Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1190 The Will of Fire and White Fang

The cold and uncomfortable feeling after holding the knife now is really a bit frustrating.

Sure enough, I am not a courageous fool, nor am I a genius who is a little shaken by a story.

Will of Fire: Things like the Will of Fire don't need to be explored by ordinary ninjas.

Then the young man put down his dagger, and confusion once again covered his mind.

What kind of person is Konoha White Fang in the eyes of others?

Why can you hold this knife invincible?

The next day he bought a small gift and went to visit Kushina. The other party came to visit several times before when he was trapped in his own world.

Now as a disciple, you have to look at each other both emotionally and rationally.

But Kakashi became more vigilant when passing by the entrance of the alley. There were a lot of people around here.

Kakashi, you actually came out to see me?!

When Kushina opened the door, she could not stop him with just one word, and it also made the boy a little at a loss and ashamed. He was indeed so bad.

Minato said last night that you got better after you went on a mission. It seems that this guy has really come out. That lifeless look is really embarrassing.

Would you like me to teach you some sealing techniques to change your mood? The Uzumaki clan's sealing techniques are very powerful.

Kakashi was pulled into the living room by Kushina before he could finish a word, and kept talking endlessly.

Suddenly the topic of Blood Red Pepper changed.

By the way, is it fun to go out?

Thinking of the bandits in the Land of Fire and those ordinary people with sallow faces and skinny muscles, Kakashi didn't know how to answer. For some reason, when he followed Adam and walked in the ninja world, he could always see the appearance of the lower class people.

Konoha is still the best.

This is an answer with multiple meanings.

Okay, okay, you never say how much fun it is outside. It's always dangerous and boring.

Seeing his master's wife asking boring questions to herself, Kakashi scratched his hair. He has not been good at dealing with people like Kushina since he was a child, he is too enthusiastic.

Maybe the Hatake family is naturally more suited to getting along with people who have a sense of boundaries, and Minato-sensei has a very comfortable grasp of it.

Master's wife, there are many ANBU around here.

From the beginning, he felt that there were many ninjas monitoring this place, and this was not a normal phenomenon.

Now that the teacher is the Fourth Hokage, ANBU should not be here without the teacher's orders.

He remembered that Kushina hated being spied on because her super-sense ability allowed her to easily detect the existence of these people.

Haha, everything happens for a reason.

Seeing the dead fish eyes of this white-haired disciple, Kushina suddenly had the idea of ​​letting him guess. This little guy was the least cute among the disciples.

you guess

Because you're pregnant?

Damn it, you don't even give me this pleasure!!!!

The red hair moved automatically without wind, the red chakra wrapped around the body, and the bright beast aura caused a few drops of cold sweat to flow from Kakashi's forehead.

You're just kidding. This is a method that Sister Tsunade taught me to scare people. Isn't it very handsome?

It's a bit scary, this teacher's wife is really out of her depth.

As for the speculation of pregnancy, it is normal. Although Kakashi did not hear this rumor in the outside world after his return, there must be a reason for the ANBU to monitor a Hokage wife like this.

Jinchuuriki, this matter is indeed difficult to handle. Even the teacher and master's wife are probably very stressed.

It's so boring. I can't leave the village, and I can't go to the Hokage Tower to play with Minato. It's really boring.

Because she was just pregnant, it was still relatively dangerous, and because of the Nine-Tails, they could only carefully investigate the danger.

People like the Uchiha family are definitely not allowed to get close. Only people who are truly trusted by the top management of Konoha can come into contact with Kushina during this time.

Even if she said that her ninja physique and the restraint of the sealing technique were of no use, the other elders except the Sandaime still regarded Kushina as Konoha's strategic weapon first, and then the Hokage's wife.

It would be difficult for her to move freely until she was as strong as Uzumaki Mito. Or Namikaze Minato showed that the realm of the ninja god like the first generation can no longer be controlled by anything.

But neither of them could do it, so they could only be trapped in this area.

This kind of anxiety trapped in a naturally free-spirited personality is indeed cruel, and the hormones during pregnancy make women's moods very changeable.

Kakashi also felt the complex emotions involved, and his ability to empathize has improved a lot since listening to the stories Adam told him.

It is indeed a cruel thing to lock a person in a village for the rest of his life. Although the master's wife is a mischievous person, she has sacrificed a lot.

The rest of the afternoon was spent listening to Kushina's complaints, from Lord Sarutobi Biwako's nagging notes to the fact that her best friend Uchiha Mikoto was also pregnant.

Basically, when I was thinking about it, I said a lot of things. Kakashi is the fourth generation's direct disciple, and there is no need to hide these things from him.

The young man became a silent listener. If he could find a reason to practice before, he would leave.

Of course, staying here is also a kind of practice.

In the end, Minato didn't end his thoughts until he got off work. Minato was a little touched when he saw Kakashi listening quietly.

This disciple has finally done some personnel work recently. How come the change in mission is so immediate when he goes out?

Kakashi, let's finish dinner together before leaving.


Although Kushina's cooking was unpalatable, she still made it, and the three of them enjoyed it at the dining table.

While eating, Mrs. Hokage suddenly felt emotional. She had left her disciples to eat before, but at that time there were only three disciples.

The out-of-the-box Obito always brings her a lot of joy, while the innocent Lin takes care of herself carefully. Only Kakashi, the little white-haired boy, has always been cold.

Now, only one boy is left to inherit the legacy of his two companions. This ninja world is too cruel.

When I think about the little life in my belly, I have to face the world after birth, and I don’t know what will happen to me.

Will someone bully him? Will there be a Fourth Ninja War? Will we be unable to protect him?

Her mood suddenly dropped, and it was rare for Kushina to become sentimental, which made Minato feel a bit out of sorts.

In order to say something to interrupt this mood, Kakashi suddenly asked.

Teacher, Master, I would like to ask you what you think of my father.

Kakashi had always heard about White Fang's reputation before, but no one had ever told him in detail what his father's image was in the outside world.

It was this special question that brought the mood back immediately. After all, a son was asking about his dead old father.

Kushina thought about it carefully.

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