, indicating that he could live for a long time.

Anbu cannot come into contact with targets outside the mission during the execution of the mission. This is a taboo.

But Kakashi has recently decided to go a little further and abide by the ninja code. He is more willing to pay for his ideals, so he paid this visit.

Time was tight, so Kakashi kept his story short.

I have some doubts about the Will of Fire that I hope to learn from Mr. Adam, and I also want to hear the follow-up about the story about the sea.

It's just that I'm on a mission, so I'll leave a letter first. I'll get the reply on my return trip.

Noah nodded in agreement and then asked casually, where are you going on a mission?

Sorry, I can't say it clearly because of ninja principles.

Kakashi still has to keep this bottom line. Sometimes information leakage is not good for both parties.

Well, unfortunately, I have to go to the Land of Snow recently, so I'm not sure when I will be able to answer your questions. Can I pick them up later?

Kakashi suddenly froze.

.What are you doing in the Land of Snow?

You should have seen that the Country of Rain is undergoing great development on the way here. The geographical environment here needs to be improved.

I heard that there is a geothermal generator in the Land of Snow. This machine may have an impact on the climate, so I wanted to buy some information.

There is civil strife in the Kingdom of Snow recently. I suggest you wait a few months before going there. The situation should be calmed down by then.

happening? Isn't that the plot of Xue Ji Ninpo Tie?

That's right, the plot of Kakashi from ANBU taking the little girl away on a long trip was at this time.

So is it possible to establish a peaceful diplomatic relationship in the Snow Country? Or set up a branch base or something like that.

Fenghua Furitao is not very good, with too much ambition and little ability. Fenghua Zaoxue, the former king of the country, can make use of him.

Adam immediately told Kakashi that he listened to the advice and would not go to the Snow Country unless he went there.

Pay attention to safety when performing tasks.

rest assured.

Kakashi didn't know what kind of dangerous situation he would face when he went to Snow Country. Normally speaking, the strength of Konoha jounin was enough to run rampant in a small country.

However, there are also several characters on the opposite side who can create dramas more than ten years later by playing tricks. Kakashi's journey this time may be a bit bumpy.

But the genius ninja who is in a better mood will not run away in embarrassment like before. It will probably be very exciting.

After sending Kakashi away, Noah opened the envelope and showed a strange expression after reading it.

Good guy!

The issue of power distribution within the Country of Fire, the significance of Naruto's existence, the direction of young people in the Will of Fire, etc.

What is the best thing to do if the will of the past leaves has been eroded by power. How to let more people realize the true will of fire.

Noah felt familiar as he looked at it, as if he saw a familiar figure between the lines.

It turned out to be myself!

Kakashi is playing a big game, self-awakening!

Vaguely, it seems like I want to be the light that illuminates the darkness alone in Konoha? In the world of pirates, the overlord color must be awakened, and it must be red.

It seems that Kakashi's talent has been buried too much, so he must be taught well. This kid is a genius, Noah personally certified it.

The ninja world has always been tireless in the pursuit of philosophy and thought, especially geniuses. It seems that I am too embarrassed to go out without thinking about a more powerful idea and becoming my own belief.

The one who went to grandma's house was the Uchiha family, and the one who was led to the wrong path was Jiraiya, who was influenced by inheritance like Naruto.

Only Kakashi's was the boldest, or it could be said that there were signs of burning the old era.

It's just that his horizons are limited and he still stays in the circle of ninjas and Konoha. What lies beyond is yet to be seen.

Noah felt that he should first be guided to think about some deeper things, such as the relationship between Konoha and the elders such as the Third Hokage, and whether the existence of the elders was necessary.

What would Konoha be like without the elders? What would it be like if you led Konoha? There is also the meaning of the existence of the village and so on.

The internal tempering of Konoha is the first step. As for the operation of one person against a village, it is normal.

Every light needs to face this kind of pressure so that it will not go out in the more cruel reality in the future.

But it would be outrageous to leave it alone. Our idea is to unite everyone.

Then just set up a branch of the Akatsuki organization in Konoha.

Hmm. Kakashi, Asuma, who else.

Shisui will come here for further training in a few months, so you can send him back then.

Noah was very happy when he came back to his senses. As expected, there are people in every world who can awaken on their own. What they lack may be the initial push and insignificant help.

So he immediately summoned two clones.

You wrote about the point from when the pirates started burning the world to the battle of Pioneer Island.

You answered the questions in this letter completely and guided them in the appropriate direction.

Don't worry, aren't there things we don't know about?*2

I have used shadow clones many times, and this unique feeling still makes Noah feel magical, and it is really a connection between the two.

Give the letters to the two clones, and the main body will continue to take action this time.

Kakashi has begun to be mentally armed, but the physical armor is not yet in place.

It's just that the only remaining people in Konoha can't teach a good student who meets their own standards.

Xiao Bai, let's go on a long trip together!

The swordsman Sephiroth Soyousuke, who just went offline some time ago, is back online again. This time he will be Kakashi’s kendo teacher.

The two-meter-long Nodachi sent out bursts of cold air, and the swordsman's momentum was gathering.

A perfect Konoha lamp requires such intense training, and Snow Country is just a small training copy.

Kakashi, prepare to face hell!

Kakashi, who was traveling through the Land of Rain, felt a chill in his heart, as if something unfortunate was happening.

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