Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1140 One Piece Extra 6 Believe in Bucky

The prisoners in Bucky's same cell didn't know what was going on, so they clapped wildly. They felt that this guy really had a charming personality, and he was so serious even when he was blowing water.

Sir Bucky, someone is here to bail you out, come out.

Bucky was a little confused, but he didn't expect someone to bail him out.

Could it be that old guy with red hair? That bastard has been living on that broken island since he found his daughter, and Jinpen washed his hands very thoroughly.

Even old friends rarely see each other. Is this sudden trip to sea for yourself?

By the way, does the redhead trapped in the family really have the money to pay bail? It is said that all his private money has been kept by his daughter.

Once, Beckman was given a drink, all paid for by Beckman, and he became a laughing stock in the entire circle.

Just as he was walking and preparing to laugh at the idiot, he was stopped by someone.


Although Bucky didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that he was a little afraid of her.

The feeling of seeing everything in those eyes made him feel like he was naked on top of an iceberg.

Even though the other person is smiling like a flower now, he looks small and even a little weak.

But the most terrifying woman in the New World Alliance is really not a rumor, her iron-blooded aura is a bit suffocating.

Lord Bucky, I was offended before.

Ahem, it's okay, it's okay. It's understandable that it's all work. Serve the sea~~ Hahahaha

Bucky is very considerate at the moment and reflects his excellent qualities as a person.

I did go a little too far this time, and the other party really didn't care about my status as the first-generation speaker and brought someone to arrest me.

At the same time, he also knew how he was released this time.

Yamato!~~~You are the most conscientious!

Bucky roared with great emotion, causing everyone to look here.

The shame of Yamato, who had passed the second year of middle school, finally took over. He covered half of his face and tried to prevent his old captain from being too embarrassed. Why did he still do such a bad thing at such an old age?

He even went to private property to dig for treasures, and even dug under the tomb of his former king.

It was impossible for the World Conference to ignore this kind of tomb robbing. In the end, Otohime led a team to arrest the person and resolve this sensitive matter.

How did I think that this guy Noah left me such a deceptive treasure map?

It took me 10 years to discover all the treasure maps. What was the result?

As a result, in terms of money, it was only worth 5 million Baileys, which was not enough to pay for the boat ride.

The last map is even more confusing! I was led into someone else's mausoleum and caught red-handed. Am I shameless?

Do you dare to believe that the world’s number one treasure hunter would be left in this wretched place to accept it?”

Yamato was speechless as he looked at the old captain who kept talking about his great achievements in front of everyone.

It's indeed quite shameless. If you want to lose face, you can't repeat black history in front of so many people.

Brother Bucky, let's talk about that while walking.

Bucky was picked up half-heartedly.

The Council Chamber of the New World Alliance?

Back at the door of a familiar place, Bucky stopped. He really didn't want to go in.

When I was elected as the first Speaker in a daze, I thought that my charm would conquer everyone, but it turned out that my identity was acceptable to all parties.

He can't do anything every day and can only sign and stamp people constantly. Everything is decided by those few people in meetings and has nothing to do with him as the president of the parliament.

After working for a few years, I couldn't bear the shameful life anymore. In the end, I passed it to Long before running away and continuing my Taobao career.

This life is so happy, no less than that of the second-generation adventure king Luffy.

Moreover, is there anything dangerous about pulling yourself back at this time?

Hmph, what do you want from me?

Putting on his former jersey, Bucky leaned back on the chair in high spirits.

You must know that as the first-generation parliament speaker, he really has no bonus in terms of momentum. Now he is like a prisoner, surrounded by everyone.

Need your help to save the world.

When Long gave Bucky the information about the disappearance of these three people, the clown who had always been unobtrusive immediately became serious.

You want me to lead a team to find these three missing people?

Everyone nodded together.


Are you crazy? Forget it, Lao Sha, Kizaru is so strong and slippery, who can make him disappear?

The empress's unreasonable petrification is almost impossible to solve. The escort team of fanatical fans can form a legion. What kind of strong person can catch them?

How could you let me go? Do you want to use this murderer's method to get rid of me, the first-generation Speaker?

Bucky was shocked after reading this. This is not looking for someone, this is looking for death.

Then I saw Long taking out dozens of parchment rolls from the drawer and giving them to Bucky.

Don't think that bribing me with these things will work. In terms of firm will, what is this?! How come there are so many treasure maps?

As the Speaker of the Parliament, I still have the ability to collect some treasure maps. The gathering of treasure maps from all over the world is just a matter of an order.

Bucky fell to his knees directly, feeling that he had missed out on countless millions.

How can it be repaired? You guy, do you really want to keep what you give me true?

In the end, Bucky succumbed to the treasure map and the threats of everyone.

Don't worry, we can dispatch at any time if you give us a call.

In addition to the solid backing, there is also an activity fund and blank transfer orders.

Bucky is in high spirits at the moment. Can he recruit anyone he wants to be his subordinate?

Most of the top combat forces in this sea can be mobilized, including me.

Long has given him a huge power, and this unconditional trust is really surprising.

Noah believes in you, and I believe in you.

Of course there are other people who don't serve in the New World Alliance and you have to convince them through your own abilities.

Bucky said no problem, just relying on our personal charm, we can form a super powerful investigation team in no time.

I even thought of a name, Super Bucket Team.

First of all, it is crucial to find a reliable younger brother.

Otherwise, he is very likely to fall into the miserable situation of being last in the team.

Is Yamato coming?


Although her status as the second Speaker of the Country of Wano is not the same as before, it is still exciting to be able to continue to navigate the sea with the old captain.

Even if it’s embarrassing, let’s just be embarrassed. He was already rusty in Wano Country. He picked up the mace and followed Bucky on the spot.

Is it really okay to leave it to him?

King Riku IV of Dressrosa asked curiously. Although the first Speaker was a legend, there were never rumors of his outstanding abilities. They were all anecdotes.


He knew who he was looking for and where to look.

Don't forget, he was rated as the most resourceful first generation speaker on the sea.

Bucky pulled out his King Bucky for the first time in a long time. After transformation by the science department, the ship has evolved from a traditional three-masted sailing ship to a new energy system.

Retro appearance and outstanding speed.

Boys, let's go! Target Elegia!

Accompanied by Bucky's loud voice standing on the mast, this ancient ship of the Four Emperors entered the sea again.

Not counting today, it will be over within 3 days, it’s stable.

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