Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1254 One-time coordinates

In the end, the revengeful Nine Lamas compromised.

According to it, there is a high probability that there will be no problem with the curse seal. It may be due to the long-term contact with the whirlpool bloodline. It is a sad reason for the rapid progress of the sealing technique.

It's just that the perception of space is relatively poor, and there is no perception at all.

Noah's spatial sensing is at full level, but his progress in the sealing technique is unsatisfactory. After all, there are two systems.

What do you think the effect will be if we work together to use the Flying Thunder God at this time?

You'll know after you try it.

After a while, Noah came back with a strange expression. The way this Flying Thunder God is used is a bit unique.

The two of them almost cut Noah's body open directly after using the combination of space induction and the Flying Thunder God's seal.

There is no difference between the unfinished Flying Thunder God and suicide. If the body had not sensed the danger and evacuated in advance, he would have died tragically by his own hands.

It makes sense that only two people in Konoha have mastered it over the years. Maybe the others who couldn't master it have already died.

It's really difficult. You can't actually fight even if you use the tailed beast's chakra together.

I think you can ask the little girl from the Uzumaki clan.

Metal that can carry the tailed beast's chakra plus a sealing master can make a one-time Flying Thunder God's coordinates.

Kushina actually gave an idea. This idea was actually a routine she came up with when teaching the Flying Thunder God Formation.

The members of Minato's three guards were all weak in sealing techniques and spatial perception, and the Flying Thunder God Formation required a long period of seal formation, a large amount of chakra, and a very focused environment to achieve.

So I wanted to get a one-time Flying Thunder God Technique to save my life. The fourth generation still valued the lives of his men, but it was a pity that this idea was not created combined with the ideas that the second generation thought at the time.

The chakra of a ninja is limited, and spatial sensing is a top talent that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

Those who meet both conditions do not need it, and those who do need it do not meet the conditions.

Only Noah's situation was just right. Who said he wouldn't want to practice chakra on his own? And it will take several years until Kyuubi or Noah's training is completed, so this can be considered a transition.

As for chakra metal and the sealing master Akatsuki organization, they are all readily available.

The one-time coordinates make the Speed ​​Tactics completely meaningless, and they cannot be reused after being produced.

For beating Obito.

Give me a kunai and it will take three hours.

Looking at the flying thunder god Kunai Kushina made by myself, I feel a little numb. It is really a rich and interesting design.

The shape is completely close to an ordinary kunai, and even the incantation is wrapped in a layer of cloth outside.

Can't we really kill him?

Noah pondered for a moment about Kushina's question. Just one displacement was enough to perform a lot of sexy operations. Although it was difficult, it was worth a try.

I'll give it a try. Just wait here. It's very safe with Nagato to protect you.

Leave the matter of revenge to your companions. He who dares to bully our core members of the Akatsuki organization is really screwed up.

Thinking of the fierce looks of the members in the organization, Kushina felt a little more confident inexplicably.

Xiaobai is also smart and ready to possess Kushina and escape at any time, so that even if the link of the heretic demon is broken, he will not die immediately.

The power of the sealing master has just emerged, and it can be said that he is an indispensable and important part of the Akatsuki organization.

Noah rushed to the starting point with murderous intent while carrying his Wadao Yimonji.

Seeing that everyone else was fully armed on the tower, Noah distributed uniforms to everyone.

As an Akatsuki organization, how can you not wear a black red cloud robe?

As long as an organization can wear uniform clothing and look very cool and stylish, it can increase its combat effectiveness by at least 10%.

Think about the shocking feeling when the Warring States Period commanded 100,000 naval elites to go to sea. To put it bluntly, if the upgrade application of the Encourage Fruit had not been activated for the first time, the battle would have been lost at the beginning.

In addition, the Ten Blades led by Aizen are also the captains of the Soul Society in terms of style. The white slim-fitting suit and windbreaker directly enhance the villain's aura, and the boots are more handsome than the straw sandals after all.

Now is the time when the first generation Akatsuki organized a group fight. It is a time to show the cohesion of everyone, and this wave will make their famous name.

Kakuzu touched the fabric on his body and felt distressed. What he was wearing was simply money.

This is the black robe seized from Uchiha Madara, not the black fabric that was replaced randomly in the later period.

Everything from breathability to sturdiness to every detail can fall under the luxury umbrella.

After putting it on, even Sanshouyu Hanzo felt that his appearance had improved.

As for his combat power, aura, and style, he has also been improved, giving him a bit of a super villain feel.

There are still a few pieces that no one is wearing, one is Kushina's, she will not wear it until she is freed from the Heretic Golem.

Otherwise, I would have to cut a hole in my black robe to fit the tube behind my back, which would be really embarrassing.

There is another thing that belongs to Xiaobai. Although Xiaobai is greedy, he can understand that his current status is different from before.

He has been upgraded to the golden finger of the entire organization and cannot be willful. The task of protecting Kushina requires integration.

So I stored the clothes inside the organization, and when I don't need him as a cheat in the future, I will put on this ruthless disguise.

After Noah found out, he was silent for a moment and hugged Xiaobai. You are already a mature member of the Akatsuki organization.

As for Orochimaru and the clothes of the powerful men who will join later, they are also ready.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Noah naturally walked to the high platform. According to the habit of past wars, he must first publish a message to mobilize everyone's emotions, so that the killing intent and fighting spirit are in a state of overflowing to meet the invincible. of enemies.

But when I was about to say something, I suddenly thought, is Obito worthy of his serious speech?

It's embarrassing for just half of our all-star team to send out, this is just a simple siege.

So with a casual wave of his hand, the guys set off.

The air flow passed by their ears, and everyone was moving through the woods.

Noah was also running in a very ninja way at this moment, jumping around very happily.

With the cooperation of the Nine Lamas and the constraints of his own will, the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki mode finally restrained itself to the mode of doing whatever it wanted, without any signs on the outside.

Just mobilizing some chakra and placing it on the soles of the feet can enhance the bounce. This ninja way of moving forward is very novel.

The movement is much smaller than in the pirate world. Whether it is shaving or moonwalking on the sea, you need to rely on the reaction force of the body to operate. Sometimes it is a basic skill to take off with a little burst and knock over half of the boat.

I have lamented countless times that chakra is a good thing.

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