Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1135 One Piece Extra 1 Ark

Haiyuan calendar year 1534.

Ten years have passed since the final battle of liberation.

The end of the war has given the world a different look.

At the center of the world where Mary Joa was originally located, a new continent was re-launched from the deep sea by the fish-men tribe as the office center of the World Parliament.

The island was finally named Ark by the first president of the New World Alliance.

Above the Ark is the headquarters of the World Parliament. There are meeting places for all races and countries. Anyone who meets the standards of civilization can join.

The entire building was built spontaneously by craftsmen from all over the world, and is full of colors and styles from all over the world.

Originally, Noah's head was to be engraved on the stone wall at the rear, but it was stopped by Long, the leader of the revolutionary army at the time, Kizaru, the navy marshal, and Robin.

Noah said not to leave behind any personality cult or engage in any formalism.

It doesn't matter even if the world forgets you, as long as you remember the world declaration.

No one could ignore such a clear order, so the special stone walls and the ever-extinguishing lighthouse became the symbols of the island.

The appearance of the Ark also officially represents the arrival of a new era.

The 13th class of graduates from the Resurrection Island in the South China Sea are receiving historical education in the center of the world. The person in charge of reception this year is the second-generation Minister of Education, Shuoyue Guina.

After Kuina became the world's number one female swordsman, she challenged both Hawkeye and Sauron, establishing her reputation as a first-tier swordsman.

After taking over the position of the second-generation Minister of Education, he continued to enhance his spark power by continuously leading the development of civilization and opening up the era of knowledge.

After becoming the Minister of Education, it is even more unfathomable. No one knows how terrifying Xinghuo Kendo has reached at this moment.

The New World Alliance pays close attention to the matter of historical education. The best talents must come here to understand the real history in depth.

Standing in front of a huge stone monument, countless young people were solemn and silent.

The stone tablet is embedded in the entire mountain, it is unknown how long it is, and it towers into the clouds.

There are no gorgeous decorations, great achievements, or even superfluous descriptions on this stone tablet. The top is a declaration of the world, and the bottom is just cold names.

This is the monument of heroes that you often see in your textbooks. Countless people with lofty ideals have sacrificed their lives to liberate the sea.

You came from the school on the Island of Resurrection. You should know that this place was actually built based on the West District Cemetery.

There were only so many corpses that could be collected in the final battle, so we erected a stone monument here.

Teacher Noah's name is at the 35486th. He said during his lifetime that he was just one of the ordinary revolutionaries, so when it was built, it was engraved here at the request of the first-generation Minister of Education.

Guina looked at this stone monument and explained it to these students countless times, but she did not feel bored. Every time she came here, she could draw on the nameless power.

As Minister of Education, she has the responsibility to set correct goals and ideals for the new generation.

And this job is already very easy. What the first-generation ministers and others have to face is the most tragic situation.

You must remember that our work is not yet completed, and the world still needs to be transformed by those who come after us.

The maritime revolutionaries before 1524 have learned enough in textbooks. Let me tell you what happened after the war.

The New World Alliance has never shied away from the real history. Whether it is glorious or ugly, it has been put out for people to comment on.

Freedom of speech is a kind of self-confidence, which is also one of the fruits of the success of the revolution.

Along with Guina's words, everyone was brought back to Marie Joa in 1524.

After the war, there was a void. Even though the Holy Land Mariejoia became a place where the four seas meet, it still did not wash away the bloody atmosphere.

The cruelty of the war makes many people break out in cold sweat when they recall it. Too many people never came back.

Not only the strong ones, but countless ordinary soldiers and one-winged angels also died in the battle.

Those who survived inherited the will of their fallen companions and continued to build this beautiful world.

Because they clearly know what their family and comrades have entrusted to them, which is the hope of survival.

In the end, the battleship groups from all over the world slowly dispersed under their respective commanders, leaving the fishmen and professional logistics personnel to handle the battlefield.

On top of the half-disabled Bika, representatives of the New World Alliance temporarily opened a meeting.

The process of how to transform the world after the war is still blank, and the sacrifice of the soul figure Noah left everyone at a loss.

It wasn't until three light balls fell from an unknown place into the hands of Robin, Kizaru, and Ryu that everyone felt a little calmer.

It turns out that the structure of the new alliance has been established through a certain person's decades of thinking, and it is only waiting for latecomers to continuously adjust it according to the sea.

Witnessed by the navy, the revolutionary army, and representatives from various countries around the world, the first generation of World Alliance Speaker was born.

The vigorous sea revolution has begun.

Ten years ago, the revolutionary army only completely liberated parts of the South China Sea and the other three seas. There are still large blank areas that have not been baptized by the red will.

Many armed forces have gathered together to try to resist this red wave and continue to dominate.

The liberation of productivity and the liberation of ideas are not complete. This is the current situation 10 years ago.

Finally, under the resolution of the hastily selected first-generation speaker, the power of the entire World Conference was unified and mobilized.

Taking the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army as arrows, they began to sweep across the world. Sabo Eschid and others stepped forward bravely, and the commander of the Fourth Army led a large force to begin cleaning the sea.

No one could stop him wherever he went, easily defeating the resistance of various armed forces.

At the same time, it also completed the first liberation of people's minds and spread the red will on the sea.

Let more people know what the purpose of the revolutionary army is, and that they can stand up completely as individuals.

The navy followed closely to stabilize local security. Peach Rabbit, Tea Pig, Smoker and others also showed their abilities and skills in this battle.

Compared with prominence in force, the navy pays more attention to the establishment and stability of order.

The two forces swept directly across the entire One Piece world in tandem, completely annihilating and suppressing all resistance to armed forces.

The process is bloody and cruel. The only remaining traces of evil from the power of the old era are those who risk their lives to protect their own bottom line.

The revolutionary army and navy still underestimated the power of those people to fight to the death. In order to keep his wealth from being completely wiped out like Nanhai, many unimaginable details were revealed.

It's a pity that the navy and the revolutionary army are all super ruthless people who have experienced hundreds of battles, and the little power they have organized can only cause some trouble.

In the end, he was crushed into the dregs of the times, and was only mentioned briefly in textbooks.

After more than a year of cleaning up, the New World Alliance achieved complete victory.

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