Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1127 The third generation felt a pain in his back


Danzo sat in the dark underground space and smashed the desk in front of him with a slap.

The top-secret information was flying in the sky and then rolled to the ground. No one cared about it. The owner of this office was no longer in the mood to care about it anymore.

Three days!

Aburame Ryoma had lost contact with him for three whole days.

Ever since the progress of the siege and killing of the Akatsuki organization was reported through necromancy before the mission in the Kingdom of Rain, there has been no contact with him again.

Based on the fundamental rigor, it is basically possible to report one day at a time, especially for such a sensitive task.

To some extent, it shows that Aburame Ryoma's group of people have completely lost contact.

At the same time, there was a second group of people who lost contact, making the information about this operation a complete mystery.

Because in addition to sending Aburame Ryoma's team, Danzo also secretly sent two monitors to monitor the outside. Even Ryoma who was performing the mission didn't know this.

Although he is controlled by the curse seal, he will not trust anyone at all.

It's just that this time a separate monitor was sent out and contact was lost. How is this possible?

Is the enemy too cautious? Or was it penetrated at the root?

If it's the latter, it's really a chilling thing. Every internal review of the intelligence agency is bloody.

What Danzo didn't expect was that the target of this design was a person who had been cautious for decades and three worlds.

These are the styles of doing things that are engraved in the bones, and the underlying methods are just like that in Noah's eyes.

If it was just a mission failure, Danzo wouldn't be so angry, but the annihilation of the entire army would be very unbearable.

This is a combat squadron composed of more than 20 elite ninjas.

Think about it, the 50-man vanguard force of Iwagakure Village penetrated Konoha's three lines of defense, and the combat power of the more than 20 people among him is not much different in terms of average ability.

Three jounin, five special jounin, and a dozen elite chuunin.

Secret techniques, blood stains, seal classes, tracking and exploration, etc. are very comprehensive, and the survivability is directly maximized.

The roots of such a team suffered an unprecedented blow.

The foundation established after Hiruzen Sarutobi inherited the position of the Third Hokage in the Second Ninja World War has never experienced such a tragic attrition. It can be said that the high-end power at his disposal was basically wiped out.

If you want to accumulate the same level of power, it will take at least ten years, and a large amount of resources will continue to be poured in.

Such a terrifying accumulation can be considered a strain even for the huge size of Konoha Village.

Danzo didn't even dare to send people to explore the enemy's information anymore. The terrifying abyss that could overwhelmingly solve everyone was not something that the root could handle. Unless Konoha sent a large force to find out the truth.

How can you explain this to Sarutobi Hiruzen?

The Roots are nominally an organization classified under the name ANBU. In other words, every ninja here is actually a resource for Konoha ANBU.

You've lost the strength of an elite squadron. If you don't give an explanation, you won't be able to get through this matter.

Relying on the credit for the bad things he did secretly for Konoha, people who want to die can line up from Hokage Rock to Mount Kikyo.

Although he hid a lot of his secret combat power in daily life, Aburame Ryoma and two other ninja couldn't hide it, and they were all registered with Hiruzen.

The opponent is not an old fool. How could such an elite ninja force that can change the situation of the battle not register.

Besides, without the reputation of the Third Hokage, Danzo had the reputation to go to the major ninja clans to select people.

Is it true that he has attracted so many people to follow him because of his personal charm? Why not select people from the ANBU to brainwash them first, and then finally give them a gift package of curse seals.

Especially the Aburame Ryoma who leads the team. The Aburame clan is one of the most cooperative ninja clans.

Danzo also paid a high price for this talent.

Its special secret skills and survivability are very difficult even for Danzo himself to deal with.

And this subordinate also knows many of his secrets.

In other words, it is called criminal evidence, as well as a large number of facts that a future Hokage should not do, etc.

That's why the opponent's body was engraved with various protective seals and suicide curses.

As a result, the other party never returned. The meaning of this is very deep. If the information is leaked.

no, I can not. The curse seal and Ryoma's will will not betray themselves.

But this doubt has been lingering in his mind.

Although I did the first Hokage's cell experiments, although I copied most of the Sealed Book, although I stole a lot of Konoha's funds, although I cultivated many secret forces of my own, although I


Ryoma, if you die, you will die. Don't mess around.

Danzo was particularly anxious at this moment.

But no matter how anxious he was, he still had to report to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

If there is an unknown enemy that is hostile to Konoha, Hiruzen must be warned to avoid being caught off guard by the enemy.

A small change at the end of the war will affect the overall situation.

Or you can go find an old friend to give yourself some information. If this matter is exposed, you will be finished.

Before sitting on the throne of Hokage, he might have to go to the gallows first.

completely annihilated?

Ahem, this is a possibility at present.

What a possibility.


boom! ! !

I'll beat you to death...¥ # ...¥%¥...%!!!

First, a desk flew out of the window, and then there was the roar of the Third Hokage and the sounds of fists and kicks.

The muffled sounds could tell that this was a fatal move.

Danzo didn't dare to fight back at first, but this guy got more and more energetic and started to fight back.

But when it came to close combat, he was no match for Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was still at the peak of his combat power, so he was severely beaten by fists as big as sandbags.

When Hiruzen stopped, Danzo had been beaten so hard that he almost lost his breath.

Even so, the three generations did not calm down.

It's like this again, being stabbed in the back by his friend again, this bastard doesn't feel at ease at all!

Aburame Ryoma's identity is equivalent to her own ANBU chief being captured by the enemy, and even the body is of great value.

What's more, many of Danzo's shameful things were carried out by the guards around him, which was really too dangerous for Konoha.

He wouldn't be so nervous even if Koharu and Mitomon went missing. The core of the root is really different.

Yes, he acquiesced in Danzo's various actions against the outside world, and these actions also helped Konoha delay the steps of enemies from other countries.

In this war, the village's ability to survive until this period of time is really a big contribution.

The ability to complete a mission regardless of death and under any circumstances has not been fully achieved even by ANBU.

However, at the most critical moment of the war, a mysterious and powerful enemy was provoked, ruining the strength of an elite squadron.

This grandson had hidden so much combat power and was sent away in one wave. If he had been placed on the battlefield of Platycodon Mountain, the outcome of the battle might have been decided.

Finally, the crisis of intelligence leakage is a major event that breaks the news.

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