Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1263 Even heroes can be cowardly

But even if this was something that the disciple was willing to pay everything for, he didn't agree to it.

First of all, he is Konoha's Kage, and secondly, Jiraiya's teacher.

After the unhappy separation, the child may rarely return to the village in the future.

The Sandaime felt physically and mentally exhausted, and the three disciples all came to the opposite side.

Leaving four generations of children to be raised in a special way is also for the stability of Konoha. I hope Jiraiya can understand.

There is a Hokage in the Hokage Tower who is turning himself into a political monster step by step for the sake of Konoha's stability.

In front of the commemorative monument.

Kakashi came to the Yondaime Monument with a bouquet of flowers.

Put the flowers there and stand quietly as if talking to the teacher.

Teacher, I finally understand what you mean by always asking me to come out.

I did something wrong before, but in the future I will work hard for everyone in Konoha.

He touched his eyes.

I will shoulder Obito's eyes and my father's sharp blade. Including your will, teacher.

Those who survive must carry the hope of the deceased and move on. I hope I will not do anything wrong.

At this time, a tall figure appeared behind Kakashi.

That's very well said, Kakashi. It seems you don't need my care anymore, hahahahahahahaha~~~.

The visitor was tall and majestic, with long white hair messily spread behind him. It was none other than Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas.

But there was some bitterness in the heroic laughter.

He didn't show up when his disciple needed him most. After learning that the Fourth Hokage was dead, he rushed back all night and only saw the cold tombstone.

The real gut-wrenching feeling is simply indescribable. This is his most proud disciple, and he believes in it even more than the illusory son of prophecy.

This teacher is incompetent, and he is so incompetent that even Minato's descendants cannot be saved.

A newborn child has to face a life situation that is under control in the future, and even immortals are powerless.

He could see at a glance what Sarutobi-sensei was planning, and he was forcing him to shape the child's personality and form the concept that Hokage was the only one to rely on.

It’s really a disgusting operation, Shinobu? Bullshit!

In the eyes of everyone in Konoha, the child had a name called the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki before being called Naruto.

The quarrel with the teacher made him even more discouraged, feeling that this was no longer the place he wanted to protect.

Some sad immortals came to the commemorative monument and wanted to apologize to Minato, but they ended up running into this disciple whom he had once disliked.

He really has no feelings for Kakashi Jiraiya, because he has always felt that this child is not like what their line can cultivate.

He's just a genius, he's seen a lot. The other four major countries also have countless geniuses. No matter how talented they are, can they be better than Namikaze Minato?

But the little white-haired man's desperate look before made him very disgusted.

In the past life, such a little white-haired person could only harm others and himself, and he also ignored the care of the people around him and was so pretentious. Not even the immortals can save him.

It sounds funny that ninjas put their mission first, but that little guy Obito is to his liking.

This was my previous impression of Kakashi. I didn't expect this child to come out after Minato died.

And it can be seen from the spirit that he is much stronger than before, not in terms of strength but in terms of state of mind.

Of course Kakashi knew about Jiraiya's arrival, but he didn't care much because the relationship between the two was indeed very ordinary.

He didn't share his understanding of the will of fire with Jiraiya. He didn't think he was qualified to stand in front of the other party calmly.

After saying goodbye politely, we prepared to leave.

At this time Kakashi was called, and Jiraiya thought he could ask his disciple some questions. After all, everyone related to Naruto and the Fourth Generation will be involved.

Do you think you should compromise on something for the sake of the overall situation? For example, that of the younger generation.

Jiraiya almost couldn't speak halfway through what he was saying. He was thinking so ridiculously. How on earth did Sarutobi-sensei take this for granted?

Naruto? Kakashi thought of this child immediately.

As the Sandaime's biggest sensitive point, all ninjas in Konoha were given a silence order.

He was Namikaze Minato's beloved disciple, so how could he not have been given the chance to do so?

If it's at the expense of others, that's not the overall situation. That's not what the Will of Fire teaches.

Jiraiya actually felt like he had been educated. This kid's words are sharp.

But what if this is really for the good of the village?

Then find a better way to replace this way of sacrificing others, such as sacrificing yourself. Or change the village so that Konoha no longer relies on this way to become better.

The youthful spirit is really different.

Maybe Kakashi was right, he, the Sannin who indulged the Third Hokage, was also a coward.

Jiraiya presented a bouquet of flowers and ran away to find his good friend Orochimaru.

After all, only Orochimaru made him feel the most comfortable in the village now. That guy had been tinkering with something recently, and his energy and spirit were not as gloomy as before.

Moreover, the old friend also revealed that he would leave the village and even take his three disciples out for travel, just like Tsunade.


Drinking and drinking, since he can't control these things, he won't watch them. After saying his final farewell to Orochimaru, he is also planning to leave the village soon.

The garden of Hatake's house.

Kakashi, who didn't take his encounter with Lord Jiraiya seriously, was seizing the time to practice.

Regardless of the overall situation, Naruto is not something that he can touch now. There is no point in speaking if he is not strong enough in the ninja world.

Holding a short blade of his own, he groped for the way forward. The gate of the kendo was right in front of him, refusing him entry.

His father's broken White Fang blade was still placed on the shrine. The sword that had not yet been reforged could not meet his training needs.

The sword light danced under the moonlight. The Hatake family's swordsmanship was not a gorgeous style, but a ninja style with a first-level sure kill and high-speed explosion.

Back then, White Fang himself was not at the level of Chaton La. The reason why he was able to kill many people in and out of the Sand Ninja Village was because of his extremely superb sword skills and chakra distribution method.

The changes in nature and form of the wind attribute have been practiced to the extreme. This is how the frightened God of Death was forged with the help of high-speed pace and the blessing of an invincible will. Of course, thanks to the auxiliary training of the puppet masters of Sand Ninja Village.

It is basically impossible for Kakashi to follow his father's old path again.

At the beginning, Namikaze Minato didn't do much to dissuade his disciples from giving up kendo. This was the reason. In some eras, some characters could only appear once and could not be reproduced as a second one.

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