Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1258 Banning Card Bugs

boom! ! ! !

A violent explosion occurred, and the kind of fluctuation that could wipe out any living thing was simply challenging nature itself.

The dazzling light illuminated the entire sky of the Kingdom of Rain.

The matter is decomposing, and the high-temperature and high-pressure plasma rapidly expands outwards. The rising dust pillars and smoke clouds connect to form tall mushroom-shaped smoke clouds.

The entire ground within one kilometer around the battlefield was lifted directly into the sky by purple-black energy.

Violent shock waves struck in all directions, and even if all the strong men evacuated quickly enough, they were still caught up and taken away, like duckweed in the wind.

Yahiko was shunned by Sanshouyu Hanzo many times before escaping the first impact. The worst was Kakuzu.

Because he was too close, he was carried directly to the sky by the shock wave. If it weren't for the shared link of Nine-Tails Chakra to help resist the initial shock, he might have had two or three more hearts shattered by the aftermath.

The irresistible power makes this living fossil of the ninja world seem to have returned to the era when demons danced wildly. I really don't want to miss it.

The flying journey ends only when the horns that have been messy in the wind for a long time are brought to the ground by the paper airplane.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, only a deep pit with a diameter of several kilometers appeared on the spot, with countless cracks around it winding to the edge of the battlefield.

The crystals in the deep pit are still emitting terrifying heat waves, and the air is distorted by the waves. The dark clouds that dispersed in the sky have not recovered yet.

This is the destructive power of the Nine-Tails at full strength. One tailed beast jade is a restricted area of ​​life.

The battlefields between the first generation and Uchiha Madara were full of such craters, and the two god-like statues in the Valley of the End were recognized by the world.

At the end of the Warring States Period, the first generations of the other four kingdoms came to admire him like this.

Noah, on the other hand, did not continue to frantically bombard the Tailed Beast Jade. One was due to the environmental considerations of the Rain Country. This type of terrain-destroying move could not be used randomly.

The second is that his opponent is just Uchiha Obito, and he is not worthy of the prince's fighting skills.

Noah was in full nine-tails mode at the moment, standing on the edge of the pit with a tight frown.

The organization members who were blown away also gathered behind him.

Teacher, is that guy dead?

No, there is still a second battle.

Obito has two lives, and the second one, Izanagi, hasn't been used yet.

Izanagi is one of the ultimate pupil techniques unique to the Uchiha clan. The Sharingan holder can activate Izanagi by forming the three seals of U, Hai, and Wei. The holder can use Izanagi for a period of time. The things that happen to you that are not good for you have never happened, and only the things that are good for you will become a reality.

The information is very clear and can be very difficult to deal with.

Generally speaking, the Sharingan after using Izanagi will be permanently blind, but in the world of Naruto, no one who has used this move is permanently blind.

After Uchiha Madara deceived the first and second generation Hokage, he continued to study the power of Senra, and even started the final evolution of the Sharingan.

Uchiha Obito faked his death ten minutes later and stabbed the richest woman in the ninja world to death in the back. As soon as the scene changed, nothing happened and he started to continue the Eye of the Moon project.

The one who is most suitable for blindness after use is the 5.5th generation Hokage Danzo. More than a dozen eyeballs are stuck in bugs. Of course, because he did not understand that the essence of this move is not based on quantity, so he still fell on the bridge.

Therefore, the value of this forbidden technique is truly immeasurable. It is simply the resurrection coin for the top talents of the Uchiha clan.

Noah originally wanted to aim at Obito's head when he fired the first roar.

I want to try if I destroy the body of Sharingan and the opponent has no time to activate this pupil technique, will I be able to kill him with one blow?

After all, forming three seals is also a seal. He didn't think Obito could have the fighting spirit to calmly save his life in the face of life and death.

Of course, if it fails, stay here for a second battle. As long as he is resurrected on the same spot, then come back to the same place and kill him by blocking the spring water to prevent someone from openly opening a lag bug in the ninja world.

As expected, there was an accident.

Obito's reaction at that moment fully demonstrated the level of chuunin during the war, and he did nothing.

It's just that a thousand-year-old monster entered the battlefield at that moment. The speed of the floating technique was worthy of being comparable to that of the Flying Thunder God. The speed was a bit incredible.

He instantly possessed Obito's body, and the divine power was temporarily unable to be activated.

He simply bought time at the cost of giving up his lower body. He formed the Uchiha Flame Formation in his left hand and formed the three seals of Mao, Hai and Wei in his right hand.

Although the Uchiha Fire Formation is only B-level, it is a sealing formation type of technique.

In the original work, it can burn the eight tails, and it can also block everyone's attacks on the heretic demons, which is very powerful.

This instant ninjutsu blocked the tailed beast for just a moment, buying time for Izanagi to activate.

In the past thousand years, Black Zetsu has probably possessed and fought many times. This fighting will is many times stronger than that of a certain Uchiha carrier.

So Noah judged that there would be a battle next.

There are still a few minutes to rearrange the battlefield.

Let the enemy feel our enthusiasm. As the saying goes, when friends come, good wine and jackals come.

What I just said doesn't count, now listen to me Xiaonan, go to Hanzo-sama, Yahiko, you are responsible.

Kakuzu, please protect yourself.

Izanagi, a forbidden technique used by Indra's descendants throughout the ages.

Hei Jue has seen it more than once, but this is his first time using it.

Using Obito's body to forcefully activate it at the cost of overdrafting White Zetsu's body,

Obito Black's mood was particularly complicated when he walked from illusion to reality. Now this body is dominated by two wills.

Obito himself was shocked and angry, and the feeling of being so close to real death was recalled again.

It's just that when he was in the Country of Grass, he had already let go of his worries and entrusted his love to his friends.

That Uchiha Obito had a calm acceptance of death.

The masked man at this time is different. He must not die before the Eye of the Moon is completed.

He couldn't accept a world without Lin, so he felt so desperate when facing Noah's Flying Thunder God 2nd Stage Plus Tailed Beast Tama.

When reality was reversed, Obito was filled with deep-seated hatred in addition to fear.

Noah, that sinister villain, would have never imagined that Uchiha's Sharingan also contains the ability to break through reality and illusion.

So, sneak attack!

Only by taking off that bastard's head from behind when no one can react can the inner fear be eliminated.

Black Zetsu had no despair, a pure chakra aggregation like the Tailed Beast Tama couldn't kill him.

He just couldn't accept that he had to wait another thousand years, so he possessed Obito in an instant to rescue this tool man.

You must know that he was in severe mental pain after being chopped by Noah, but he also worked hard to save others.

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