Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1247 Who is the next Hokage?

When Noah completed the upgrade and transformation of his ninjutsu system, the undercurrent in Konoha Village began to stir again.


This is the first time the Sandaime has participated in this scene, but this time it is his successor's.

It was really unacceptable to Hiruzen Sarutobi. The death of Lake Biwa didn't hit him as hard as the death of the Yondaime.

What's even more embarrassing is that the village has not yet collected the remains of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina. If it weren't for the fact that it couldn't be delayed any longer, the Sandaime would have really wanted to wait.

Flying Thunder God, this is okay, the second generation can do it, but he is also dead.

Looking at the silent villagers below, everyone knew that Konoha had reached a new turning point.

The successive blows caused the spirit of this strongest ninja village to fall completely to the bottom, and countless people were crying in low voices.

Not only for the family, but also for the purpose of the fourth generation.

Uchiha Shisui in the crowd felt particularly chilled.

In addition to sadness, there is also anger here, and the suppressed emotions must have an outlet.

Then Uchiha and the nine-tailed demon fox are the best targets.

Kakashi was very confused, and he was also on the front line on the night of the Nine-Tails.

As a Jonin, he felt the familiar feeling countless times when facing the demon fox, that feeling was called powerlessness.

In the end, I could only follow the large army and watch helplessly as the swordsman emerged and defeated Kyuubi, while the teacher...

Once again I lost someone important, and once again I felt empty.

If it weren't for the Will of Fire and the stories that came to mind, he might not have been able to withstand this blow.

The funeral ended in a hurry and all senior officials met again.

A village cannot grow forever, let alone a village that is apparently the number one armed force in the ninja world.

The four elders sat at the top, and all the elite ninjas and ninja clan leaders gathered below, but Uchiha Fugaku was still not allowed to participate.

Something as big as the Night of the Kyuubi has spread throughout the ninja world. Jiraiya should be on his way back. It is uncertain whether Tsunade will come back.

But the position of Hokage cannot wait, so we go directly to the key issue of who among the people present will take on the role of Hokage.

Nara Shikaku proposed selecting ninjas from the next generation of the Fourth Generation to serve as Hokage.

This statement is very consistent with the will of fire. The fallen leaves illuminate the darkness with firelight, and the new shoots continue to grow.

But it was immediately rejected by the elders.

Minato was too young and too good.

As a result, the next generation of ninjas left in a hurry before they had time to seriously train the next generation. For the time being, there is really no ninja who can take charge of his own job.

Besides, the shadow of a village must have the strength and prestige to convince the public.

The Sandaime can claim to be the strongest Hokage at least because no one in the village can beat him, so he can naturally boast about it.

Minato's next generation of ninjas. The strongest is Hatake Kakashi.

However, Kakashi's military exploits and strength were not satisfactory, and no one saw the power of the will of fire in this child.

Kakashi's reputation in the past was that of a genius rather than a strong man. There were at least two strong men present who could defeat this brat.

Moreover, everyone knows the legend of being a lone wolf in a war, and it is not a good reputation.

It would be difficult to succeed as Hokage within ten years.

This very real problem brought the entire conference room to a deadlock.

Who will be the Hokage? This question simply touched someone's G-spot. There were countless thoughts in the Ninja Darkness's heart that he planned to express.

In short, Konoha Village can return to glory under the leadership of his fifth generation Hokage.

Before the fourth generation's funeral, Danzo's roots were extremely active, and he contacted many families related to him.

A lot of things for the future were promised, and many little ninjas were slightly threatened.

However, this rush for quick success makes people dare not bet on it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was not willing to let Danzo really become Hokage. He knew this old friend too well.

Human experimentation, withholding of funds, radical attitude, and methods against Uchiha will all intensify.

The most terrible thing is that he lacks the true skill of a politician - hypocrisy.

This guy is so bad that no one who knows him will support him.

It is absolutely not allowed to leave Konoha in the hands of such a person.

It's a pity that neither Jiraiya nor Tsunade came back, otherwise it could be left to either of them.

Orochimaru's reputation took a hit in the latter stages of World War III, so he is no longer suitable.

Many times the Sandaime felt that he was bringing it upon himself. He had changed his successor before because he felt that this disciple lacked humanity and had embarked on a dark path.

So isn't it normal to reduce the original heir? Maybe this disciple will have grievances, but he will suffer a little for Konoha.

Although Orochimaru later returned to the path of the Will of Fire, it was too late.

As a result, the fourth generation died suddenly, and Orochimaru, the only one in the village, was suppressed and his reputation was unable to rise.

It's a sin~~~

The Sandaime did not speak, and other representatives of the ninja clan were not recommended.

The more things like this happen, the easier it is to offend people, and no one can escape when the matter is settled afterwards.

Even Koharu and Mito Kadoyan, who had gone to bed, did not say anything. They had their own tendencies, but it was difficult for the person involved to follow them without giving a signal.

Danzo in the meeting was completely relaxed at this moment, and his mind even recalled the moment when the Nidaime announced that Sarutobi Hiruzen would be the Hokage.

Monkey, you want to protect the people in the village who worship you and trust you, and you want to train the people who will be entrusted to them in the next era. From tomorrow on, you will be the Hokage.

Haha, teacher.

Back then, I wanted to stay and have a break. Back then, I was also a good young man walking on the path of the Will of Fire.

How could such an important position as Hokage be decided by just talking quickly? Just because of that moment of hesitation?

Speed ​​Ninja is really a bit annoying. Hiruzen led Konoha all the way downhill. This was the result of haste.

Looking at his old friend Danzo who was still deep in thought, he finally showed a victorious smile.

‘No matter what happens, you always go in front of me. This time, it’s my turn! ’

After moving his body slightly, Danzo planned to stand up calmly and then naturally take over the position of Hokage.


A figure stood up.


Why does the figure standing up look so familiar so quickly?

Since Konoha has reached such a critical situation, let me take over temporarily. Wait until the next Hokage grows up before letting me go.

Shocking, there is such a gameplay.

Since it's you.

This is good, at least.

As soon as Sarutobi Hiruzen opened his mouth, the two elders next to him started complimenting him smoothly, without any sense of violation.

During the time when the Sandaime came to power, the families of several elders had a good momentum of development, and their support in terms of influence and strength made them believe in Hiruzen even more.

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