Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 1041 The boy who sees through everything

The sword is like a black rock, like a hurricane.

With such a huge body and such a huge sword, Berserker's sword swing speed surpasses that of a spearman.

The repeated attacks were just constant tapping, rough swordsmanship without any skills, but that was enough.

If there is overwhelming power and speed, there is no room for skill to intervene.

Techniques were devised by humans to make up for shortcomings, and shortcomings did not exist in this giant beast.

Finally, a huge black foot kicked Cu Chulainn's little face. The blue figure rolled countless times in the courtyard and plowed the ground for a long time before stopping.


This is the release of fighting spirit mixed with magic power. Cu Chulainn shook off the dirt and grass clippings from his body and regained his stance.

Slap in the face.!!!

You are all demigods, why don’t you save any face for others! My descendants are watching!

Thinking about the heroic words before departure and the coquettish appearance at the beginning. The spearman's face was bloodshot.


Suddenly, there was a surge of magic power in the body, and various attributes also increased by a small level.

Is this the Command Seal being consumed?

Looking back, Bazett saw that the situation was not good and decisively used the authority to temporarily improve the attributes of the servant.

Cu Chulainn didn't know if he was the first servant to be strengthened by the Command Seal in the Fifth Holy Grail War, but it was really embarrassing.


Ireland's Son of Light decided to use his unparalleled spear skills to kill his opponents.

Madness is all about trading sanity for stronger strength and endurance, but the loss of sanity represents a decline in skill.

Therefore, as long as you suppress the opponent's level with unparalleled spear skills, and with the bonus of increased strength and endurance, you can kill the opponent without injury and save face.

Come again!!

Red gun shadows flashed around Berserker. Either block, hold, or tie. A spear in the hands of a spearman is as graceful as a swimming dragon.

Blossoming gun flowers bloomed in the void, blooming countless sparks.

That was the result of Hercules' skin being swept by the gun wind. The rhythm of one shot after another was very terrifying.

Different from the original work, Cu Chulainn's true combat power began to show off without the restrictions of Kotomine Kirei's command spell.

Judging from the scene, the Lancer suppressed the Berserker at this moment.

Looking at it, Illya is a little worried that her servant will not lose, right? I even thought about using command spells.

At this time Emiya Shirou said calmly.

Don't worry, berserker currently has the advantage.

The spearmen on the field also felt this way, because even if the opponent was so crazy that they seemed to be dancing wildly, they still integrated mature martial arts into the limbs of their bodies even when they lost their minds.

That huge nameless ax sword has countless profound martial arts skills, and it is almost instinctively improving its combat power.

Even during the stage of madness, he still had an inner eye. He must have been an unparalleled master of martial arts during his lifetime.

And his body is unimaginably strong.

The spear in his hand is not an unknown person. Any blow has the power of a low-end Noble Phantasm.

But hitting this guy was like hitting the hardest rock. Ordinary sword, air and gun winds cannot damage the skin at all.

So what seemed to be a stabbing to the opponent was an innocuous skin injury, and the key killer weapon was all blocked by the opponent's heavy ax and sword.

Even the rebound made his hands holding the gun feel numb. The counterattacks from time to time made me even more frightened.

The opponent is definitely not an ordinary demigod, but has a very powerful legendary bonus from human society, otherwise it would be impossible to have no flaws to this extent.

But with the arrow on the string, Cu Chulainn offered to duel with the opponent's servant. At this time, it was too late to change his strategy.

And out of the demigod's pride, he would not release the Noble Phantasm even if the other party had no intention of releasing the Noble Phantasm.

Speeding up again, the spearmen turned into endless afterimages and surrounded the black giant, with loud clanging noises roaring in the night sky.

Watching this, Bazett had an unknown premonition in his heart.

My ancestor seemed to have selected the strongest heroic spirit. Although the battle between the two servants could no longer be seen clearly, the gap could be sensed from the changes in position and aura.

Damn it, Kallen, it's time to take action!

Just as the two servants there were engaged in a thrilling mythical battle, a layer of mist enveloped the interior of Emiya's mansion.

At the same time, this strange mist also divided the battlefield between the two servants and the space on the Master's side.

At this time Hassan started to act under Karen's urging.

Although his power mainly comes from physical skills, changing the geographical environment is only the most basic operation for an assassin.

The young Emiya drew his sword and stood in front of Illya. The thin body was as firm as a mountain at the moment.

Strengthen, start.

The operation of magic power is as natural as eating and drinking. The power that has been honed for thousands of years has been implemented throughout the young man's body and weapons.

At the same time, the intuition in his mind was maximized, and the nearby space could be seen at a glance.

Illya, get ready.

The girl immediately started to activate the magic dress of Heaven. Gorgeous holy clothing is displayed around the body for final protection.

At the same time, he summoned his own self-discipline, the Demon White Stork Knight, to stop in mid-air for warning.

The brother in front of her inexplicably provided her with a lot of courage at this moment.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Two dark red daggers flew towards the white-haired girl from the mist. This is Assassin's weapon Dirk.

A short sword originating from Scotland. The daggers thrown by his ability have roughly the same destructive power as bullets. If it were a human being, he would inevitably die on the spot.

Hassan Sabah himself is not a strong servant, and his statistics are relatively average.

The advantage of his combat ability lies in his secret surprise attack, but his disadvantage lies in his lack of frontal combat ability. Hassan will wait for the opportunity.

Out of the assassin's premonition, Cursed Wrist Hassan always felt that the red-haired young man was too calm, as if he had experienced countless vicissitudes of life at a young age.

These daggers that can be automatically recycled are the most suitable weapons on standby. Even if the target is a human, he will not relax.

The dense fog can cover up the flight path of the weapon and the slight fluctuation of magic power. It is an attack method that assassins are more proud of.

Clang, clang!

Without even looking at it, the boy from the Emiya side struck back with his sword and cut off the two daggers.

? !

Ordinary humans actually blocked their own attacks, it was abnormal! Did you activate some special gift?

Keep testing. Several more daggers flew out.

But no matter how unexpected and magical the angle is, even the superimposed and arced flight trajectories are useless.

The young man in the thick fog seemed to be able to penetrate everything, and in one step he chopped down all these daggers around Illya.

After being shot down by his own attacks twice in a row, Assassin realized that this boy might not be normal. So I prepared to test it out in person.

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