Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1225 Obito got smart by relying on his roots

Ahhhhhh, it hurts so much!!!!

Kushina felt the pain of childbirth for the first time.

In the past, with the protection of Minato and the people in Konoha, she had hardly experienced any huge stimulation or pain.

Everyone was afraid that the Kyuubi in her body would break out into chaos when the Jinchuuriki was emotionally unstable. This was recorded in many records in the history of other ninja villages.

Seeing Kushina like this for the first time made Minato a little panicked. Even the perfect Hokage would be a little at a loss when encountering such a situation.

Finally, after being scolded by Lake Biwa, I regained my composure a little bit.

The Fourth Hokage only needs to maintain the seal. Female ninjas have great patience in this regard.

At this time, the Bagua seal spell on Kushina's belly was trembling slightly.

Kyuubi was struggling wildly within the seal. It's natural to risk your life to finally see a glimmer of hope that you can break through this dark space.

The symbol of disaster that originally roamed the ninja world happily was thrown around by two legendary men decades ago. After being thrown around and played with, it was completely lost in majesty. Finally, it was stuffed into a small dark room by a woman.

The resentment in the sealed space is simply unimaginable.

The Kyuubi in its heyday was hopelessly powerful. If Mito hadn't transmitted it directly in the seal through the Uzumaki clan's secret technique, no one in Konoha would have been able to seal the Kyuubi for the second time.

The big fox, entangled in huge chains formed by the swirling bloodline, was roaring crazily.

It doesn't care whether it has children or not. It's not like it hasn't experienced this kind of nonsense before, it's just boring reproduction.

It's just that Uzumaki Mito is too powerful, and it was a man named Senju Hashirama who was guarding the outside before, so it will be more honest.

After all, if Mito died after getting out, the consequences would be tragic. It wants to get out, not go down.

As for Kushina...hehe, seeing how I have been struggling in the ninja world for thousands of years, this bloodline is really strong.

What kind of descendants did the old man of Six Paths leave in the ninja world, and why did he specifically target tailed beasts?

So love will disappear?

Even if Kyuubi was extremely angry and had his chakra aroused to the extreme, he still felt that he had not touched the critical point of the seal.

As Minato continues to strengthen, its impact becomes more and more difficult. Will it still fail this time?

Finally, with the roars of the nine tails, Naruto, the protagonist of this era of Ninja Continent, was born!

The cry of a baby echoes through the unknown dimension of this world.

In fact, the idea of ​​Kyuubi breaking through the seal during the period of childbirth was wrong.

Naruto's birth was unstoppable. This child is the chakra will of Hagoromo's youngest son.

He was born with the blessing of the slightest bit of destiny. Not to mention the Nine-Tails, not even the Ten-Tails could stop Naruto's birth at this moment.

The ninja world is always under someone's observation.

The baby's cries echoed throughout the delivery room. To use a broken phrase, it means that the gears of fate have started turning again.

At the same time, the chakra will surrounding Sasuke's body also fluctuated slightly.

And Liu Dao's eyes focused on Naruto and Sasuke again.

The chakras of the two sons who have been reincarnated many times are still entangled endlessly, confirming their own paths.

The old father could only observe from a higher perspective and did nothing. He didn't know whether he respected it or was too lazy to care.

I have to say that the ideas of immortals like Otsutsuki are indeed different from ordinary people. There are different units of measurement for the weight of life and the length of time.

Asura Indra. I don't know if the prophecy of that guy Gamamaru is reliable?

Yes, the prophecy power native to the ninja world is, to a certain extent, a special ability that even the Six Paths cannot master.

Every planet in this universe has its own local power. No matter how strong the Saiyans are, they can't teleport or use the martial arts on earth.

Nine Lamas will work hard on you for a while longer.

After looking at his two sons and small pets, Liu Dao looked in a certain direction outside Konoha Village. The troublesome spirit that gave him a headache was also approaching here. He really didn't know what he wanted to do.

If it goes too far, Six Paths will not let this dangerous person continue to wander around the ninja world. But this person's strength has recovered a lot, and the seal he placed was careless.

Outside Konoha Village, in the delivery room.

Minato and Kushina were rejoicing at the birth of Naruto, and the emotion of becoming parents for the first time was impacting them.

Obito also came here through the rock wall at this moment.

All his subsequent actions were carried out completely in accordance with the counter-plan formulated by the root.

Genbu has several suitable tactics for everyone in the village's high-end combat power.

Especially for Naruto, Danzo's dedication to Naruto is obvious to all. Sarutobi Hiruzen's tactics were even highly involved in formulating them. Some people have gone crazy for that dream position.

In the event of Kyuubi giving birth, there were plans for Minato to go to the delivery room, there were plans for Minato not to go, and there were various ways to deal with it. The ninjas repeatedly defeated the weak by relying on a combination of intelligence and tactics.

The Yondaime was not included in the data except Senjutsu, and all other data had already been entered.

They anticipated the emotional loss that the Yondaime and the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki would feel at the birth of a new life. He also took into account the status of Lake Biwa. As well as the time difference to strengthen the Nine-Tails seal immediately after birth, and the protection of newborns with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

After this plan was stolen by Black Zetsu, he told it to Obito countless times, and the stupid boy decided to follow this plan. Otherwise, he would never have thought of such an efficient tactic in his mind.

The fourth generation was seizing the time to strengthen the Nine-Tails seal when Obito took action.

First stabbed in the back, Biwako and Yashiro fell to the ground, and Naruto was also successfully captured.

The screams and the sound of falling to the ground attracted Minato's attention.


Minato was shocked, someone could actually touch this place!

The Sandaime and so many ANBU outside did not stop him.

The Fourth Hokage, leave the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki, or your son will be killed.

That's what Obito said and what he thought. He wouldn't mind doing anything that could make Minato suffer.

Does this guy who is always one step too slow still want a happy family? Beautiful thought!

Taking advantage of Kyuubi's opportunity to escape from the seal, Obito threw Naruto against the rock wall above the delivery room, and Minato saved his son with a teleportation.

A cruel smile appeared behind Obito's mask. You acted quite quickly at this time.


The detonating talisman had been attached to Naruto's swaddling clothes. The Yondaime used his neurological reaction beyond the ninja world to pull it off and then left here with the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

The art of inducing the tiger to leave the mountain is completed.

Obito had accomplished his tactical goal as quickly as the rabbit had risen and the falcon had fallen. The difference between people with brains and people without brains is huge.

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