Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 120 The Gathering of Revolutionary Forces

The victorious rendezvous between Zefa and Rosinandi gave Sengoku a headache. Is this going to work at the naval headquarters? How unreasonable! But it would not be good to intervene directly. The World Government is still focusing on the internal affairs of the Navy.

Fortunately, these two people did not promote some ideas internally, otherwise the Warring States Period would have dealt with it ruthlessly at this time.

Now one is an adopted son, and the other is a mainstay of the Navy and an old friend for many years. Just let them be. However, we must pay close attention to the information collection of the Revolutionary Army. At this time, the Revolutionary Army is no longer the size as in the original work, but a large-scale armed organization with top-level combat power that has caused many major events.

Noah didn't know at this time that he had inadvertently completed a critical attack on Sengoku.

At this time, Resurrection Island resumed intense study work after the New Year. The boot camp once again increased the training intensity. The previous six months were an adaptation period. According to Zefa's theory, the physical limit of human beings is very high. There is nothing wrong with increasing the intensity without leaving any hidden injuries.

The gravity field of Yixiao covers the playground of the physical education class all day long. The gravity room of Dragon Ball World is completed. The best auxiliary plug-ins are all group-based. If you can't practice them anymore, you will be unjust. This kind of treatment is not available in the navy.

The division of the gravity field was also completed at Noah's suggestion, 1 times, 2 times, etc., which is considered a detailed development work of the fruit's ability. Robin also developed many new uses of Flowey Fruit, such as the Dabi Kabuto Awakening Technique.

It was just a bitter experience for Tezog. He had almost caught up with the same period in his previous tutoring career. As a result, once the gravity field was opened, he was directly at the bottom again and was asked to stay in class for extra training by Yixiao Tiantian.

Luo was sent to study in the main city of Sobel Kingdom. It was very happy to have a group of people of the same age studying together. Although Luo didn't expect such a thing.

He couldn't accept that the first big thing he did after coming to the Revolutionary Army was to become a primary school student. This was ridiculous. I think he went to Don Quixote's house with explosives strapped to his first battle three years ago. Later, he also received training from a group of Beihai evil gangs and could be called an orthodox trainee of the evil forces in the sea.

Later, after he changed his ways, he also participated in major North Sea events such as the Battle of Mignon Island. The number and quality of participants in this major event were the highest in the North Sea. Doflamingo, the former Celestial Dragon, Vice Admiral Tsuru, and Noah, the enemy of the world. With such a lineup, he has succeeded in changing his life against the odds, so how can he still come to school with the children?

Why is it impossible to come to school? In Noah's opinion, there was no way to follow Rosinand around to treat diseases before. His personality was slightly withdrawn. Now he just goes to school for a few years to develop his social skills. The main thing is to recuperate the physical foundation that has been suffering from losses for many years, and then enter the training camp for further training after the body is recuperated, so that you can live longer.

But he can't die young of illness like Roger did. Excessive use of the surgical fruit's ability will damage the vitality. Noah remembers this very well.

In the new year, the Revolutionary Army's small meeting has started again. Compared with last year's shabby situation, this year's confidence has undoubtedly increased. Just smiling at this general-level combat power has greatly improved the overall strength of the Revolutionary Army.

The other captains of the three seas also came back for a meeting. This was also the first time that Noah met the other captains of the three seas.

The latest to arrive is Mori, the commander of the Western Army, a giant, a strong man who laughs Fuhahaha. He has a long beard, uh, and his attire is a bit revealing. In addition to the belt on his arms, he also wears a short plaid skirt. Compared to his upper body, his lower body is very slender and his legs are hairy. The combination of top hat + harpoon is weird.

Most of the strong men in the One Piece world have the same body proportions as this adopted son. No matter how strong and broad the upper body is, the two thin legs of the lower body are so impressive. When moving at high speed, the speed is not slow, which is hard to appreciate.

Bello Betty, the commander of the Eastern Army, came second. He has a red hat, short purple hair, long bangs, and sunglasses. Wearing a red long-sleeved vest, a tie around his neck, leather gloves, no underwear and an open top. She wears a long skirt on her lower body and red boots on her legs.

Carrying the big flag, she looked at Noah with a defiant face. She had always wanted to meet this revolutionary light. In the past few years, she had always received piles of books to study, all of which were attributed to Noah. Give.

Noah is also very concerned about the commander of the Eastern Army this time. The Encourage Fruit is really a good thing and a great weapon in group wars. If she joins the battle on the top, Whitebeard's fleet will be able to struggle for a while longer. It is impossible to win, the gap in strength is too big.

Morale, most of the time, is full of energy, then declines, and then is exhausted. But encouraging fruits can break this common sense and fall into the category of spiritual infection. When the ranks of the revolutionary army have not undergone thorough ideological tempering, this fruit can play a role in reversing the situation of the war.

As if she was dissatisfied with Noah's gaze, Bello Betty raised her eyebrows and was about to spout some trash talk. This woman had no achievements in civilized language, but it was a pity that she was stopped by the dragon, otherwise Noah could show Bello Betty What is true mental pollution?

The commander of the Northern Army had a very low aura when he first arrived. He was a bald crow named Karas, wearing a beak-shaped loudspeaker and a black feather coat. From Noah's observation, the fashion sense of this coat is not as good as Rosinandi's.

To be honest, his appearance is a bit unlike a good person, with a fierce expression and few words. I was contacted by a phone bug when I went to Beihai to do business before. This was the first time I saw him in person.

With so many high-level officials coming, the momentum immediately increased. Together with the bounties on this group of people, it can be called the number one group in the sea.

Finally a table was filled. Long, Noah, Yixiao, Ivankov, Big Bear, Tiger, Jinbei, commanders of the four armies of the southeast, northwest and northwest. A group of people sat down around the round table.

Seeing these people coming to the first plenary meeting, Long Zhen lamented that in just a few years, the revolutionary army was different from before. It is no longer an ordinary armed gang, but a group with ideological consciousness.

While his heart was surging, Noah also secretly complained that everything was good, but his image was a little more free and unrestrained. The leader is a sharp and cool guy with tattoos on his face, death eye shadow like a shemale king, and fishnet stockings. Tiger and Jinbe's fierce auras came to their faces. The commanders of the four armies each have their own characteristics and dress coolly.

It would be nice if there were unified uniforms, like those in Kyōye Palace that are too handsome to have friends, or the soldier commander costumes in Attack on Titan would also be good. It's a pity that Noah himself has nothing to do with Shuai in this life. It's such a pity.

Now, let's have a meeting.

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