Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1222 Orochimaru’s doubts

Time enters October.

The atmosphere in Konoha has been very strange recently, and the Fourth Hokage who occasionally appeared in the village has never been seen again.

The ANBU, who usually operated in secret, could often be seen running on the eaves during the day.

Most of the tasks are handed over to the new generation or ordinary chuunin.

Uchiha strictly followed his patrol route and started another round of inspections.

However, the number of patrols was gradually decreasing, and in the end, the most annoying security guards were rarely seen on the streets.

The last big shot who met Uchiha turned out to be the core Hokage wife Kushina.

With a big belly, she quietly exchanged some intimate words with Mikoto between best friends, and then she was dragged away by Koharu who was sleeping with her.

The old man was very helpless towards this overly lively Jinchuuriki who had been causing trouble in the village since he was a child.

Two of the four Hokages were married to Jinchuuriki, which made it impossible for her to act like an elder.

This kid... I hope the next generation won't be like this.

Because of this matter, Uchiha entered a state of silence in advance.

The major ninja clans are also telling their own clansmen not to run around and not to cause trouble, but the reasons are all obscure.

Who has been rooted here for decades and still doesn’t have his own information channel. Everyone understands that this is really not the time to mess around.

In addition to being a sunny and cheerful boy like Little Taiyang, the fourth generation also has a battlefield reputation like Golden Flash.

The air pressure near the Hokage Tower is now negative. I didn't see Konoha Nakage Danzo-sama doing it with his tail between his legs.

Ordinary people did not feel anything strange, as if they were living in two different worlds from such a major event.

Orochimaru was sitting in his courtyard studying the ninjutsu that he had knocked from the root.

The second-generation notebook sent by Sarutobi Hiruzen was placed in the laboratory and was not in a hurry to study.

Recently, because of following Noah, I have unknowingly gained a lot of forbidden knowledge, top-notch experimental materials, and a huge amount of funds.

Even the Sealed Book got the original version from the Hokage Studio and the dark improved version of the root.

This is how the troubles of happiness come. It seems that the path of ninja in the past has been wrong.

How much money can he get by accumulating merit by completing tasks? This method is more popular with him.

Tsk tsk, I am the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization.

And his front pocket is practicing advanced chakra control. He has already completed climbing trees and treading water, and now he is practicing more on micro-management.

Although the little boy can't extract much chakra, he has always maintained a very high level of utilization.

I also have an introduction to basic medical ninjutsu on hand, and my role in logistics is very precise.

Kabuto did have good ninja talent, which Orochimaru was not too surprised about. As for spiritual maturity and stability, they are also characteristics that geniuses should possess.

Only the other party's talent for learning knowledge, as well as his exploratory nature and transformation of thinking about unknown things made Orochimaru quite suspicious.

If you cultivate them well, the minimum achievement in the future will be to become your main assistant. If you are higher, you may even explore the frontiers of biotechnology together.

Moreover, he is a ninja with a very moral outlook. He does not have the foolish kindness of ordinary children, nor does he have the ideal of hypocrisy.

He is a good prospect. No wonder Noah would recommend such a young man to himself. He is indeed a good match.

As for Hongdou, he has already signed a psychic contract with Longdi Cave.

It's just that Orochimaru warned her not to summon large psychic beasts in the future. Some simple snakes can still be summoned.

Hongdou was so ecstatic about this honor that she almost shed tears of excitement.

She has been under too much pressure recently. The expectations of her family and the fear of not letting the teacher down are really hard.

Shisui is a slightly famous expert in the three-person team. His natural ability and blood inheritance limit really make him look proud of others.

But the smallest Kabuto made her feel even more frustrated.

Mingming was a brat who didn't even know what ninjutsu was before, but now his progress in this area has been rapid.

Even her learning ability and fine control of chakra made her feel that genius is unreasonable.

As a result, Teacher Orochimaru actually gave himself the most precious psychic scroll and inheritance rights. This was Mitarai Anko's great victory.

Hongdou said that he is just a stupid fan and won't listen to anyone now.

As for the reason~~ Orochimaru himself is now being targeted by Ryūchi Cave, so he needs a new successor as a coordinate.

Or it would be good to leave an outside bait.

It would also be good to use red beans to summon some intelligent snakes in the future, and do some research on the way.

This is what Hongdou cannot know, otherwise the little girl will be heartbroken.

After all, sooner or later they have to go to the Holy Land, so these arrogant beasts seem to have been targeted by Noah.

The body of the White Snake Immortal is still worthy of study.

Things that Xianju didn't pay much attention to also returned to his field of vision.

It's all because Jiraiya, a bitch, practiced senjutsu to such an extent that his crotch was stretched so much that he single-handedly knocked down the value of natural energy.

When Orochimaru was reading the Nidaime Notes, he wondered why Tobirama-sama admired Senjutsu Chakra so much.

Later, I learned that the first generation master relied on the blessing of senjutsu to reach a higher level, and he could use the god of the ninja world as his trump card.

That idiot is really hopeless. He missed out on such interesting energy.

Speaking of Jiraiya, Orochimaru frowned. Is that idiot really not coming back at this time?

From the exchange between Noah and him, we can predict that there will be some disaster in Konoha when the jinchuriki gives birth.

Now in the ninja world, apart from the four major countries and the Akatsuki organization, I really can't think of any other forces that can threaten this place.

There are the newly powerful Fourth Hokage, the Ninja Third Hokage who has not yet aged, as well as himself and countless great ninjas.

The treasures in the village can be used at any time, so who else can.

It is impossible to say that he has no feelings for Konoha. Orochimaru is a serious Konoha ninja at the moment, and he will definitely take action to protect Konoha.

It may not be enough to make that monster like Noah care about twists and turns. Self-knowledge and rationality are Orochimaru's most precious things.

After finding no clues, he decided to make some preparations in advance, such as some props and materials for forbidden arts.

This intuitive thing helped him survive the second and third ninja wars.

In fact, many ninjas will be a little restless before disaster strikes. This is the smell of death.

At the same time, he also knew about the contraction of Uchiha across the board. Shisui was now his apprentice and his subordinate.

Orochimaru hoped to have a reliable helper at this time.

Shisui, stay here with me to study for the next few days and don't go back. Please tell Chief Fugaku.


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