Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1058 Noah reunites with the Street Lamp King again

Yuanzang Mountain.

The No. 1 spirit in Fuyuki City is sitting there. There is a huge hollow under Ryudou Temple, where the Holy Grail descended this time.

Jin Shiningshan and others were already waiting boredly in the temple.

There is an unknown existence crawling in the shadows around the temple. It exudes the smell of putrefaction and blood, and the bewitching will radiates into the sky all the time.

All the wild beasts and birds in the mountains and forests were attracted by this force and twisted into a ball of rotten flesh, and their blood flowed in this quiet place.

This is also one of the malicious intentions of human beings, which is the natural destruction of other lives.

Although it has not yet arrived, the little bit of black mud that has overflowed is no longer satisfied with this. The desire for destruction is extremely high.

But because of the presence of the Ancient King, the evil in this world that has not yet fully come to the world dare not be too unrestrained. There are also many purification-type Noble Phantasms named Gilgamesh.

The king's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, filled with anger.

Noah, you guy.

It turned out that Noah was not seen in his Noble Phantasm, but it was still the seven humans leading the five servants who dared to go upstream along the mountain gate of Ryudong Temple and go straight here.

This is simply treason! The opportunity given to them to live was so unappreciated.

The two black figures ran away like wild beasts, carrying deep malice and undisguised murderous intent.

Since Noah didn't feel sorry for that disciple, he could use the body of the red-haired boy as a declaration of war.

Jin Shanshan stood up from the main seat of Liudong Temple, and he was ready to go down. Those two losers alone couldn't deal with a few troublesome guys.

It seems that the combat power of those people has been strengthened to a certain extent, and they have turned into larger ants.

But as soon as he reached the door, he was locked by a wave of hostility, and a point of light streaked across the sky with a wild momentum and went straight to Liudong Temple.


The figure, which did not slow down at all, hit the rock hard, and huge smoke and shock waves covered the place.

The wind pressure dissipated, and the figure blocked the king's way with a red iron bar.

Jin Shining's expression immediately changed from anger to joy, and his eyes became bright.

You guys are finally here. Hum!

Well, I still didn't say the second half of the sentence. When facing Noah, some words were always restrained, which made the Ancient King particularly unhappy.

He no longer even had the right to call him a bastard, and the king felt that his dignity had been offended repeatedly.

Gilgamesh, long time no see.

What's with Noah's relaxed and cheerful tone? The king is furious.

Have you forgotten what you did?

Um, you mean the time I cut you in half in ten years?


Hmph! We'll talk about this later. Let me ask you what happened to the Street Lamp King?

Well, the king's bad temper made him unable to help but question this guy.

Everyone is a respectable person, but the habit of giving people nicknames behind their backs is really irritating, and they even gave them such an unpleasant name.

What’s wrong with liking glowing street lights? What's wrong! Is it wrong to find a location high enough and conspicuous in the wild mountains?

That's it

There are really some shortcomings. It's a bit embarrassing to have a blowjob behind my back and be exposed by my unsatisfied disciple.

So Noah decisively apologized and said that he would not give people nicknames easily in the future.

By the way, is the street light broken?

Jin Shining was decisively prepared to start a fight. Talking to this person was no different from being attacked by a Noble Phantasm.

This time the king was fully prepared. The power of the omniscient and omnipotent star had already locked onto the man in front of him and started to read the information.

As before, he couldn't see the real name or story other than the numerical value, but just the numerical value shocked him.

Why are there so many A++ and EX? There are also some data directly????.

What has this guy done in the past 10 years? Ten years really doesn't mean anything in the world view of the Ancient King.

But for pure humans, it is definitely different from 10 years ago. It took Noah 24 years to subvert the entire world. How could he not improve after a full 10 years now?

The most distinctive conceptual system and legend of the moon-shaped world, as well as the Heroic Spirit Seat, are all the goals of Noah's research.

Continuously strengthen your own concepts, from body to treasure phantom, there is no difference in improvement.

Compared to his strength, the things he has laid out in this world are more exaggerated.

Therefore, the king who saw the monster's full picture through the ability of the omniscient and omnipotent star felt tremendous pressure.

At this time, Noah seemed to sense something, so he smiled at Jin Shining and raised his hand with a domineering expression.

Gloomy dark clouds immediately pressed down on the top of Mount Enzo, violent red and black lightning flashed through it, and the entire top of the mountain was wrapped in a red domineering ocean current.

The terrifying spiritual power crushed the entire Liudong Temple into fine powder. Only the transcendent can exist here.

Seeing that the second battle between the Ancient King and Noah is about to begin.

And Gilgamesh has also opened his own king's treasure house, and various super-standard treasures are ready to be used.

But the fight still didn't start, because Noah calmly put Hedao Yiwen away in this environment, and then walked up to Jin Shining with overwhelming domineering power.

Do you still remember the banquet 10 years ago? Now there are only two of us left.

Jin Shining raised his eyebrows and took out the golden wine flask from the void, poured out two glasses of wine and handed them to Noah.

This is a man worthy of his full attention and seriousness, and he is naturally qualified to drink with him.

To be honest, I haven't asked you yet, Noah, what do you want to do when you come to this world?

The Ancient King is a very willful person. He came to this world just to have fun and to rule and modify the world at will.

Noah rarely talks about these things, but he only knows that this guy is on the side of mankind and has more restraining power than restraining power.

Saving some regrets. And leaving behind the fire that ignited the world.

I wonder if your future vision can see the real future? But the things this world will encounter will be beyond everyone's imagination. Humanity has to face many disasters.

But I can't stand this kind of thing, so I need to leave a little bit of self-protection power to this world.

Noah was serious about what he said, but Gilgamesh couldn't understand it.

It's such a boring life to be busy with those uncertain things.

The aloof king expressed his own understanding. It seemed that no human being would think of this during the Uruk period.

Even the gods didn't care. I didn't expect that the human heroes of later generations would do this.

So have humans become better, or are gods just a collection of desires?

Boring? No, I am the person who once set the whole world on fire.

Noah shrugged and said something that only a villain would say.

Gilgamesh, if we fight here, the evil in this world will take the opportunity to escape.

So what? I don't care at all, and as long as I kill you earlier, I can easily erase this disgusting thing.

The erasure you are talking about means using Ea to completely eliminate this island from the world?


The lives of hundreds of millions of human beings were used as bargaining chips between the two of them.

And Jin Shining was already impatient. He drank the wine in one gulp and crushed the glass before starting a real showdown with this man.

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