Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1198 The horns are here, some are happy and some are sad

Iron Country Gold Exchange.

Kakuzu has become numb to this toilet-like communication place. There is no peculiar smell, and no one dares to urinate and defecate here.

In other words, the advantage of setting it up in a place like this is that it is iconic, but there is nothing to talk about about being secretive.

There is no difference between going in and out every day and public toilets.

Even some local gangsters know that there is an underground toilet here that cannot be messed with.

It's just a gathering place for a bunch of scum like black marketeers, all kinds of criminals, and ronin who secretly take orders.

If the five major countries really wanted to take action, a place like this would be wiped out in minutes.

It just defaults to a gray area, where everyone hopes to get the intelligence items and heads they want.

This is the meaning of gold exchange. Generally speaking, no ninja will destroy such a place, not even Kakuzu.

This is his gold mining place, but the quality of the tasks he can receive has dropped a lot after the war.

As an old man, he rarely takes on missions between the five major countries. Instead, he takes on assassination missions targeting small places. That kind of mission has a high bounty and a low completion rate.

As for the task of hunting himself, the bounty house has always had it pending. No matter how cautious you are, you will offend a lot of people as long as you live.

Until this time, Jiao felt that something was following him, and he had been hiding around based on his experience in three ninja battles.

This time, he planned to go to the money exchange to exchange some intelligence information, but was eventually locked by the other party.

The weirdo wearing a mask floated in from outside the toilet. The fight started without any words.

The five-attribute composite ninjutsu with full sound, light and electricity effects was bombarded, and then he used his immortal body to attack at close range, and finally escaped with various escape techniques.

It stands to reason that the survivability has been maxed out. Unfortunately, they were all stopped by that strange figure.

Being at an absolute disadvantage in terms of intelligence, Kakuzu was finally defeated unwillingly by the opponent and was penetrated to the ground by a wooden thorn.

Although the technique of cutting is very strong, there is still a way to escape against someone like Shangjiao, but the impact of wood escape on him is too great.

So I just lay down on the ground and didn't move. Well, it was a relatively clean place.

The masked man calls himself Madara Uchiha.

Kakuzu blinked wildly with his little mung bean eyes to control his urge to laugh.

It's not like he hasn't seen Uchiha Madara before. From eight hundred miles away, you can see a purple giant dancing across the sky and the earth on the battlefield, with its sword hitting the top of the mountain, it scares people who look at it.

You only managed to collapse a toilet in a long time, and it was all caused by me. How could it be Uchiha Madara?

But people work as swordsmen, and I work as fish and meat. He can only lie on the ground and say that you are right, you are Uchiha Madara, and I will not be more embarrassed.

The mission given to him by the masked man was a bit outrageous. He was to go to the Land of Rain to join the Akatsuki organization to obtain intelligence. In the future, we will have to welcome this masked man to come to this organization and work together to seize it.

Kakuzu couldn't refuse and agreed.

To make this lunatic dare not seize it directly, this organization that only became famous during the Third Ninja War is extraordinary.

Besides, there is also a Sanshouyu Hanzo there, and currently his abilities may only be lower than those of the five major nations.

As for the funds, he wisely did not ask for them, and the other party looked like he was poor.

Of course, this may also be the effect of the curse seal planted on the body. Five hearts were exposed, so the other party carved a spell on his head. Unless he changed his head, he would still die.

This is the true legacy of Madara, the Sharingan's unique transfer curse seal system. The one I planned to use when I tried to control Noah before was the same one that was placed on Obito's heart.

Kakuzu didn't want to test whether Chi Yu could revive his brain.

What bad luck~~ I didn’t expect that I had been running the ninja world for decades and had even seen the two heroes of the ninja world, but I fell into this masked man who was hiding his head and tail.

Quite unhappy, he had no choice but to rush to the Land of Rain.

At the same time, a bad premonition appeared in my mind. I am afraid it will be difficult for me to go this time.

I can only hope that I can keep my information secret well. As long as I don't know about the Earthly Resentment and the Five Hearts, there is nothing to be afraid of in the ninja world except for time and space, sealing techniques and techniques involving the soul.

Besides, as a well-known expert, I can gain some status by joining a local organization.

The immortal legend of the underground world, the man who assassinated the god of the ninja world is on the move.

I also collected intelligence on the way and learned that the Akatsuki Organization is an organization that aspires to peace on the surface. It rose during the Third Ninja War and has been hosting refugees and helping restore order and peace to the Land of Rain.

To a certain extent, it is considered a good and lawful alignment, but Kakuzu doesn't believe it.

For decades, most of the organizations in the world that advertise themselves as peaceful are terrorist organizations, and a small number are super powerful terrorist organizations.

Before entering, I already knew that the Kingdom of Rain did not accept the entry of foreign ninjas, so I disguised myself.

He had done this operation of dressing up as a rain ninja and sneaking into the rain ninja village decades ago. It could be said that it was like entering a no-man's land. In the past, as long as he didn't encounter Sanshouyu Hanzo, the country would let him lie flat on his back.

Naturally, he should also pay attention to the Akatsuki organization that became famous in World War III.

The masked man showed himself off with his weird space-time ninjutsu, just in case there is another Akatsuki organization.

However, Kakuzu was quickly discovered after entering the Rain Country.

After the reform, the rain ninja is now somewhat different from the traditional ninja in terms of behavior and responsibilities.

And it is very difficult for Kakuzu to blend in with his pure ninja attitude as before.

He never expected that ordinary people would report that he was not a rain ninja. This matter was outrageous and beyond his imagination.

Noah's expression after seeing someone invading was quite intriguing.

I hope it's not what he thought. If it is, it means that a certain masked man is really stupid and terrible, trying to save his grandpa by playing gourd boy.

So a short signal was sent, and several powerful men in the Kingdom of Rain immediately put down their work and gathered in Noah's office.

When Xiaobai comes back later, we will find out what kind of person has infiltrated. I hope it is a big fish.

In terms of observation ability, Xiaobai is unparalleled in the Rain Country, and Noah gave him a long list of strong characteristics for him to memorize.

Most of the powerful people in the ninja world have their own characteristics, whether it is appearance, personality, or special physique.

This list contains information about most of these people.

Nowadays, any ninja with a name should be able to escape Xiaobai's recognition.

After a while, Xiaobai emerged from the ground.

Kakuzu, there are five groups of violent chakra reactions in the body, which should be where the five hearts are.

Most of the breath on the body is different from human flesh, and it feels a little similar to us.

Be very cautious when paying for meals in the village. You won't pay even a cent more and you will always bargain for the price.

Xiaobai gave a definite result directly from the physical characteristics and behavioral habits.

Very good, our financial director is finally here. Xiaonan, you can relax a little bit about finances.

Hearing that it was Xiao Nan, the person in charge of finance, he immediately became happy, while several others sighed, why haven't they come to share their work with their big enemy?

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