Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1202 Noah’s small classroom behind bars

Noah wrote and drew on the blackboard in this prison, sketching out various bar graphs and curve graphs.

The units are all in billions, which makes Kakuzu's little mung bean eyes and heart beat together.

A large amount of data was continuously sent, and a lot of paper and pens were also given to Kakuzu.

A unique teaching began.

I don’t know why, but it seems that learning efficiency is very high in places with behind bars. Kakuzu is also a good student who is willing to learn.

Facing this Bible-like thing, I exerted one thousand percent of my kinetic energy to understand these things.

From time to time, I also asked serious questions to understand the meaning, and I made rapid progress.

After combining many years of life experience in the ninja world, I have increasingly recognized Noah's development model, which is at least 500 years ahead of all countries in the world.

“Next year we will have the first big harvest after the war, so there will be absolutely no problem in ensuring survival.

Animal husbandry, fishery, etc. are also under planning, and we will try our best to reach a qualified standard.

The above-mentioned primary industries are all classified. This industry can be easily improved with the management guidance of the organization.

We have obtained all the agency authorizations from the daimyo. This is the basis for the current development of Rain Country and the only way for a small country to develop.

By achieving this step, we can actually see a future where the population will skyrocket. People are wealth. Only by giving everyone a better living environment and a stable society can we have rewards beyond imagination.

Because things like identity and the desire to guide can work wonders in all aspects.

Never, ever be separated from these thousands of ordinary people. Ninjas are just ordinary people who have mastered extraordinary power, not gods.

And even gods can be killed by humans.

Kakuzu seems to understand. He understood it very well at the beginning, but later on when he talked about people, he didn't understand it. This is a common problem of ninjas.

At this time, I thought about Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara who would also die and figured it out. Things like birth, old age, sickness and death are also difficult to disobey.

“Read the information carefully, the next step is the key point.

The secondary industry is what we need to tackle in the next stage.

At present, the development of the minerals has not been carried out, but the exploration work is progressing very smoothly with the help of a certain member.

Then manufacturing, electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply, construction and other processing and manufacturing industries have been the focus in the past five years.

Why is the country closed to the outside world? Because big countries will instinctively control the development of secondary industries in small countries.

With the production of our products, domestic and foreign trade, as well as social problems will be quickly solved.

It is no exaggeration to describe the liberation of productivity as taking off. After these basic industries are developed, the wealth of the Rain Country will explode at a speed you can't imagine.

100 million? This unit will be immediately swept into the trash.

After seeing the development trends listed by Noah, ordinary measurement units are indeed somewhat powerless. This is the power of the general trend.

Make a note of it.

“The next step is to vigorously develop the tertiary industry.

We are already developing parts of the tertiary industry simultaneously. Scientific research and technical services, transportation, water conservancy, environment and public facilities management, resident services and education, health and social work, culture, social security and social organizations

For this purpose, we are still attracting foreign scientists to carry out industrial upgrading. Only high-end industries can harvest the wealth of other regions. Simple low-end industries can no longer satisfy our appetite.

As for the construction of traffic roads, Sanshouyu Hanzo-sama has started construction, and he is constantly leveling the road and opening up the stepping stones. It's a pity that the scheduled little explosives master is now too young, so he can only trouble Hanzo-sama.

In terms of culture, it is necessary to inherit the will of rain into the hearts of the people, so that everyone can devote themselves to the great road of building the country.

For the others, Yahiko and other members of the Akatsuki organization worked hard overtime to cope with it.

However, there is still a lack of talents and strong people. Having created a lot of wealth requires the power to protect oneself.

As you know in the ninja world, Konoha was beaten three times because of its best geographical location, and each time it was painful.

We cannot remain closed to the country because the means of production produced in that way cannot be converted into wealth.

The secret of the source of social wealth is that wealth is generated through the continuous exchange and transaction process between the supply side and the demand side... This is what we usually say: Exchange creates wealth.

Noah's tone became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke, and Kakuzu's mood became more and more excited. Along with the maps, data and knowledge in the classroom, he seemed to see endless resources flowing through his hands.

I've met a confidant. It's rare to meet such an opportunistic person in the ninja world. Instead of talking about strength, I will talk about money with you, and I will talk about big money.

The little money I have in my hand may not be appreciated by the other party. It is really a waste of decades without meeting a wise owner.

A week later, Noah, who had just finished class in the prison, said to Jiaodu seriously.

“Of course, what we hope more is to be prosperous and build this beautiful country of rain together, and use this as a starting point to achieve the dream of world peace.

It does not mean that victory is only when everyone is eliminated as an enemy. We have always believed that if everyone becomes a community of interests and comrades with the same dream, then the world will naturally be peaceful.

The economics class in the previous week made Kakuzu forget the purpose of coming to the Land of Rain this time, and now he is a little confused after hearing Noah's last words.

Yes, Akatsuki Organization

So you guys are really a world peace organization?

You gave me a week-long course and ended up leading me to world peace.

“Peace is the ultimate philosophy of our organization, but there are many ways to achieve peace.

We currently don't have the strength to do the two heroes of the ninja world, and we don't want to copy it completely. It would be too much to start a war for selfish desires.

But if everyone stands with us and becomes partners, wouldn’t the so-called world peace be achieved?

Fighting and killing are matters outside of political and economic means, and are also the final solution.

Jiaodu was moved to hear the awareness of this peaceful organization.

In my decades of life, I have never seen such a sober and alternative approach to peace. At first glance, it sounds like there is some possibility of success.

This is a very acceptable reason for those who are money-oriented.

You understand, we are short of people.

I understand. The Country of Rain is the biggest project, and now is also my best opportunity.

Even with his handcuffed hands, Kakuzu was clapping unconsciously. This action was the only way to express his feelings.

As for the other party's recruitment, he thinks it is a very reliable thing. Although the recruitment method was so unique, it really touched Kakuzu's heart.

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