Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1265 Obito is actually the strongest at work?

The Fire Source Project is the next stage that Noah had planned when the Rain Country had just decided to close itself off to implement the five-year plan.

He had been preparing for this for a long time, and he didn't even think that this plan could be implemented smoothly.

Due to the lack of talent, the Akatsuki organization at that time was extremely short of manpower. Except for a few honorary leaders, the others are ordinary ninjas.

Hanzo was made great by Noah when he was based here, Orochimaru was fooled by Danzo and forced to join the gang, and Xiaobai was just a cart puller at the time.

Until Obito appeared.

First, he sent Kakuzu, an old guy with full financial attributes, and then he sent Scorpion, the top genius in the field of mechanical puppets.

This was not the end, after that, the Night of Nine Tails helped Noah find chakra and the top sealing master Kushina.

In just half a year, the speed at which this guy has supplied talents to the Akatsuki organization is astonishing. If it weren't for the fundamental conflict, this guy's position as the Minister of Human Resources would be secure.

Even if he didn't come to the Land of Rain, Noah wouldn't easily trouble him. Talents are rare.

Unfortunately, desire went to his head after all, and Obito came to the Land of Rain and experienced the most desolate night of betrayal and human tragedy in his life.

This plan can only be truly implemented after the last nail that is difficult to remove is Obito himself.

Otherwise, the endless exchange of information and resources here in the Fire Source Project will definitely attract this guy's attention.

It is absolutely intolerable for time and space ninjas like Black Zetsu and Obito to enter uninhabited territory to steal Noah's fruit.

Yahiko is in charge of the Daimyo City to unify the overall situation. Don't relax. Especially the mental state of the Daimyo and the nobles requires you to check whether there are any loopholes in the illusion from time to time.

Including the children and descendants of nobles, we need to pay more attention to arrange a few more scripts to make them appear normal.

Yahiko expressed his understanding. He had done very well in Daming City before.

The daily trajectory of those nobles is very simple. If nobles from other big countries come, he will specially replenish his pupil power.

The Sharingan's genjutsu guides ordinary guardian ninjas who really can't see it.

Xiaonan is still responsible for education. As the birthplace of the Burning World, the people of Rain Kingdom must keep up with the ideological level.

The fields have been divided and given to them, and we are also making improvements to their living quarters. It would be a bit ridiculous if the conditions for such good conditions cannot be kept up with mentally.

We should use more interesting ways to guide, and compile more jingles and some literary and artistic works to let everyone understand our thoughts. Don't promote them by rote memorization. That is the stupidest method.

When I come back from this trip, I will take some time to come and help you.

Xiaonan used to have a sad face. She was originally an orphan from the Kingdom of Rain.

Later, the things I learned from Mr. Jiraiya were very ninja-like, and I didn't receive any serious cultural influence.

Now when I'm in charge of this matter, I feel a little overwhelmed. Don't think that working with paper means you're a cultural person. Her paper is all explosive.

But Teacher Noah said it would be easy if he came to help.

She has never seen anyone who can surpass this teacher in terms of his ability to tell stories and combine content. The work intensity will drop a lot in an instant.

Others are also very envious of Xiaonan's department, but they also know the significance of the education department to Noah.

In order to achieve the ultimate goal of their Akatsuki organization, force is necessary, economy is necessary, and technology is necessary, but the core is always thought.

Kakuzu, from now on the financial aspect will be entirely your responsibility.

When the time comes, there will be a massive inflow of capital, and measures must be taken to deal with it. Don’t make any mistakes economically.

Remember that money is just our tool, and we can even print money in the future. Only the value these numbers bring is what we need.

As for the manpower matter, please let Xiaonan negotiate on your own.

Noah still gave Kakuzu a vaccination, but he didn't take it very seriously.

This guy is a saint of the money god religion. To the saints, Noah, who can create a steady stream of wealth, is the god of wealth.

Before the value depreciates, his status in Kakuzu's mind will always be the highest.

The word massive funds immediately stimulated Kakuzu, and he liked it so much.

There were too many projects that could be involved in the new town construction during the Fire Source Plan period, including the five years, and he had three investment opportunities.

I have already counted the hard-earned money for these coffins in my little treasury countless times. If I miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to go forward.

When he has time, he must privately use various methods to pray to Uncle Noah to show him a clear path.

As long as he is willing to show him the way, he can still take three more shots from the tailed beast cannon last time.

Hanzo-sama maintains the aura of a demigod in the ninja world, which is a frightening force for all countries.

Including establishing diplomatic relations with major ninja villages and signing agreements, your presence is also required.


It really made me great again. This time, the founding of the country made me the biggest target in public. I also had to handle diplomatic matters myself.

But considering that I have never had such a glorious moment in my life except for defeating the Sannin, it's not a bad thing to be able to reap such benefits at an older age.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Rain has indeed seen signs of getting better during his lifetime, and is even running towards that impossible goal at high speed, and his life can be regarded as having no regrets.

However, he felt that he had to go back and practice hard with his psychic beast Fujing. If the Lang Touqing from any country appeared and wanted to fight, he would have to show off his power of being a half-god and half-hidden.

Nagato, practice well, you are one of the biggest trump cards of our Akatsuki organization.

By the way, you have to inform Kushina when you go back. She has work to do later, and the sealing techniques that need to be deployed in the new town must rely on her.

Nagato expressed his understanding. Because of these eyes, he has become a special being in the Akatsuki organization, and the mission he shoulders is also special.

He has already felt the deep-seated problem of the reincarnation eye. Hereticism is not like ninjutsu but more like a way to modify the rules.

Break the boundaries between life and death and reshape the structure of life. What's the difference between being at this level and being a god?

It seems that many of the stories of the Six Paths Immortal have been hidden in history. In order to completely solve these problems, Nagato believes that he must follow the teacher's steps.

After all, the teacher’s goal is to point directly at

As for Kushina's duties as a sealing teacher, he will convey them seriously. After all, the Land of Rain does not raise idlers.

Although this sentence is cruel, Scorpion, I still want to say that your workload is the biggest.

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