Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1043 Projection and Taoist Words!

Chapter 1043 Projection. Hedao Yizi!

Both sides of the battlefield were in a very unfavorable situation, allowing Bazett and Kallen to finally see what the Holy Grail War was.

Now there are two ways to break the situation.

One is to use the command spell to strengthen Assassin's combat power, and then use the Noble Phantasm ability to take away this strange 'ordinary person' with one shot.

The second one is that Bazett also stepped in to assist. As a Bajiquan master, he is also a top practitioner. In terms of combat ability, he is naturally also good.

Besides, there is also the ancestral backlight sword. Once activated, it will definitely hit before the opponent. The principle is to twist the cause and effect and change one's attack to come absolutely first, which means that the order of spells can be changed. This sword is capable of canceling any attack since the one knocked down first has no chance to counterattack. It can be described as the ultimate greeting gift.

So she took action during a gap, and was slapped in the face just like her followers.

It definitely came first and was blocked casually. The red-haired boy didn't even feel how powerful the blow was.

Shirou, who had fallen into a special fighting state, had completely begun to sublimate his swordsmanship. The crystallization of so many years of magic and swordsmanship was heading towards the transcendent realm in this deadly battle.

Although it cannot be compared with someone with superb martial arts skills like the Queen of Shadows, it can still be regarded as embarking on this path.

Noah, who was hiding his breath in mid-air and watching the battle below, smiled. He was a disciple with some talent.

Assassin is just right as a stepping stone, so just let this guy go.

But if he could work harder, Shirou would still have a barrier to break through.

Little did he know that the young Emiya, whose teacher was still watching the battle in the sky, was getting stronger and stronger with his sword, and he slowly kept up with the heroic spirit's rhythm. From just resisting to trying to fight back.

Bazett, who couldn't even defeat the effect of the Noble Phantasm, had no choice but to return to Kallen.

The two gangs started a desperate fight in this courtyard.

Even though the young man's sword could not withstand the force and broke in repeated confrontations, it seemed that he could still fight for another day and night.

In the end, Kallen had no choice but to let Assassin launch the Noble Phantasm attack. Because the peripheral familiars have detected the arrival of the new Master and Servants.

Hassan took a deep look at the red-haired boy and pulled away.

Perhaps the only strong man he had ever seen who could rival the heroic spirits was about to perish.

There is a reason for the name Hassan. He used the arms of the demon Shaitan, which was born from the ancient spells of the Middle East, and fused them into his own arms. Its ability is specialized in cursing others.

Reflect the target of the murder in the mirror, and then use the Ether block to create a dual existence that is exactly the same as the target of the murder from its reflected existence.

The dual existence has the property of resonating with the real thing. If the dual existence is hurt, the real thing will be hurt in the same way.

This is a sense-like spell, and it can be said to be extremely advanced.

By scratching the simulated heart of the object thus created, the object will appear to be unharmed and die with only the heart being destroyed.

In the original book, the demigod Cu Chulainn died from this move, and his heart was eaten away.

When the ancient spell was activated, an ominous atmosphere began to spread in the courtyard, and black shadows covered the space.

The girl Illya who tried to help Emiya Shirou was restrained by Bazett and Karen's long-range magic and was unable to free her hands.

At the same time, berserker was also held captive by the spearmen, determined not to let the other side take a step beyond him.

It's already a shame not to have fought. If the other party ruins the turn of the war, then he, the son of light, will just shoot himself.

The light of red and black magic flashed on the hand of Satan that cursed Hassan.

The eyes under the skull mask looking at the Emiya boy were filled with foretellings of death.

Delusional heart sounds!

In the unknown dimension, the black arm is moving through it and digging towards the enemy's heart. Just a little touch is enough to end everything.

The aura of death enveloped the Emiya boy. But his intuition was astonishing, and he was not that afraid, nor did he show any delay due to the murderous intent and curse.

Because I have experienced this kind of thing countless times in this month, and the despair called the evil of this world is even worse than it.

As for death, the young man could only smile.

Now you just need to calm down and feel everything around you, and bring all awareness into your own soul.

Saw it! That arm of cursed cries and sounds of disgust.

But the broken weapon was a little weak, so he threw it away.

He raised his hands above his head, resisting the headache, and accelerated the rotation of the magic circuit to project, leaving only the last obstacle before the limit.

Someone once said that disproportionate magic will only destroy itself, and Shirou Emiya knew the truth of this statement very well at this moment.

The blood in the body is constantly flowing, sending a warning that the body is about to collapse. The accumulation of excessive load will inevitably crush the body. There is a feeling that the internal organs are melting internally in an extremely miserable way, rushing to the nerves.

It seems that this man will collapse before his delusional heartbeat can be wiped out. He is using power that he cannot control at all, and it is also power that exceeds the limit.

The weapon was so clear in his memory. Whether it was the suspicion of seeing it for the first time or the pain of being cut into his flesh and blood for the first time, the young man could not forget it.

The projection begins, the creative concept is identified, the basic skeleton is conceived, the composition materials are copied, the production techniques are imitated, the growth experience is shared, and the accumulated years are reproduced.


The most familiar weapon in my memory, a unique sword that has been cut through from body to soul.

【Wado 1st Word】

Grade: B+

Category: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm

Maximum Capture: EX

The handle and scabbard are white, simple and plain. The blade is made of gray-black iron bars and both sides are unopened, making people wonder if it is a sword.

