Samurai were minor nobles, loyal to the daimyo to rule the world.

Then one day Chakra suddenly appeared in the world. Chakra is very adaptable.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it destroyed the Shinto system such as samurai and a small number of shrine maidens who mastered supernatural powers.

The emergence of extraordinary power completely collapsed the samurai era and transitioned to the ninja era.

But the relationship between upper and lower classes has always been preserved.

Later, the Immortal of Six Paths founded the Ninja Sect. It is a mythical history that you don’t need to take too seriously.

After more people mastered extraordinary power, there was a long period of melee in the world.

Ninjas inherited the position of samurai and continued to operate as tools of the ruling class. At the same time, they also fought and annexed each other as a unit between various ninja clans and villages.

This time spanned the first half of ninja history until two legendary people ended the troubled times.

They are Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara from the Land of Fire.

These two men suppressed all ninjas at that time with power beyond their time. And established Konoha Village, a military group that integrated ninja civilians and other things together.

In other places, their own villages were established to compete or learn, and the other four countries that could be compared with the Fire Country were also coordinated under the power of the first generation Kage.

As a result, the one-country-one-village system began to prevail in the ninja world.

The daimyo and nobles controlled resources and finances. Ninjas, on the other hand, control the force and theoretically obey orders from their superiors.

The two sides maintain a delicate balance, but in fact it is more about binding the people of this era with thousands of years of rules.

Ninjas, like samurai, are still in the status of tools in today's era.

The brief popularization of the history of the ninja world was an eye-opener for several people.

What Jiraiya originally said was that the Sage of Six Paths brought chakra, and then everything happened after the ninja appeared.

So it was also the first time that they knew that the ninja world had experienced so many things in such a long time.

In particular, daimyo and nobles have existed longer than ninjas.

At the same time, they also have some instinctive doubts.

Young people always ask questions that are outside the frame of mind of people who have experienced many things.

For example, why can a daimyo without power be the nominal master of this country?

Ideology and tradition. Sometimes they are more powerful than force.

This country may have been destroyed for many years, but those rotten ideas have been rooted in everyone's hearts. Even if they are extinguished for a while, they will resurrect.

The domestication of blood and culture for thousands of years can't be broken by people living in the era.

It allows a strong person who is capable of destroying heaven and earth to calmly communicate and dialogue with those who are just eating in the corpse position.

This is also a kind of power. Even the Six Paths Immortal has not cut off these thoughts. Maybe places outside this world are also entrenched by these things.

Everyone has even taken it for granted and thinks that this is how the world works. In a few years, you may not even think about this thing again.

And the people who think about this issue are aliens. Isn't it scary?

The secrets contained in Noah's narration made the three young people shudder. When I looked up, there was darkness all around.

When a light shines into darkness, it becomes sinful.

This is the answer given by Noah.

This teacher Noah, this.

Xiaonan felt cold all over. In fact, she thought about it the most among the three children.

What the Akatsuki organization is doing is trying to become that light.

It's okay, I just expanded it a little bit, let's continue the class.

With more than 20 years of educational experience in the pirate world, Noah's lectures are also eloquent and explain things in simple terms, using the most concise language to let the other party understand what he wants to say.

It only took half a day to explain the world in a straightforward manner using the framework and relationships of various forces.

After listening to this, Yahiko and others felt that their minds were suddenly opened. It turns out that the Land of Rain, the Land of Fire, and other countries are all very similar, with differences in strength and weakness.

This is something Jiraiya has never told them before, and he may be one of the strong people trapped in this framework.

Although Noah did not directly give the goal, this method of in-depth one or two sentences from time to time also opened up a landscape outside the world for these people.

Okay, that's it for today's lesson.

The three young people received too much new knowledge and needed to go back and absorb it.

Finally, Noah made a request. Although it was a bit troublesome to make this in the middle of the war, he still needed some paper and pen.

After all, not everyone can hear this knowledge, and there will always be distortion when it is transmitted through language.

Then the text needs a carrier to spread within this ninja world.

In fact, if we weren't in the middle and late stages of the Third World War, we would be in the most danger. He has more and easier ways to mobilize other forces in the world.

However, due to limited conditions, we can only start to influence these few people around us.

After that, he taught several lessons about the framework of the world, allowing these people to understand the true appearance of the world. Noah analyzed the country maps and briefly talked about some characteristics and products.

During this period, there were also many confrontations between countries and other positions, which made Yahiko admire him even more.

Teacher Noah's knowledge reserve is very huge. Do all scholars know so much?

How is it possible? Teacher Noah is special.

In Nagato's eyes, the teacher is a very mysterious person.

Even though he was dragging such a body, he didn't die. Although he had no chakra, his sense of danger was growing day by day.

And I always feel that the teacher knows the condition of my eyes.

The instincts of the Uzumaki clan are always so useful.

After a few days, Noah felt that his body was slowly recovering to a certain level, where he didn't have to worry about dying at any time.

And he also has the strength to swing a sword, which is enough. The sense of security in my heart is satisfied.

Even if the power of Haki cannot be used, Haki is just the embodiment of will.

As long as one's heart is not dead and one does not retreat, then it will not affect one's drawing of the sword. The realm of being a great swordsman is not that simple.

So, it's time to take action.

There was not much time left for him. According to Nagato, some surveillance auras had been found near the camp, but the target was not found.

Noah knew that it was Madara Uchiha or Black Zetsu who was trying to gather information.

Even though the three disciples trained by Jiraiya were far behind in knowledge and overall outlook, their overall strength was still very solid.

After years of fighting in the war and tempered by time, jounin has always been there.

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