Konoha Village.

After the war, the village was extremely depressed. There was no cheer after victory in the village, only endless sadness.

More ninjas died in the battle than in the First Ninja War and the Second Ninja War combined.

Konoha's status has also begun to slip from the strongest ninja village. Although it is still the strongest in name, its deterrence has dropped by a different level.

The consequences of the close-at-home Battle of Platycodon Mountain affected every level.

Drunk ninjas in the middle of the night, twisted violent crimes, sobbing civilians, and the Uchiha clan on night watch, a depressive and restless atmosphere spread in the village.

Especially since there was a special cell outside the village that was holding the remaining ninjas of the Suna ninja. Hatred kept countless people awake.

After attending another memorial service, Sarutobi Hiruzen hunched over and slowly walked back to his Hokage Tower. The civilians on the road saw that he no longer had the same enthusiasm as before.

That cold look seemed to be an invisible question as to why he let his child go to the battlefield and why he lost.

The third generation also experienced some of Sakumo's feelings back then. Although it didn't reach the level of deliberately directed hatred, it already made Hiruzen feel cold in his heart.

Now that I think about it, White Fang's death was really a big mistake.

Back in the Hokage Tower, I smoked a cigarette alone, not using telescopes to observe the outside world.

It's also a kind of escape mentality. Ren Xiong's momentum has begun to decline.

He spit out a mouthful of thick fog and looked at the hazy candlelight outside, his eyes a little blurry.

This time there is a new beginning after the Ninja War, and everyone is drawn into a new pattern.

Victory can cover up everything, while failure can highlight contradictions.

Obviously the Suna Ninja was semi-successful. Although the village was burdened with high debts, the internal conflicts were cleared up, in a physical sense.

Anyway, they have always been the bottom Ninja Village, no matter how bad they are, they will never fall out of fifth place.

As a creditor and a nominal ally, Konoha cannot squeeze them desperately. The Sand Ninja's shoes are really gone.

Cloud Hidden Village was semi-successful. It lost its strongest third-generation Raikage but completed the overall replacement. The backbone and grassroots forces did not suffer much loss.

The Third Raikage made the same choice as the Second Hokage during the First Ninja War to save the village, but now he has preserved the most power.

AB group also got the most training in the war and grew up.

Kirigakure was semi-successful, and the biggest loss was the three-tailed Isobutsu, who would not be reborn again until a few years later.

And because the big turtle's hometown is in that lake, it's not hard to find, and he will eventually return to Kirigakure Village.

As for the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the biggest loss is their prestige. In terms of strength, as long as the Ninja Swords are not lost, this group can be reshaped at any time.

Because of being isolated overseas, some of the vitality was still maintained. Specifically referring to the fact that there are still many Bloodstained families.

Yanyin Village was a failure, and two wrong decisions ruined their next ten years.

The backbone masters were beaten to pieces by the Third Raikage, and the last remaining elite were sent away by the emergence of Namikaze Minato. It was simply a human tragedy.

A good Explosive Soldier Ninja Village now only has a few masters. Onoki was as frustrated as the Third Hokage at this moment.

Konoha also failed. The only ninja village that defeated was the Suna ninja, and the remaining three ninja villages were in a stalemate with no winner.

However, the second largest number of ninjas died, with the largest number being the Iwa ninja. But can Iwa Ninja's individual soldier quality be comparable to Konoha's?

Just like the Syrian cloning factory in Red Alert, can the unit price of American soldiers be the same? Konoha's investment in each ninja is the highest among all major ninja villages.

It is only by relying on large and strong strength that we can securely occupy the top spot. Of course, several of the chair legs have been kicked off now.

White Fang died before the war started, Orochimaru was already estranged, Jiraiya was planning to leave just after the war, Tsunade didn't even participate in the war, and only Namikaze Minato was his last comfort.

Namikaze Minato Namikaze Minato

He is a good boy, with a pure will of fire in his heart. Only a sunny person can lead the villagers out of the haze of war.

After he succeeds to the throne, he and a few elders will definitely be able to restore Konoha's vitality with proper assistance.

The old Hiruzen can only rely on this disciple. Konoha is really having a hard time now.

The third generation was not having a good time, and his disciples were not very comfortable either.

Orochimaru also just attended a memorial service. As the commander of the Iwa Ninja Front during the three wars, he also wanted to send farewell to his old subordinates.

At this time, he was walking on the street with a calm face, and the awe-inspiring looks and greetings on the road could no longer move his heartstrings.

Life is too fragile.

It's really ironic that something as boring as war is like a bunch of wild dogs fighting madly over poor bones.

Orochimaru, who has seen too many deaths, has almost found what he really wants to do, so he doesn't have much emotional feedback about the position of Hokage and everyone's respect and love.

When he walked to the door of his house, he spoke helplessly, and the emotional changes in his eyes flashed.

You idiot, how long are you going to follow me?

Ah hahahahaha, isn't this Orochimaru? What a coincidence.

Because he likes to live a quiet life, his home is far away from the bustling area of ​​the village. Only a brainless idiot like this can say this without any burden.


A big hand hugged Orochimaru's shoulder without any sense of boundaries, and the messy white hair fell on it.

You guys, why don't you invite me in to sit down? This makes me lose face.

Ignoring this bastard's tricks, Orochimaru calmly led Jiraiya to his reception room.

It's really your style, meticulous and rigorous. But there is no sense of life.

I don't need any breath of life, I just need to be able to do my own thing quietly.

After all, he couldn't bear the noise of this white-haired idiot, Orochimaru still spoke up and said something softly or harshly. This guy can always make his calm mood feel a little more troubled.

But this is probably one of the few bonds I have in Konoha Village.

Jiraiya spread himself out on the tatami without realizing it. Seeing the cold tea on the table, he warmed it with chakra and drank it without being particular.

At this time, Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya's palm and felt a little relieved.

Your fire attribute chakra is developing very quickly. It seems that war is really something that can make people progress.

When it comes to war, he is naturally silent. He dislikes war very much, and even seeks an even more illusory child of destiny in pursuit of illusory peace.

It's incredible for a ninja to focus on such uncertain things.

Placing your future on others is a lack of confidence in yourself.

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