The enchantment class reports on the situation of sensing enchantment and sealing enchantment.

There are no signs of intrusion. There are no sensory blind spots.

Very good. Let the people in the sealing class become familiar with the sealing warlock again.


The outer barrier, the internal shielding barrier and the sealing class are one of the foundations of Konoha. This combination combined with Konoha's combat power can directly suppress anyone below the Nine-Tails.

When Kumogakure's brat was still fighting hand to hand, Konoha looked down upon that method at all.

What is Elder Danzo doing at the root?

Danzo-sama is being guarded by the deputy ANBU minister you sent in the underground base at Training Ground 13.

Although Sarutobi believed that his old friend loved Konoha, his desire for power had reached a dark and twisted state.

Maybe he would do something that crossed the line at such a critical moment.

Even if Danzo himself will not take action against Kushina, there is still a possibility that the information will be accidentally leaked and attract the enemy's spies to take action. At this time, no accidents can occur.

Be extra ruthless when you need to be ruthless. This is why Sarutobi Hiruzen can firmly suppress Danzo.

And Danzo underground was jumping around like crazy, and Hiruzen didn't believe him?

Although he found out about the delivery place where the medical team was transferred, he also roughly knew the person who planned it. But Hiruzen's face-to-face surveillance completely strangled him here.

The order from the ANBU was that Danzo was not to leave the base without an order, otherwise he would be punished as a traitor to the village, which was really cruel.

There are also comments from the sunny and black-hearted man of the fourth generation, which is really unlucky.

Naruto! Naruto! This is Naruto! !

Anger rose underground, and Black Zetsu also left the ground.

It would be a bit boring to stay here and watch this strange one-eyed dragon go crazy after getting all the information. Thank you for your contribution.

What's the current situation of the Uchiha clan?

Except for Uchiha Shisui, who is living and studying under Orochimaru-sama, all members of the Uchiha clan have returned to their clan territory. No one has gone out.

Continue to pay attention. If anyone goes out, you can give a direct warning. Anyone who disobeys will be killed without mercy.

Uchiha was so obedient that Hiruzen also let go of his worries.

As long as you are obedient and don't do anything, I won't offer any resistance to Minato if he wants to take you into the Ninja Village.

In fact, this time can be regarded as a test. If Uchiha has any ambitions, he only has this chance today.

What's the situation in the village?

Some espionage activities are more outrageous. They are risking their lives to spy on Konoha's intelligence.

Don't worry about them, Minato can maintain the situation in the village.

After this time, Hiruzen also plans to hand over most of his rights. There can't always be two voices in the village.

Finally, where is Orochimaru.

Lord Orochimaru is still staying in his mansion without any movement.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen asked everyone about it, he finally felt relieved. From the looks of it, everything was calm.

But in fact, storms and clouds are gathering in places not monitored by ANBU.

On the Hokage Rock.

Obito, are you really determined to take this step? The relationship between you and Konoha will be completely irreversible.

Black Jue asked slightly tentatively.

Of course! This time it's not so much about revenge on Konoha, but more about giving the Eye of the Moon plan a front by destroying Konoha.

It weakened the strength of the great powers and brought the strongest ninja village to a low point. We had already planned to sow discord between Konoha and the Uchiha clan.

Obito's heart was far less decisive than his words suggested.

When he thought of destroying Konoha, he thought of the old lady he often helped, and the kittens and puppies he saved. A little bit shaken.

But when he thought of Lin who died, Kakashi who had no regrets, and the vast majority of people who were enjoying the dividends of the war, he couldn't suppress his anger.

Why are you all still alive and happy while I am in hell.

At this moment, Obito was as cruel as he was the day Rin died, turning back into the young man wailing under the moon.

Kuro Zetsu was relieved that the silly Obito was finally offline. It seems that the young man has potential, he just needs some training.

This time, let this guy completely fall into darkness.

The fact that Obito has not really harmed the ordinary people in Konoha Village makes Black Zetsu very worried. He can rest assured that he can finish everything this time.

On the other side, Noah was already in place, and he stayed slightly away from Konoha Village to adjust his condition.

The animal meat was roasted into golden brown on the bonfire, and he and Xiaobai sat here.

As a pretender who has never seriously focused on infiltration skills, he really can't use the ninja's set of things without chakra.

And putting Xiaobai on would only help his body bear the pressure, not allow him to learn all kinds of ninjutsu. ,

Therefore, the protagonist can only stay outside, which is too unqualified.

But it's suitable for a picnic. Konoha's patrol area obviously won't come here.

Xiao Bai, the next time you capture the beast, you need to take it to a distant place to bleed it, clean it and then dispose of its internal organs.

And didn't I bring some herbs? You have to rub it on the meat in this way to let the flavor soak into it to cover up the fishy smell.

After reluctantly eating, Noah kept sighing. There is a saying that the taste of the beasts in the ninja world is far different from that in the sea world.

I remember that the tailed beasts seemed to have a physical body, and the eight tails would often throw their tails around. I wonder what a tailed beast of this level tastes like, squid?

Xiao Bai, what kind of look do you think we can use to appear more fashionable?

Can you call yourself Battousai without using a reverse blade, or should you just put on a mask and go ahead and chop?

Xiaobai wanted to say that he didn't know. He only knew that if there was a fight, he would be the unlucky one.

Noah's sword energy is too painful to stab people. Even though he has very good control, the terrifying willpower that appears from time to time always feels like he will turn him into a fool at any time.

There are people outside the ninja world who are paying attention here, and he feels that his youngest son's chakra is coming to the ninja world again.

The eldest son was born more than two months ago, and now the younger son is here again. This is another reincarnation in the ninja world.

Hagoromo felt tired. The two of them had never found the way forward in the ninja world.

He can only stay between life and death and look after this world, otherwise he would have gone to the Pure Land to practice and seek a route around the Otsutsuki clan.

October 10th.

This is a very special day because the child of destiny will be born on this day.

It can also be said that the gears of fate began to turn.

Everyone is doing what they should do on their own track. Countless people are eagerly looking forward to the birth of this child, and countless people are watching the delivery of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

The invisible will of chakra is gathering in the woods outside Konoha Village.

In the evening, the sky gradually darkened.

Kushina felt the pain in her abdomen, and Kyuubi also felt the weakening of power above the iron gate in the seal.

The forces throughout Konoha's underground began to operate crazily.

It gets darker, and eventually darkness covers the entire sky.

And that stupid boy who thought he was abandoned by the world started his own actions.

He wanted to use this irreversible killing to strengthen his determination to move towards the Eye of the Moon.

With the special time and space ninjutsu, he easily walked outside the barrier, and even the monitoring team did not notice his infiltration.

Even the most elite ANBU would suffer under the sneak attack of time and space ninjutsu without any breath.

Looking at the blood in Obito's hand, the ominous aura in Obito's Sharingan eyes became thicker and thicker. This color looked so familiar.

Teacher, I wonder if you can catch up this time!

I'm coming, Konoha.

Outside Konoha Village.

Lifting the iron bar stuck beside him, Noah extinguished the bonfire in front of him.

Xiao Bai, let's go!

At some point, the moon in the sky seemed to be smeared with blood.

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