Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1125 It’s actually a crushing game

It is full of familiar patterns, especially the word Explosion in the middle.

Trap?! Get out!

Aburame Ryoma was immediately shocked, and then decisively used her secret technique to leave the place.

Boom! ! !

There was a loud noise and fire suddenly appeared. Countless rubble flew, and the smoke of the explosion was dispersed by Hanzo's Water Release as soon as it rose.

Water escape. Great waterfall technique!

The huge waves, after absorbing the water from the Kingdom of Rain, directly washed away the place where the roots were. As a result, only broken limbs and dead people were left there.

Of the more than 20 elite members of the root team, only three jounin and five super-vigilant special jounin escaped after the explosion, and the remaining chunin were wiped out.

The abilities and experience of jounin are obvious to all. He belongs to the top class in the ninja village and can avoid unexpected things.

Special jounin is a level between jounin and chunin. Only ninjas with special skills in certain characteristics can be qualified.

In the original work, Nagato was injured by the detonating talisman because of his lack of combat experience and his caring mentality. At this time, Genbu was always vigilant.

It's just that before Danzo set off, he really didn't expect that the drama of the day of betrayal would be played out for Nebe.

Konan's detonating talisman was different from Hanzo's. Both of them were on-site sealing chakra techniques. Ryoma's caution and other ninja's secret techniques did not find these things.

The remaining elite chuunin were directly wiped out by Xiaonan's move.

The crispy ninja may not be able to resist even one detonating talisman, let alone dozens of them attached to his body.

Aburame Ryoma looked at the few people left behind and couldn't suppress the anger in her heart. How could she explain such battle losses to Danzo-sama?

These bosses were all tricked out step by step by me, sir. He used his dignity to get the resource permissions from Sarutobi Hiruzen's hands. This wave of vitality was completely seriously injured.

But the crisis has just begun, and Yu Ren's rebellion is a foregone conclusion.

Intelligence is the most critical now, and the losses cannot be expanded.

Ryoma pointed at Hanzo and shouted.

Sansho Hanzo, are you planning to start a war with our Konoha?

When he said this, the two jounin and five special jounin behind him immediately began to disperse.

This is the root's fighting qualities. Aburame Ryoma knew that the possibility of his escape was slim, so he made several combat gestures behind his back.

The remaining roots understood that they now needed to abandon this leader and leave the battlefield in their own way, trying every means to convey information to Konoha.

But it's too late.

The five special jounin were killed before they could run very far.

All things are attracted by heaven!

Nagato raised his hands to recall the two special jounin, and then Yahiko drew out his long chakra sword and positioned himself.

Water instant. Cut!

The rain accelerates in the medium, and the knife is drawn out the moment it passes sideways.

The sharp blade entwined with the water flow ignored the enemy's defensive ninjutsu and directly killed the two people, cutting them and their ninja tools in two.

This set of silky little coordination is their imitation of the AB brothers' combination skills.

Although it's just a simple way of sucking people in and cutting people, the timing of the coordination is very tacit, and it's a bit powerful.

The special jounin whose center of gravity was controlled tried to break free immediately but to no avail. He could only use ninja tools and ninjutsu to defend first. This was an instinctive reaction.

The quality of these ninjas is really high, and they can respond quickly to unknown ninjutsu.

But the long sword made of all chakra metal is really unreasonable, and the equipment party destroys the balance of the game.

Rainy weather and chakra metal can still increase Yahiko's water escape to a certain extent, so this water teleportation and instant kill move may be just an ordinary high-speed slash in the way of the sword, but its power is really difficult to resist.

There were also two special jounin who realized that they could not escape after seeing the power of the All-Seeing Tenyin and Muji's technique, so they simply went straight to Nagato's body.

The smoke bombs were used to hide the figure, one used the standard Konoha teleportation technique, and the other used the earth escape and heart decapitation technique.

One person covers and one person kills.

This is the standard ninja combat method. You need to use your brains and skills to complete the assassination. The kind of ninja who can only use amplified moves is the most despised!

Shinra. Tianzheng

boom! !

Nagato opened his eyes, and the chakra on his body opened wide in conjunction with the Rinnegan.

The ground, air, and rain were all pushed away by a powerful repulsive force, and the 360° attack without blind spots was extremely domineering.

The ground shattered directly, and the strong power was transmitted to the enemy.

The metal ninja tools and bones were shattered without any hindrance, the limbs were blasted into a ball of rotten flesh, and the ground was covered with blood.

Who said this move can't kill anyone? These two special jounin set an example for everyone.

Immediately afterwards, Yahiko and Konan stood in front of Nagato on guard, while Nagato used the newly developed Shura Dao ability to extract the enemy's soul to retrieve information.

The Seal of Tongue Abuse can seal mouths, but most of the forbidden techniques only work on the body, which gives the Akatsuki organization an opportunity.

The remaining special jounin was stopped by Noah.

Use your superb swordsmanship to fight with the opponent. There will be back and forth.

Basically, it's like I'll give you a sword in return for every ninjutsu you throw. As long as the root members don't use secret techniques or try to escape, Noah will not interrupt in advance.

But no matter how many tricks a ninja uses, he can't escape from his sword circle.

Although he was panting and weak, he was not slow at all in his attacks. It seemed that Noah had the combat power to be close to that of a Jonin at this moment.

During the battle, he showed the attitude of a seriously injured master.

It was not beyond Obito and Hanzo's expectations, because in their minds this man was a seriously injured swordsman.

The current display of such combat power has dispelled some of their suspicions and vigilance.

When the three disciples faced off against Aburame Ryoma, they all felt ashamed when they saw Noah's outstanding performance. The teacher's acting skills were really good.

Although the use is not that great, the disguise is carried out bit by bit.

In the end, the chuunin died in despair under the sword.

Since then, all five special jounin have been wiped out.

As for one of the Jonin, he was stopped by Sansho Hanzo.

Even the veteran strong men did not summon their signature Sansho Fish Toxin, but just used water escape to suppress the jounin, leaving him with nowhere to escape.

Hanzo's Water Release is still highly rated in the Book of Masters. Even if Konoha has a water release master like Tobirama, he has not belittled his ability. This also proves that the leader of the Rain Ninja Village is not just a poisoner. of.

Except for the Great Waterfall Technique at the beginning, the follow-up relies on the Instant Technique and the water escape technique that comes at hand to defeat the opponent without being able to lift his head.

He controlled the rhythm very calmly, and he also carefully observed the battle situation.

‘Those three young people from the Akatsuki organization are too powerful. Nagato’s eyes don’t know, right? ! ’

‘Noah, his swordsmanship is very strong, super strong, but his body is his weak point. Can be killed with a strong attack using a wide range of ninjutsu. ’

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