But when it is poured into it with enthusiasm and all-out will, red domineering energy will come to the world.

As the revolutionary light of a generation, the sidearm has accompanied the other party all over the world, experienced countless wars, and witnessed countless struggles.

An edgeless sword that was once destroyed by the gods and then reforged by the power of humanity.

Properties: Indestructible. After blessing the world declaration, everything can be cut off.

The red domineering energy emerged on the body of the young Emiya boy. Although it was weak, there were still bits of flames wrapping around the sword body.

This is knowledge that comes from the depths of the Tree of Omniscientness, but at this moment it turns into flames and appears in the world.

It turns out that the teacher has passed on his power to me a long time ago.

The sword in the hands of the enlightened young man becomes more realistic.

Noah laughed loudly when he saw this scene. Sure enough, he had left traces in this world, and this boy would inherit his thoughts and keep going.

But what is this, a third generation light?

The red-haired boy is resolutely aiming at the invisible curse at this moment. Even if he is a heroic spirit, he will kill him for you to see!


There was a loud bang. Flames and black gas exploded on the spot.

The ear-piercing wail echoed through the battlefield in the void, attracting everyone's attention.

The young man was completely knocked away by a huge force in the void. Blood burst out from his body and fell into the distant warehouse. The projection sword in his hand was also shattered.

It seems to be defeated.

But Hassan, the Cursed Wrist, watched painfully as his Satanic Hand fell into an eerie silence. There was actually a sword mark left on it. The killing of the Noble Phantasm Liberation failed unexpectedly.

How can this be! ! That's just human! Just human!

Then the heroic spirit suddenly began to tremble, and the arm of the demon god Shaitano began to twist in pain, and the curse power inside was wailing.

There is fire burning above the small wound, using the power of black curse as fuel, and the flames even try to enter the interior to cause crazy destruction.

Natural enemy!

In fear, Hassan hurriedly used all his magic power to temporarily seal the arm.

[Delusional heart sounds. sealed]

Fortunately, the power of the flames is not that strong yet, but the name of the cursed wrist is out of the question in this Holy Grail War.

His own standing has been severely damaged, and even the assassin who is rational and has little emotion cannot accept it.

So Assassin turned into a black line and ran towards the warehouse, vowing to kill the human who had been severely injured and was on the verge of death.

But no one noticed that the palace guard who was struggling to get up in the warehouse just felt a stabbing pain in his right arm.

A summoning magic circle appeared behind him. The blood is in it, including the entire young man, who is also on the magic circle.

The holy relic has been prepared for a long time, it is the imaginary thing in Shirou's body - the ideal land of independence from the world!

The person who descended in the dazzling light was the King of Britain, Arturia Pendragon.

The blond girl once again responded to the Holy Grail's call and came to fulfill her wish.

Under the moonlight.

Let me ask, are you my master?

Time reappears, and the girl at this moment still doesn't know that the entanglement between the two in a certain timeline will last for a long, long time.


The furious Hassan, the Cursed Arm, broke open the warehouse and interrupted this classic scene. The assassin who came in shrank his pupils. Is this the aura of a servant? ! !

Looking at his sealed arm and the strongest sword level

is it necessary?

With Hassan's mentality, he wanted to question the boy who was half lying on the ground pretending to be weak.

Just forget it because you fought so bravely with me just now, forget it when you slashed me with broken bones and blood all over my body, and forget it later when you summoned the hand of Satan who didn't know what sealed me.

Now you want to summon Saber to kill me?

Why didn't you reveal your identity as Master from the beginning? Why didn't you let Saber kill me from the beginning?

Why? ! ! ! !

Unwilling to give in, Assassin fell into madness and ran out with a roar.

No matter how much he loses his mind, he can't kill him head-on. He is an assassin, not some blue spearman who proposes a murder plan and then gets beaten up.

Although his fate is worse. They are all lucky E~~~

The violent sword energy behind him chased him crazily, and the sweeping wind carried the armored King of Knights into the air.

Saber absolutely cannot accept that her master was bullied like this, and a good-looking young man who looked a bit good-looking was chopped up like this. What kind of twisted human nature is this?

She, the King of Britain would not allow it!

The blonde girl carried the invisible sword and chased Assassin from the warehouse to the open space, beating Assassin until he was rolling on the ground like a dead dog.

After a few seconds, Emiya saw the curse mark on his hand and realized that he had become the seventh Master.

He shook his head, he was still too weak. He still needs heroic spirits to save himself.

But Teacher Noah, are you so strong?

Compared with his own teacher, this Assassin's sense of oppression is negligible. Even the Saber that came out later did not give the boy that sense of helpless oppression and despair. Isn't it abnormal?

A little confused, he stood up with difficulty and walked towards Illya.

Although the injuries on his body at this moment were unimaginably tragic, compared to the injuries he suffered while practicing in hell, he actually felt relaxed.

This is the inexplicable scene that Tohsaka Rin and Hong A saw when they arrived.

It seems that except for the red-haired kid who is about to die, we don't need to take action anymore. Rin.

I originally planned to brush it off, but then I felt that this kind of novel was not my style. I still plan to give Young Man Lang, the inheritor, some strength so that I can leave with peace of mind after solving the time travel problem.

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