Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1115 The suddenly rich Akatsuki organization

The perfect product of yin and yang escape, you can poop without eating, it is an absolutely low energy consumption strategic weapon.

After Xiaobai heard that Noah had given him so many titles, his already pale face now exuded a dead air.

Just by listening to it, you can tell that the other party has absolutely no intention of using it as a human being.

So after simply saying hello to the three of them, I squatted outside in the drizzle and shut myself up.

Looking at the confused eyes of his disciples, Noah shrugged.

Xiaobai is a life-like body that is somewhat similar to plants, so he prefers rainwater. You don't have to worry about it.

Turning to look at Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai, please stay away, please?

not human!

With a whoosh, Xiaobai disappeared in front of everyone.

Nagato activates his perception ability, and his samsara eye should also pay attention to the abnormal fluctuations around him.

Noah himself opened his sword heart to sense the emotional fluctuations around him.

Xiaobai's position is different from ours, so don't let him know the particularly critical information in the future.


Then Noah introduced everyone to the weapons on the cart.

The three disciples' eyes lit up when they learned that this car was all made of chakra metal.

What an extravagant act this is. How could anyone use chakra metal to forge something like a Fuma Shuriken? And they made not one but three!

The long sword also has three or five handles. There are also weapons like sickles, chains, and hammers.

You must know that in the ninja world, chakra metal is sold by the gram. One gram is at least hundreds of thousands of taels and has no market price.

Many people make weapons by doping ordinary metal with some chakra metal to enhance conductivity.

But the wealthy Uchiha Madara uses pure chakra metal to forge these things. He is truly the most domineering leader of the Uchiha clan.

Of course, these are also the final smelting trophies of his many years of fighting in the north and south.

As the strongest person, it is natural to use the strongest weapon, even if it is for collection.

After all, these chakra metals were weaker than the Uchiha Uchiha fan made from the branches of sacred branches, and in the end they were all cheaper than Noah.

As the best accountant, Xiaonan simply calculated the total price of such a car of chakra metal, and even his eyes turned into the shape of money.

After hearing this, Yahiko's eyes were red, as if he had the Uchiha family's pinkeye disease.

As the leader of an organization, he understands the power of money all too well.

This is the power of rules hidden in human society.

The black robes on the car also attracted their attention.

The fabric, the handwork, and the weaving method make it look like priceless custom-made clothes.

Although it is not very fashionable, the price itself represents fashion.

If it could be altered, it would definitely be a high-end and luxurious piece of clothing. Xiao Nan couldn't put it down these black robes.

Teacher, are you really going to face a life-or-death crisis?

Yahiko was a little puzzled. This is not what you told me before you left, teacher.

It was very touching at the time.

Why are you not sure if you can come back? The future world belongs to you. Read a book well and take care of your two companions.

He really thought that there was a high probability that the teacher would never come back, because in the ninja world, saying such things meant carrying out a certain death mission.

As a result, the teacher came back alive and kicking, and also received a universal biological weapon, a car full of magical weapons made of chakra metal, and precious silk robes.

No matter how you look at it, you are visiting a super rich relative, or you have inherited an inheritance from a big boss.

Otherwise, how could you be so polite? When the teacher first came, he had nothing but the iron bars in his hands.

Not only Yahiko was confused, but Nagato and Konan were also confused.

Nagato knew that the teacher was most likely negotiating for the reincarnation eye.

But how could he get so much support from the other party? Is it settled or not? Did he kill his creditor and then rob him of his inheritance?

No wonder they think so, because there is a strong sense of separation between the plot foreshadowed by Noah and his current behavior.

Hehehe, please don't misunderstand me. It's just that Master Ban and I had a good chat, and he was willing to support this fund.

Of course, it's not easy for me to stop the other party's plan, so I can only cooperate appropriately.

Ahem, it is also part of our plan to make the whole world a better place by leveraging the other party's strength.

Afterwards, Noah told the three people about Uchiha Madara and the Eye of the Moon plan very calmly. Even Nagato's Rinnegan Eye was not hidden from Yahiko this time.

As a result, the child exploded and glared at Noah, then turned around and grabbed Nagato's collar.


Why didn't you tell me such an important thing? And you chose to bear it with Xiaonan and the teacher. Are you isolating me?

We are a family that shares life and death together! Don't forget that year.

Yahiko seemed to have turned on some switch and began to frantically spray out the uncomfortable emotions in his heart.

This is a good brother and family member who can give his life for, unexpectedly

No, it's just that your emotions are more extreme and emotional, and you will be taken advantage of by the enemy at this critical moment. That's why Nagato and I decided to hide it from you for the time being after discussing it.

Konan used a Senbon to pierce Yahiko's wrist acupuncture point, and released his grip on Nagato's collar.

If you don't let go, the table can be opened, okay?

Then Noah Nagato and Konan, who had a very good understanding of each other, began to bow and apologize to Yahiko. Their attitude made the kid so angry that he couldn't express his anger. He was so angry that he circled around the room.

You know, it's been really hard these days.

Worrying about this and that, it turns out that my best brother, my sister, and my most trusted teacher actually hid such an important thing from me.

The reincarnation eye does not belong to Nagato but to the guy named Uchiha Madara. This is such a terrifying thing. The conspiracy behind it can be said to be bigger than the sky.

As the leader of the Akatsuki organization, just thinking about it makes him realize the importance of Nagato and that the safety of himself and others is greatly threatened.

And the teacher went to the meeting alone for Nagato's eyes. Although it looked like a fruitful harvest, it must have been full of difficulties and obstacles, otherwise the teacher would not have said that before leaving, and left a lot of books.

He was frightened and angry at the same time. He was angry, sad, and felt the care of his family. In short, it was extremely complicated.

This is so hot. If you want to show off, you have no chance.

The three people's apologies were so sincere that Noah directly picked up a long knife made of chakra metal and handed it to him.

What a temptation this is for someone who has just started practicing swordsmanship. A famous sword worth over 100 million yuan feels really good, and even the handle is full of texture.

I think that Kuina even used Kikuichi Mononori Sect as a training tool to hone her inner mind, which shows the magic power of the divine weapon.

Xiaonan looked at him with tearful eyes, her big watery eyes filled with pure guilt, without any impurities.

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