Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1056 The plug-in is obtained

The white-haired heroic spirit looked at this hateful bastard's eyes that showed no fear at all and felt upset and depressed.

The determination you just made was immediately shaken, or do you understand yourself?

Okay. Don't die early.

Red A, who didn't know what he had gone through, agreed to this request. And put down Emiya Shirou.

The people on the side were a little confused, but it would be good to be able to resolve internal conflicts.

What about the rest?

Rin also agreed to the plan. If that shiny golden thing can't be killed, then she will never be the winner of this battle.

As for the relationship between her servant and Emiya Shirou, she also had some guesses.

I'll join in too.

Sakura looked at Tohsaka Rin with a smile on her face. This was her own decision.

This feeling of togetherness made her feel very fresh and unique. Whether it was the painful experiences she had as a child or her subsequent experience in Guanbuzi City with Teacher Chengzi, she was unfamiliar with such emotions, but she yearned for them.

Needless to say, Illya will definitely fight with Shirou. And berserker definitely wants revenge.

The two masters who lost their servants will definitely join in. They originally wanted to send their servants back to the Throne of Heroes, but now it seems that there is still a chance to capture them.

I have a way to help you.

Medea spoke.

[Wanfu must break the precept]

This magic weapon is the embodiment of the demonic goddess of betrayal.

It can break all magic spells of the target that is stabbed with the blade. The objects that can break the precept are objects that have been strengthened by magic, contracts based on magic, or life forms that are born using magic. Can reset them to the state they were in before the magic was used.

It's not that this weapon can cut off contact, nor is it nonsense.

I was so embarrassed by the shining golden treasure before, how could I let that guy go.

Those were tragic memories that Medea didn't want to think of, and the vengeful witch naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity to let the aloof king taste the feeling of being betrayed by his subordinates.

Suddenly there was an atmosphere of unity.

Very good, Shirou.

The sound came, and a space door appeared inside the Tree of Omniscience.

Noah came over with Aozaki Orange. The violent sword energy on his body made people feel frightened, as if he had just experienced some kind of battle.

There was just a wave of fighting in the underground ruins of the Albion Labyrinth, and Noah's joining almost destroyed the entire ruins.

A Kagemusha who single-handedly killed Hatres, the former head of the modern magic department, and his servant Iskandar, and a magician from the Age of Gods.

He also defeated the current Demon Marshal in the title decision and made a rule that the Clock Tower is not allowed to invade Fuyuki City. The woman from Bartholomew was so angry that she almost lost her mind and sought death.

You must know that Noah almost had a chance to kill the noble guy. If the gem man hadn't suddenly appeared, the clock tower would have been in disaster.

There is still something good about the magician, especially the second method which is really hard to kill.

In the days before the War of the Holy Grail, he had completely cleared away the final touches in this world, and now there was only one last thing left to deal with.

Gilgamesh. This guy is really haunted.

Even Noah felt a headache when talking about this guy. The last duel between the two of them would have almost been praised if it weren't for the particularity of World Declaration for EA and the blessing of his own concept.

The Oblivious Sword is too outrageous, and that guy does have too many uncertainties as a heroic spirit template.

It seems that there is another task this time, which is to send this golden sparkle back to the Throne of Heroes again.

Saber nodded when she saw Noah, they were old acquaintances.

She had great faith in this guy's strategic ability and combat prowess. Before he got his body, he had organized several large-scale battles by relying solely on his wisdom. The interlocking strategies were impressive.

But Noah also brought bad news.

Teacher, can't you take action in the early stage?

Yes, Gilgamesh still relies on you, Shirou, to fight.

Noah's words surprised everyone, relying on Shirou to fight? What do you think? Disciple doesn’t want it anymore?

There was no way, that Jin Shining destroyed several nodes that were set up in advance in Fuyuki City. After all, the opponent also had A-level skills refined from the battlefield.

In the end, the troops had to be divided into two groups. Noah and Orange went to purify the Great Holy Grail, while Shirou and others went to deal with the Ancient King.

During this period, the evil in this world may riot at any time and needs the power of lights to suppress it, and the magic power that has been gathered for 60 years also needs a channel to vent.

Alas, that black mud has not been idle in the past 10 years.

It was really troublesome that a collection of evil thoughts with only a weak influence actually gained a stronger consciousness after being burned by Noah's flames.

At this time, he casually threw a card to Shirou.

Research results of the clock tower, class card.

Use your own body as a medium to replace the heroic spirit on the seat with your own body.

I feel like this is more suitable for you, so I bought one.

In fact, this thing is very famous. It can not only replace the holy relic but also be used to sign a contract. It is directly connected to the Great Holy Grail.

It is a product of the parallel world that the gem man brought out in order to make Noah put down his murderous intention. The clock tower of this era is a masterpiece that has not been researched.

The reason why I take it out now is that it is time to give my disciples the last support.

Because there is also one of the best special training personnel already in place and ready to take action at any time.

Noah said this and looked at Red A.

How about your war starts today, otherwise you may not have a chance.

The atmosphere was so solemn that no one could have imagined that it would be Noah who suggested starting a civil war.

Rin somewhat understood, but somewhat didn't understand, and asked why Shirou was asked to fight his servants now, or was it necessary to fight?

As a result, Noah gave a very profound answer.

Guardian is Archer's identity.

They have been summoned in countless eras and prevented countless human worlds from being destroyed.

It exists only to eliminate the destruction caused by human desires. He made a pact with the world to save humanity and became a hero.

As compensation, after his death, he encountered the self-destruction of mankind endlessly.

The one who was supposed to be summoned as a heroic spirit to save the world was forever given the fate of dealing with the sins of mankind.

Even after death, he still ends up being endlessly betrayed by the ideals he upheld.

It's a sad fate, so I won't try to reconcile them, let's just have a fight. Let the sword speak.

Shirou and Red A looked at each other and agreed happily. They both understood their respective intentions.

Although I still dislike you very much, you are indeed a very special person who didn't stop me from doing anything.

Heroic Spirit Emiya thanked Noah very seriously. No matter what the other party's purpose is, this process is what you want.

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