Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1142 One Piece Extra 8 The Strong Men of the Old Era

In order to ease everyone's emotions, Noah told a few short stories related to his name. Among them, this symbol called ancient Hebrew was remembered by him.

This was also the reason why the new island was named Ark.

I really thought that Uncle Bucky accepted this task so easily. Didn't he discover an unknown secret?

The new treasure map, Noah’s symbol, is not simple~~~

That guy definitely prepared something amazing 10 years ago, and it was definitely something that could change the world.

Looking in the direction of the Ark, Bucky showed a crazy expression.

You are a little too young to fight with me, hahahahahahahaha.

The villain's laughter carried an unknown distance above the cloud river.

In the office of the World Parliament, Long also sneered.

The things Noah left behind are really suitable for you, Speaker Bucky.

He didn't know how many of these targeted little tricks he still had. Even if that guy left, he still left countless damaging moves.

Countless people have experienced the power of the revolutionary light in these ten years.

Open the communicator and dial.

Saab is back at the Ark on standby. There may be a sudden battle in the near future that requires mobile support.


Bring Luo and the others back together.

Is it that serious?

Probably more serious.

After hanging up the phone, Long looked at the map spread out on his desk in a daze.

There are many locations marked on it, and these locations are highly consistent with a certain guy's experience.

The other party seemed to be looking for something, I hope he was overthinking it.

After descending from the Yun River, the Emperor Bucky descended into the blue sea again.

Bucky's purpose is very clear. Since he is forming a team, the number of people cannot be too large and the combat power must be strong.

And we can't disturb those who have become ministers. The workload of that group of people every day is very huge and they can only be used as reinforcements and surprise troops.

So he only planned to find three people to help him. Yamato has already taken one of the spots.

The second young man to be captured must be his old friend - red-haired Shanks.

It's not okay for the guy who could barely be as famous as him back then to become a decadent old man. This time he has to save the red hair.

Being able to make this guy his subordinate was something that he had never accomplished back then. This time, with the order from the World Council, it was not something he could do easily.

In terms of strength and reliability, this guy is solid.

Bucky already has a vague premonition about the enemy this time. This bastard Shanks can really save lives.


Shanks, the world needs you!

Bucky. Speak human.

So the two guys hid in the corner and started whispering, and from time to time there was some laughter.

It doesn't look like he's talking about anything good.

Yamato looked at Uta with a little embarrassment. This scene looked too much like a bad friend came to the door and wanted to lead the little girl's father into a crime.

Well, my captain also used to be a good person. No, he is a good person now.

Suddenly the sound there became louder, and Bucky said enthusiastically.

Shanks, this time, do something big!

The little girl didn't say anything, she just looked at the two guys squatting there with a trashy look. By the way, Yamato also turned into a little hottie.

The red-haired man felt a headache after hearing Bucky's mission. It would be okay if he simply took a turn.

This is really a big thing to investigate. But such an adventure is so fun.

Damn it, Shanks suddenly yelled at his childhood friend loudly, as if the other person was some kind of heinous person.

“Bucky, I won’t go with you!

I want to spend time with my family at home. Who doesn't know that my red-haired Shanks said goodbye to the sea long ago after washing my hands in the golden basin!

Unless Uta allows it, I will never step out of Elegia until my death!

I said goodbye to the sea a long time ago, even Griffin is almost rusty!

Isn't it good to just let me grow old slowly on this island? Isn't it good!

Bucky was a little confused. If you don’t agree, you can’t agree. I can’t force him.

So what are you yelling about?

It's not you he's yelling at, it's me.

Uta was a little helpless, and his old father's eyes were almost burning.

It was the desire for the sea and the desire to fight.

Maybe cruising the sea and giving concerts with me is too boring.

I always hear him say nonsense that the storm is too small and even the head of the Sea King class is not refreshed.

As for Griffin, there is no way that a weapon that has been polished for several hours every day will rust.

Okay, stop acting, just go out with Uncle Bucky this time.



Ah!!!! No, that. Then I'm leaving.

The red-haired man said goodbye to Uta while packing his things.

I packed up two changes of clothes, put on my black windbreaker, plugged in my Griffin and packed it up. It took no more than 5 minutes in total.

Uta also understood the mood of her old father. This man who yearned for freedom had been with him on the island for so many years, and except for concerts, he had never ventured out much.

His heart has long been restless like a ferocious beast, and now even if the gryphon comes out of the cage, no one can stop him.

He sent blessings to his father.

Accompanied by Uta's singing, Red Hair went to sea to fight again 10 years later.

Hey, Bucky.


Who should I kill first?

Hey, Shanks! We are an investigation team, not a task force. Don't mess around. And we don't have all the people in the team yet.

Oh~~ Who else is missing?

A very troublesome character.

Kraikana Island.

The forest shrouded in thick fog and the eerie castle.

At this moment, Hawkeye is sitting in the castle practicing his swordsmanship as gracefully as he was 10 years ago.

The book that Noah left behind, a detailed introduction to swordsmanship from beginner to great swordsman, has been turned over countless times.

He is experiencing the essence of Noah's swordsmanship, and he is increasingly feeling the vast will as vast as the sea.

Is this really Kendo?

Mihawk's hard training was also stimulated by the other two swordsmen.

Starfire Sword Saint Guina and Frost Moon Taoist Sauron are all great swordsmen with the same reputation as him. In this era, there is no such title as the world's greatest swordsman.

The three of them fought many times without deciding the outcome. Living in this era is both happiness and despair for a swordsman.

Three mountains just blocked the path forward of thousands of swordsmen.

Mihawk's biggest motivation for practicing now comes from Kuina. Although Zoro's three-sword style is strong, he still uses traditional swordsmanship.

However, after Gu Yina took over the position of Minister of Education, Xinghuo Swordsmanship became more and more abnormal, and it has surpassed the other two great swordsmen in general.

Even as time goes by and she becomes stronger, that woman's strength is still on the rise.

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