Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1150 The preliminary cleaning begins

In Daming City, a discussion about the fate of the Rain Country began.

The daimyo and other nobles sat motionless. Four people from the Akatsuki organization and two people from the Rain Ninja Village were also present, and everything seemed like nothing happened.

Even the blood stains in the field have been cleaned up, and the air is exceptionally fresh.

Everyone is drinking and chatting in a harmonious atmosphere. What kind of farmland? Weren't we already agreed to let the ninja organization continue to manage it?

Later taxes were also mainly used to improve the domestic environment. Even in order to make the Kingdom of Rain better, the nobles actively contributed a lot of their property.

In order to show his strong support for the Rain Ninja Village, the Daimyo of the Country of Rain also wrote down many orders on the spot.

They gave the Ninja Village the authority and also gave up the commercial responsibilities.

Dai Ming said that I just like to live happily in Daming City and not go anywhere. I am happy here~~~

From now on, the Land of Rain will have to watch Hanzo-sama. Hahahahahaha.

Yes, yes, Hanzo-sama is the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Land of Rain.

While drinking and drinking, the half-hidden sansho fish seemed like a dream.

Is this the correct way to open a ninja? It felt a little refreshing to watch someone in authority who I had to treat respectfully in the past toast me.

Moreover, with great power in hand, the Kingdom of Rain has given it to him, and his ambitions have suddenly risen.

Why have these weak guys been allowed to ride on their heads for so many years? Hanzo's heart gradually changed in a slight panic.

These people are the worms of society, a class that should not exist in the first place.

When our reform is successful, these people will be sent to the gallows, so there is no emotion, Master Hanzo.

Noah looked a little distracted when he saw Hanzo the Sansho Fish, so he deliberately woke him up.

This is not a simple seizure of power by force, this is just a small step to change the world.

The feudal forces of the Rain Country are not even ranked among the ninja world, and they only have a few thousand people in total.

Noah only used such a simple and crude method for the safety of the base camp.

Now let's test the results of the control first. If any step is not done well, we can declare the beginning of the Fourth Ninja War.

Master Demigod Hanzo is challenging all the masters of the ninja world. The Akatsuki organization will sneak into the dark to help you take revenge.

Noah's words were like a bucket of cold water poured on Hanzo's head.

Yes, if this spreads out to Yu Ninja Village, the village will be declared extinct.

As for himself, he definitely can't run away. Who would believe that the idea and method of controlling the entire Kingdom of Rain are the Akatsuki organization formed by a few young people.

Ahem, what you said makes sense.

I also think it's not time to take it lightly, but do you really want to change the entire ninja world?

Hanzo feels like he just needs to stay inside the Kingdom of Rain to reform, and you can go outside to stir up trouble after he dies.

The ninja world has reached a point where it can't do anything without reform. The decadent world is already on the verge of collapse. At this time, heroes like you are needed to draw their swords and rise up.

As an organization that changes the world, we still need to broaden our horizons. Lord Hanzo is also the honorary leader of the Akatsuki organization. If you have any good suggestions, don’t hide them.

Of course, of course.

After a simple test, I feel that the effect of the illusion is average.

Except for the daimyo and a few big nobles who didn't seem to have any changes, the little nobles all felt a little disconnected.

It's just that there are a lot of frame drops in reactions and expressions, which is unnatural.

But it is still easy to hide it from ordinary people, just keep your past living habits.

As for those vassals, they no longer need illusions, they only need to rely on poison or profit.

Ninjas have very high control over ordinary people.

The genjutsu hints of the Rinnegan and the Sharingan only need to be replenished once in a while for ordinary people.

Especially since the Akatsuki organization also has a peripheral device that shares the Sharingan.

This level of trouble is nothing to a serious organization.

The pupil power of the Rinnegan is indeed relatively high, and it has a strong bonus to illusions. The Sharingan alone is not very effective in the eyes of outsiders.

It's very troublesome especially if you don't have high-end illusions on hand.

Yahiko was a little helpless, as none of him knew Uchiha's unique pupil technique or advanced illusion techniques.

Hanzo is a pure ninja from the Land of Rain. With how poor this country is, how can there be such a thing as advanced illusions?

The teachers of the Yahiko trio are very good, but it's a pity that Jiraiya's talent in genjutsu is not very good.

The only powerful illusion was activated by the two elders on Miaomu Mountain while in the celestial state.

The illusions in the village were the property of the village, so it was not easy for him to give them to Xiaonan and others. Therefore, his disciples naturally cannot learn any advanced illusion techniques.

Even within Konoha, many genjutsu are heirlooms.

An ordinary chuunin would only know a little family ninjutsu or C-level ninjutsu in addition to the three-level ninjutsu.

One is that the barriers to Ninjutsu are very high and the value is very expensive. Ordinary ninjas have no chance of contact.

You can redeem one only if your war or mission execution records meet the standards.

The second one is talent.

Low-level attribute ninjutsu can be slowly figured out as long as it matches your own chakra attributes, but even low-level genjutsu is difficult to practice without someone's guidance.

A poorly used genjutsu in battle is worse than a kunai, so genjutsu has been spread among several genjutsu ninja clans.

The various thresholds here have made several big bosses in the Country of Rain start to worry.

Noah didn't care. How could he not have advanced illusions?

You must know that although Aburame Ryoma does not have it in his soul, he does have it in his root tissue.

Even if the root tissue is hidden deep, Orochimaru must be there. These are no issues to worry about.

Okay, let's go back to Rain Ninja Village. I'll take care of the illusion issue.

Noah's words made everyone no longer worried. This person always has many magical ideas and methods, but he just doesn't know who will be unlucky next.

Hanzo sympathized with the next victim, after all, who would give a high-level genjutsu for free.

Finally, the finishing work was arranged, and this time the daimyo's feast came to an end.

The most trusted ninjas in Yu Ninja Village and the Akatsuki organization also received a new mission, a killing mission that had not appeared for a long time.

The filth of the Land of Rain is about to be washed away.

The daimyo still directed the country's operations from the inner city, and the nobles also returned to their respective territories.

The vassals received news that crushed them, and the fields were not recovered.

The daimyo was so confused that he handed over the management power to the group of ninjas organized by Akatsuki.

So what is the noble family? The loss of rights and interests is unacceptable to them.

Sir, although it is very inappropriate to say this, we cannot sit still and wait for death.

Yes, the daimyo is relying on those ninjas to deprive everyone of their property.

Although the land is still ours in name, even though a large part of the food of those untouchables still belongs to us.

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