Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1188 The Changes and Return of Konoha

The productivity of ninjas is a drop in the bucket when it comes to agricultural issues. Earth escape can be used to level the land, water escape can be used to divert rivers, and there are even people in the village who know how to use fire escape to open up wasteland.

It's just that there are few people who know it, and the amount of chakra is really insufficient.

A normal chuunin would only have three or five ninjutsu that would run out of mana once released. There would be a lot more jounin, but not enough to be used for farming.

Breaking mountains and breaking rocks is a big consumer of chakra, so improving farming machinery must be put on the agenda.

You need to seize the time to find an expert to transform the puppetry technique.

The lack of population is a big problem. Years of war and harsh living environment have made the existing labor force very small.

It is unrealistic to tell people to give birth to babies on the spot. Attracting people from other countries is tantamount to provoking war again.

The only thing we can do is encourage childbirth, and find a way to stimulate it by giving money.

The work of guiding the refugees down the mountain has already been done. As for the bandits and other guilty ones, all the guilty ones will be executed, and the less guilty ones will be sent to the construction site of the Rain Country for transformation.

This was the inside story of the rain ninja arresting people that Kakashi saw when he came in.

Progress elsewhere has been even worse.

As for the textbooks, Orochimaru has temporarily returned to Konoha, so the knowledge of mathematics and other subjects is still very rudimentary.

The current basic knowledge was written by Nagato. After Jiraiya's teachings, they still have a slightly deeper knowledge base than the ninjas of the Land of Rain.

It's just that Jiraiya's cultural level is thanks to the fact that Minato's basic education was studied at a ninja school, otherwise his road to becoming Hokage might be a bit bumpy.

The progress of the Chinese subject is also very troublesome. According to the concept of integrating education and Chinese, the content of learning must be simple and profound. This is simply not something that people from those schools in the Rain Country can achieve.

Basically, it's still a very traditional class content, and it's still been a blank with no progress after a few months.

In the end, he simply tried to leave this job to Sanshouyu Hanzo. Yahiko's reason was also very simple.

As the leader of the rain ninja who wrote the Will of Rain, why should he write something else?

Hanzo? !

I really want to kill this little bastard with a breath of poisonous gas. Don’t you know where the will of rain came from?

When you first dragged me into the water, you arranged so many short stories for me, one after another about being good at literature and martial arts, but I really don't know how to write this stuff.

In the end, Hanzo took his people to open the road. If he wanted to get rich, he had to build the road first. The muddy land greatly hindered ordinary people from traveling.

A powerful psychic beast like Sanshouyu is now pulling rocks or corroding some hard ground. Hanzo, on the other hand, was practicing cutting skills with water escape, and he looked just like the foreman.

Nagato and Xiaonan were also troubled by other messy things. How could young people have dealt with these things before?

In the past, when the teacher was here, it was all done in three strokes, five divisions and two divisions. They thought it was just a matter of signing a signature, but it turned out that there were too many tricks.

Hanzo can only manage ninjas, because the obedience and ability of ninjas are really times beyond ordinary people.

With simple instructions, you only need to wait for a result that will not be bad.

But the thinking of ordinary people is different from that of ninjas. They worry about many things that are meaningless to them.

The estrangement here has caused a faint antagonism in the implementation of government orders. Even if they are living a miserable life, what if they will be even worse after the change.

There are no shortage of people like this in any world. The credibility of the Akatsuki organization only grew during the two years of the war, and has not yet radiated to the entire country.

It is obvious that they are unable to manage the entire Kingdom of Rain. It seems that they will not use the power even if they get it. Many things are stuck here.

When Noah came back, it was the savior's return. He hurriedly asked someone to come back and take charge of the work.

You guys

The Akatsuki organization held a brief meeting, and Noah deeply felt the lack of manpower in the Akatsuki organization.

There are too few talents. When will these two guys, Obito and Danzo, be more effective?

The Akatsuki organization is short of people.

The Akatsuki organization was struggling to operate in the Land of Rain, Obito was still waiting for the opportunity in the ninja world, and Konoha Village had also undergone considerable changes at this time.

Even though his power was restricted by the elders, Namikaze Minato was still growing in the gaps.

Being able to become a disciple of the Sannin from a common ninja, and being able to win over the person he likes since he was a child, Namikaze Minato's talent is reflected in all aspects.

The Yondaime didn't go to the Ninja School much for the time being, and it seemed that the Sandaime was more sensitive about this matter. It's just that the allocation for education is gradually increasing, and the assessment of teachers is more cautious.

This made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel particularly appropriate and felt that he had not chosen the wrong successor.

The Sandaime has not completely let go at this time. There is fear, reluctance, and a lot of desire to continue to contribute to Konoha.

Namikaze Minato fully took care of the senior Kage's mood, and often praised many of Hiruzen's strategies during his period.

Such as Medical Ninja, such as Will of Fire.

Therefore, the previous and later generations of Hokages get along very harmoniously, and with the support of the third generation, the time for him to obtain full authority is constantly advancing.

He did not radically reduce the rights of Koharu and Mito Katobu to sleep with each other, but slowly stripped them away.

Only Danzo cut it down in a drastic manner. All experimental plans related to tailed beasts were deleted, human experiments were directly shut down, and even many positions in the Shimura clan were taken down.

Danzo was furious and had no choice but to move outside at the risk of being robbed by that black hand.

He really couldn't defeat the current Hokage without much substantial support from the other three elders.

This kind of simple differentiated straight hair works very well, and it seems that Konoha is transitioning in a very stable manner.

When it comes to ability and emotional intelligence, he is truly at the forefront of all previous Hokages.

I also pay attention to walking around the village every time, and I can gain a lot of popularity every time, and it is also a very obvious move to promote civilian ninjas.

They did not have the constraints of the family behind them, so it was easier to choose to stand in line.

At least many of the Chuunin class are firmly following the Fourth Generation.

The large ninja clan kept getting closer to express their sincerity, but in a more reserved way. And Minato continued to accept their allegiance.

At this moment, he had already begun discussing with Fugaku, the leader of the Uchiha clan, about arranging candidates for the ANBU.

Is Shisui too young?

It doesn't matter. I have experienced the baptism of war and I believe in Shisui's ability.

Minato smiled while promoting the method of Uchiha integration. Directly reporting to ANBU was a sign of trust.

Fugaku also felt relieved, and Uchiha finally returned to the village.

Finally, the two briefly discussed the issue of caring for pregnant women.

The birth wave after the war is the same in Konoha. Kushina has been confirmed to be pregnant. The joy of this fact has put a smile on Minato's face recently.

The birth of new life.

When Fugaku walked out of the Hokage Tower, he happened to pass by Kakashi who had returned to hand in a mission.

It seems that the foreigner with the Sharingan is a little different.

Inside the Hokage's office.

Kakashi, is there anything different about Rain Country?

Updates have been unstable these days, so I apologize to everyone. I've been arranging a big plot recently, so it's a bit exhausting.

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